Feminine opinion: slender athletic men are better than chubby


Men less women care about their appearance, including the figure. Apparently they believe that they can like in any form. The portal "Women's Opinion" decided to find out which men are more attractive to women of the beautiful half of humanity.

There was practically no disagreement on this issue, and 75% of Russian women answered that they like slender men with a sporty type of figure: fit, lean, moderately muscular. Special attention was paid to the growth of representatives of the strong half of Russians, as an integral part of the figure as a whole. As it turned out during the survey, women like men above average height with minimal body fat. By the way, the opinion that ladies prefer pumped men is not confirmed. "I love when a man is lean, not fat, but not thin. All muscles are perfectly outlined: hands, abs, pectoral muscles - even study anatomy," - explained the women but added that excess muscle often pushes rather than attracts. Men with the appearance of bodybuilders even scare women.

The remaining 25% thought that there was no one dearer than solid men. For these ladies, male growth also had not the last value and was considered ideal if it was above average. "I like tall, dense constitution, but not fat, men," the ladies shared their opinions. The general opinion can be expressed in such words: "I love high and dense. A man should be healthy, but not fat, of course, everything in moderation."

As for all the other men, the Russian beauties also did not hesitate to express their feminine opinion: “Small, plump and fat — everyone on an uninhabited island, let them fall in love with themselves”. That's it. In vain our men do not watch their figure.

The conclusion suggests itself: for any man it is better to have a dumbbell in his hands than a beer mug in front of the TV.

3190 people took part in the survey. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 117 cities of Russia.


maria 05/14/2016
I have a friend of a woman all my life screaming I like slender and fell in love with a powder man and a woman like a bed for like one but at life we ​​all fall in love with a man so that the selyavi are silly girls imalchishki.


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