Peas and their Turkish counterpart chickpeas: useful or harmful? The healing effect of peas on the body, the benefits and harms of Turkish peas


Green peas are not only delicious.

It contains such a vitamin composition that it can be safely put on a par with potatoes and meat.

This bean has the right to be present not only at the festive table, but also to be consumed daily.

In the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of the East, Africa and Europe did just that.

Peas with its useful properties was an integral ingredient in the preparation of soups, puddings, casseroles and all kinds of stews.

They even fried it with salt and pepper and ate it like an appetizer.

When pea canning technology reached production scale, it became available green and fresh year-round.

Vitamin set of peas and its benefits for the body

In 100 g freshly picked peas 81 kcal, 5.4 g of protein, 14.5 g of carbohydrates, 0.4 g of fat (and in some varieties there is no fat content at all) and a sea of ​​vitamins and minerals:

• A - good vision, strong immunity, active growth and development;

• B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 - healthy nervous system, clean skin;

• C - persistent protective functions of the body;

• Potassium - strong cardiac and muscle muscles;

• Magnesium - a persistent nervous system;

• Iron - optimal oxygen saturation of the blood and its transportation to all cells of the body;

• Phosphorus - strong bones, nervous system and good brain function;

• Calcium - beautiful teeth, strong bones, a healthy cardiovascular system;

• Zinc - good memory, smell, vision, taste. The normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Sugar Pea Varieties

Unripe peas of sugar varieties are eaten along with pods. This is the whole benefit of the bean. Collect it 10 days after flowering. Then the peas are still very small, and the pod itself is tender and sweet.

On the 15th day after flowering in the green bush, already coarsened pods are collected, inside of which there are ripened, but still very tender, juicy and sweet peas. Although they have a lower sugar content than unripe shoots.

The longer the peas ripen, the less sugar and more starches in it. Controlling the maturity of peas, its beneficial properties for the body are controlled.

Brain Varieties

Brain peas are very good for your health. They are most often used for preservation and salads. During heat treatment, the vitamin concentration of brain peas decreases. Therefore, if it is added to soups or other hot dishes, then only at the final stage of preparation.


Such a variety of peas is collected only after its full ripening. Pods are not used, but peas themselves are great for making soups and nutritious high-calorie cereals. It can be found on sale, either whole or chopped or even grated in flour. This pea variety is not only nutritious, but also very healthy.

How to choose a good pea

Buying fresh peas in the season of its flowering and ripening, it is best to just try it. The softer and sweeter it is, the more it benefits the body.

When buying canned peas, you need to pay attention to the composition. It should not be indicated nothing but fresh peas, water, salt and sugar. Presence of a preservative suggests that such peas are unsuitable for safe eating. You should also inspect the bank itself. If it is even a little swollen, it means that the peas in it are gone, and it will only do harm.

They say that whole and chopped dry peas should be soaked for a day, before cooking. And if the bean does not fall apart, then it is unsuitable for food. But this does not apply to all varieties. In addition, varying degrees of maturity can also affect richness. Most housewives do not like to pre-soak peas, and begin to cook it immediately, after thoroughly washing it. Then it boils much faster. The whole secret of preliminary soaked peas lies in the fact that after it enters the digestive system, it does not cause bloating and flatulence.

How to store peas

Peas are most beneficial for health if eaten immediately after harvest. But there are several rules that will help to preserve the useful properties of peas for a long time.

If freshly picked peas are not eaten immediately, then they should be put in the refrigerator. At a temperature of 2-4 degrees, it will be stored up to 3 days. Then it will begin to lose vitamins and minerals and deteriorate.

A good way to preserve green peas with all its benefits to the body is to conservation. In this form, it can be stored for about 2 years in a cool dark place.

The best option for long-term storage of fresh peas is their quick freeze. So he will retain all his benefits. An important point is that then preliminary defrosting is not necessary. When cooking, frozen peas are immediately added to the cooking dish.

Dry peas should be stored in a tightly closed glass jar. If you add a pinch of salt to the bottom, this will prevent the cereal from clogging up and prevent the appearance of bugs.

