Cheesecakes in the oven - step by step recipes and basic technological principles. Step-by-step recipes for cheese cakes in the oven and more!


The ancestors of the Slavs did not even know what options for making cottage cheese pancakes would appear in modern cuisine. This dish is simple and homemade and does not leave anyone indifferent, because the housewives continue to come up with new recipes for cheesecakes: in the oven and in a pan, with chocolate, raisins or poppy seeds, with caraway seeds and many other unusual additives.

And all this is an abundance of x recipes of cheesecakes - in the spirit of the best traditions of Slavic cuisine - in the heat, with the heat. Although, to be honest, the dish is also known under other names, because its main ingredient is cottage cheese, and people learned how to cook this product as soon as they managed to tame mammals. But about the "next of kin" cheesecakes in other national cuisines, read the step-by-step recipes.

Step-by-step recipes for cheese cakes in the oven - basic technological principles

The main component of syrniki, cottage cheese (Staroslav. - cheese), German and Indian curd balls - cottage cheese.

All recipes for cottage cheese pancakes use the properties of this product, which form the basis of taste and help form cakes, balls or cheese sticks. Supplement to this component can now serve, practically, any products, so the imagination of home-cooks has no limits.

Traditional cottage cheese pancakes and cheesecakes are associated with sweet pastries, but the home cooking of the East Slavic peoples, like world culinary, is constantly evolving. Now among the step-by-step recipes of cheesecakes you can find not only cheese pancakes cooked in the oven or in a pan with raisins or other fruits, but also with all kinds of fillings from meat products, vegetables, with the addition of hot and spicy spices. It turns out unusually and very tasty. Each hostess is a technologist herself.

But, for starters, you need to deal with the basic recipe. It often happens that cheesecakes do not hold shape, spread out in a pan or in uniform. When you try to make them more elastic and lush with flour or semolina, the taste of the main component - cottage cheese - is lost. Such syrniki are more reminiscent of ordinary pancakes. The content of flour in cheesecakes should not exceed a tenth of the total mass of cottage cheese - this is the main requirement for the dish, because they are cheesecakes, the taste of cottage cheese should be dominant.

Flour in the dough just serves as a fastening element, thanks to the gluten contained in it. There are many recipes that use other types of flour, such as oatmeal. It should be borne in mind that it does not have enough gluten, so that the dough for cheesecakes is viscous and well formed. Use starch in such cases, combining it with flour, but do not forget that flour mixes are mainly used for deboning processed foods. So that the curd does not have to be abundantly sprinkled with flour, and it retains its shape, pay attention to its quality:

If the curd contains a large amount of whey, then do not rush to add more flour or semolina to the cheese dough. Such cottage cheese must be pressed to reduce its moisture. How to do this, read below, in the section "Step-by-step recipes for cheese cakes in the oven - useful tips."

The next important technological moment: to make the dough for cheesecakes flexible and homogeneous, cottage cheese must be ground through a fine sieve or interrupt with a blender. Especially this stage should be given attention when you are going to bake cheese cakes with filling. Cheesecakes are formed by hands, dropping them in flour, corn or oatmeal, on the work surface.

The number of eggs added is determined according to the weight and humidity of the curd. The standard humidity of cottage cheese is 65-80%. With a minimum humidity of cottage cheese per 0.5 kg of mass, one egg is added (the average weight of a table egg is 45-50 g). Only yolks can be used for kneading dough: in this case, the finished products have a beautiful yellow color.

Dough for cheesecakes It should be ductile, not crumble, easy to sculpt and the formation of semi-finished products. After adding eggs and flour, it must be thoroughly mixed and left for a while. During the proofing, the flour will swell, having absorbed part of the moisture, and the egg, milk and vegetable proteins will bind together, forming a homogeneous mass.

Adding all the other ingredients to the dough for cheesecakes is a matter of taste, and does not present any difficulties. Cheesecakes are baked in the oven and in the pan; There are recipes for making cheese balls for a couple, but baking in the oven gives your favorite cottage cheese a particularly pleasant aroma.

A step-by-step recipe for classic cheese cakes in the oven with sour cream


Curd 18% 950 g

2 eggs

Wheat flour 120 g

Sugar 60 g


Creamy - 70 g

Vegetable - to lubricate the mold

Salt to taste


1. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve. You can use a blender to grind it to a pasty consistency.

2. It is more convenient to knead the dough in the combine using special nozzles so that the kneading process is not tedious. Turn on the first speed and add butter, sugar.

Butter will give cheesecakes a pleasant and delicate taste, so you should not exclude this ingredient from the cheesecake recipes when baking in the oven, even if enough fat cottage cheese is used for their preparation.

Salt is always needed in sweet dough, even in the smallest, almost imperceptible, quantities. Its contrast with sugar will improve the taste of cottage cheese.

