100 women left lying on the street after surgery


In eastern India, West Bengal, a scandal erupted in a government clinic. Having operated on more than a hundred patients in one day, two doctors took them to a field near the hospital and left them lying there directly on the ground, as there were not enough places in the hospital.

This happened on February 5th, on Tuesday. The shocking footage taken by reporters of the Indian news site captures dozens of women lying in a field after a painful procedure on the ground. Many women were still under the influence of anesthesia. Lying on the ground, they came to their senses in front of passers-by, and there were many of them.

A special camp was organized in the hospital to implement the state program for voluntary sterilization. But there were not enough places in the hospital - only 60, 30 for women and the same for men.
The rules established that doctors should conduct no more than 25 operations per day.

Local authorized bodies began a check on the fact of a glaring event. A medical institution whose employees have already received an official warning will most likely be sanctioned for breaking the rules and conducting such a huge number of operations to sterilize women - more than 100 in one day.


Watch the video: A teenager's journey through weight loss surgery (June 2024).