Pea harm

The only harm that peas can do to the body is an increase in flatulence in those who already suffer from it. In case of digestive disorders, peas should not be eaten.

Otherwise, provided a clean and fresh product, peas bring only health benefits.


In tropical and subtropical Asia, peas called chickpeas grow. Here, 90% of all chickpeas grow on plantations. To a lesser extent, the productivity of this pea can boast of Africa and America.

Chickpeas can now be found in any supermarket at an affordable price. Turkish chickpeas are different from our peas high calorie content - in 100 g 364 kcal. But the presence of vitamins and minerals in it is almost the same:

• BUT;

• B6, B12;


• D;

• Folic acid;

• Potassium;

• Sodium;

• Iron;

• Magnesium;

• Calcium;

• Zinc;

• Sugar.

The stems, pods and leaves contain acid identical to malic and sorrel.

The taste and benefits of chickpea

Far East residents have long been fond of Turkish bean. Israel makes famous pasta hummus. The taste of this pea is really incredible and somewhat reminds a nut. And if a person does not suffer from flatulence or disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and is also not ill with a bladder ulcer, then pea chickpeas have every right to occupy a worthy place in their diet.

Chickpeas are of great benefit to the body:

• Charges it with energy;

• Is a generous source of protein;

• Increases hemoglobin level in case of anemia;

• Controls blood sugar;

• Relieves cholesterol;

• Strengthens the heart and nervous system.

The secrets of choosing and storing chickpeas

When choosing chickpea peas you need to look at grain integrity. Most often, light yellow chickpeas are found. But there are also varieties with black coloration, green, red and brown. Each pea should be dry and smooth.

Keeping Turkish peas so that it retains its beneficial properties for the body is simple. To do this, it is placed in a glass vacuum jar and put in a dark place.

Eating Turkish Peas for Health Benefits

From chickpea and with its use they prepare any dishes familiar to our population: soups, cereals, stews.

Especially useful sprouted chickpeas. Germinating it is very simple. You need to take a half cup of peas, rinse thoroughly with water, drain and leave in a closed jar for 12 hours. After this time, sprouts will appear. If the sprouts are few or want to make more already shown, you need to rinse again, drain and leave for the same time in the same form. Salads and hummus can be made from sprouted chickpeas. But you can just eat such grains. They taste incredibly good. And most importantly, they are very useful.

Peas in cosmetology

Cosmetology did not pass by and peas.

Cleansing the face, getting rid of rashes and bruises, smoothing wrinkles, getting rid of tumors on the joints of the fingers and boils, moisturizing and strengthening the hair - all this will come to the aid of a simple pea.

In addition, it is able to normalize brain nutrition, thereby enhancing its activity.

Peas and chickpeas are able to give both health and beauty:

• In order for the skin to be clean and radiant, you need to eat 1 teaspoon of pea flour 3 times a day. This normalizes the metabolic processes of the body and removes toxins from it.

• If you make masks from pea flour and sour cream within a month, you can get rid of wrinkles;

• The favorite masks of girls in ancient Rome were applications on the face with gruel from crushed green peas. Through the pores, peas nourish the skin, giving it its beneficial properties;

• By applying henna to your hair to strengthen it, you can add a tablespoon of pea flour. This will produce a nourishing firming effect;

• A warm mixture of flour and milk, applied to a scar or scar and aged for an hour, will help get rid of these imperfections on the skin. Regular use is required;

• Eating a teaspoon of pea flour 3-4 times a day, it is guaranteed that you can normalize nutrition, and thereby the work of the brain, increase concentration and mental processes;

• Atherosclerosis will go away if you eat pea flour, fried in a pan in a dry form;

• Poultice pulp poultices will remove external tumors. Boils also dissolve from such compresses;

• As a remedy for heartburn - before eating a tablespoon of pea flour;

• Green unripe peas are an excellent remedy for ulcers on the skin, acne, eczema and even bruises. It is only necessary to knead green young peas in porridge and apply to the affected area.

Even with external use, peas and their Turkish counterpart chickpeas give the human body their beneficial properties.


Watch the video: Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Common Diseases with Diet (May 2024).