One piece of advice on adding sugar: tastes, of course, are different and they don’t argue about, but with a lot of sugar in the dough, cheese cakes baked in the oven may be too fried on top, but not baked inside. Sugar, as you know, has the property of caramelizing, and this happens to it much earlier than the excess moisture has time to evaporate from inside the cheesecakes when they are baked. In addition, when sugar is added to fermented milk products, its interaction with fermented milk microorganisms instantly begins. This biological reaction turns cottage cheese into a very loose and watery mass, which violates the plasticity of the dough.

Therefore, if you want to add more sugar, then sprinkle the cottage cheese pancakes with powder when serving.

3. Add the eggs, one at a time. If necessary, reduce the number of eggs. It is important that the dough remains dense enough and balls can be formed from it.

4. Pour the flour onto a work surface. Spread the dough on it with a tablespoon and roll the balls. So that the dough does not stick to your hands, grease your palms with oil, or moisten in cold water.

5. Cover the baking sheet with parchment greased with vegetable oil. Spread semi-finished products on it, keeping a distance of 1 cm between them. Press the cheese balls lightly with your palm, forming round flat cakes directly on the baking sheet. This can be done on the desktop, but balls are more convenient to carry.

6. Preheat the oven to 200-210 ° C. Do not place convenience foods in an unheated oven. The surface of the cheesecakes should be baked, as soon as possible, to form a dense crust on the outside. Then the products will turn out juicy and magnificent. If they warm up gradually, then moisture and fat will flow out of the syrniki.

7. Bake until golden brown, about 20-25 minutes. When the surface of the cheesecakes is sufficiently browned, you can reduce the temperature in the oven to an average level.

8. Turn off the oven. Put the cheesecakes on the dish. If desired, they can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or served with sour cream, garnish with berries or jam.

In the recipe for a classic dough for cheese cakes baked in the oven, you can make some changes.

• Top the dough with raisins, dried apricots or other dried fruits. For the specified amount of dough, prepare 180 g of washed and dried raisins. Boil dried berries with boiling water is not necessary. During baking, they will absorb moisture - as much as needed.

• Break the chocolate bar into equal pieces of 25-30 g. When forming cheese balls, wrap the pieces in the dough prepared according to the recipe described above. Bake cheese cakes in the oven. This is another step by step recipe.

• The next option is without sweet additives. Clear 0.5 kg of sausages from the film, and divide each of them in half. Exclude sugar from the classic recipe for cheese dough in the oven, and instead add dried paprika, green onion, and spices to taste.

• Wrap the pieces of sausages in the dough and bake in the oven, as usual. You can use whole sausages, wrapping one half in cheese dough, and cut into the second half with a sharp knife not 8 thin strips. When baking cheese cakes in the oven, the strips of sausages will fry and curl up - it will be very similar to small octopuses, and the children will like it.

• You can "reformat" the Indian recipe for cheesecakes. Make round balls of the size of a walnut from cheese dough, steam them, and then put them in the prepared baking dish, in one or two layers, pouring them with sour cream or creamy fruit sauce. Bake at 200 ° C for 8-10 minutes.

• Cheesecake pie will look interesting if you fry them first in a pan, and then put them in a mold, shifting layers with fruit or ham, pouring sour cream sauce.

• If the dough for cheesecakes turns out, nevertheless, liquid, despite all efforts, and it is too late to correct the curd - do not get discouraged and do not get lost. Almost all culinary discoveries were made precisely at those moments when the cook was mistaken. Take the baskets (you can use disposable, foil), and fill them with a liquidish dough for cheesecakes. Put a surprise filling in each mold: a cherry, a nut, a coin (just wrap it with foil!). Bake cheesecakes, like regular muffins, and then arrange a rally at the table.

Step-by-step recipes for cheese cakes in the oven - useful tips

If the cottage cheese for cheese cakes is too wet, then:

  • Pour fresh whole milk into the pan, add 2 mg of calcium chloride (5%) - it is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription; need one ampoule. Heat the milk to 30-35 ° C, and put the cottage cheese in it. Stir the milk mass and warm it until the whey begins to separate. Make sure that the temperature does not rise above 45 ° C during heating.
  • Remove from heat, cool the mass and fold through a sieve mounted on a pallet. After 5-6 hours, the thick cottage cheese will be ready - you can start cooking cheesecakes.

The same technique will help remove excess acid from the curd.

Often in wet cottage cheese for syrniki add not flour, but semolina. This is the way out, only combining the semolina with cottage cheese, let the dough stand so that the cereal swells well. After this, the dough must be thoroughly mixed.

Fat cottage cheese contains less moisture and there is no need to add flour to it. The dough for syrniki from such cottage cheese is kneaded only on egg yolks, which contain less water than proteins.


Watch the video: The physics of baking (July 2024).