Three servings of these vegetables replace the solarium daily


The use of three servings of vegetables and fruits daily, including kiwi, carrots and cabbage, gives the skin a natural look and completely replaces a visit to the solarium. Interestingly, the effect can be seen already after six weeks. That is the conclusion reached by scientists from the University of St. Andrews.

The experts gathered a group of volunteers and analyzed how the diet affects skin color. Pictures of respondents were taken before testing and after it. As it turned out, the consumption of fruits and vegetables caused the skin color to become more natural, in other words - it was getting dark.

Research leader Dr. Ross Whitehead is convinced that fruits and vegetables are an excellent and safe substitute for a tanning bed. In addition, after six weeks of a similar diet, people looked much better and more attractive. This fact was proved by the second experiment. Participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of people from photographs. As a result, positive reviews were received by people who differed "healthy complexion."

The effect of "sunburn" create carotenoids - nutrients that are responsible for the color of fruits and vegetables. Carotenoids are found in all segments of human skin, even in the retina. Currently, science knows several hundred carotenoids, and the most studied of them are lycopene and beta-carotene.


Watch the video: HSN. Andrew Lessman Your Vitamins - 01 PM (June 2024).