Useful properties of cans on the back and their possible harm to the body. Banks on the back: health benefits: treatment and prevention


Despite numerous contraindications, treatment with banks on the back has become widespread due to the effectiveness and cheapness of this procedure.

This technique is based on the simple laws of physics and has been used for a long time: the useful properties of cans on the back favorably affect the human body, strengthening the immune system and stimulating the work of internal organs.

Banks on the back: how to use, types

Banks are placed on the back to relieve inflammatory processes, eliminate pain syndromes and increase immunity.

Medical cans mounted on the back apply two types: glass and with a cylinder of polymer material.

The principle of operation is the same: a vacuum is created inside the can, due to which it is sucked to the body. Due to the pressure that the bank creates, blood circulation and lymph movement are accelerated. The strength of the effect is so great that the processes are activated not only in the skin, but also in tissues located much deeper.

Despite the same properties, use varies. The installation of glass jars requires accuracy, clarity of execution and preliminary preparation. Cans made of polymeric materials are somewhat inferior to glass ones in terms of force of impact, however, it is much easier to use.

Banks on the back: features of the procedure

In medicine, banks are used exclusively in areas with a dense muscle layer, among which the back is very popular.

For glass jar treatment you will need alcohol tincture (vodka, cologne or other combustible agent), matches, cream or petroleum jelly, a small container, a blanket and cans directly.

Consider the process step by step:

1. The patient lies on his stomach so that the one who puts the cans comes up on the right side. A warm blanket is laid next to it.

2. To lubricate the back, a layer of cotton wool is wound on tweezers or a stick of a suitable size. Note that the winding of cotton begins from the edge of the stick and moves to its center. Vata begins to be wound freely, but advancing from the edge, gradually thickens. It is important to firmly fix the cotton so that it does not come off.

3. The back is smeared with a thin layer of cream.

4. Two tablespoons of alcoholic infusion are poured into the prepared container, into which a cotton swab is lowered. When the cotton is soaked, it is gently squeezed against the wall of the container.

5. At a safe distance, the alcoholized stick with cotton is ignited, shaken twice above the floor so that the burning mixture does not get on the patient's skin.

Make sure that the patient's hair does not suffer, it is better to additionally cover them before the procedure.

6. With a burning stick, oxygen is burned out of the cans and creates negative pressure in them so that the cans themselves do not heat up. To do this, the can is taken with the left hand upside down, held at an angle of 45º (in no case in a horizontal position). The burning wand is slowly inserted inward, after which it abruptly pulls aside, and the can is placed on the back with the left hand. The effect of the procedure depends on the speed of installation of the cans.

7. When all the cans are delivered, the stick is gently extinguished.

8. The patient is covered with a warm blanket for fifteen minutes. If the banks are delivered correctly, they themselves will not fall off.

9. To remove the cans from the back, the can is taken in the right hand, and the left is pressed onto the skin. When air enters the can, it can be easily removed.

10. The back is rubbed with cotton.

11. Banks are cleaned with a dry cloth after the procedure.

Please note that when installing glass jars, it is unacceptable to use gasoline, kerosene and other flammable mixtures as a combustible mixture.

Features of the use of cans of polymeric materials not so complicated: they do not require fire and preliminary training.

1. Massage oil is applied to the back.

2. The polymer can is compressed in a fist so that the air is completely out and placed on the back of the patient.

3. After the end of the procedure for removing the polymer can, it is compressed in a fist, after which it is easily removed.

4. The back is wiped with a cotton swab or napkin.

5. The patient lies under a warm blanket for half an hour, so that the cans on the back bring great benefits to the body.

Cans on the back: what are the benefits for the body?

The healing positive effect of cans is related to the principle of their work. Sucking to the body, the bank enhances blood flow to the area that it covers, due to this, the cells of the body are updated, blood circulation is stimulated and metabolism is normalized.

Pain relief

Banks on the back relieve chronic pain in the lower back and cervical spine. If after several sessions the pain does not go to the end, in any case, it will become less pronounced.

Stimulation of internal organs

The human body is a complex, interconnected system, each internal organ has its own zone on the body, for example, pain in the shoulder region signals kidney problems.

If you know which zones are responsible for specific organs, the installation of cans in appropriate places stimulates the work of internal organs.

The treatment of colds

Can massage

With colds, cupping helps. To do this, the back is lubricated with massage oil, two dry cans are installed, with the help of which the massage movements are rectilinear or circular.

Such a massage lasts up to ten minutes and is carried out daily. In the treatment of colds, the main directions of movement of the cans are to the shoulders from the shoulder blades and from the xiphoid process.

After the procedure, the patient lies under the covers for half an hour, it is better if the temperature in the room is + 18ºC.

Back massage with cans removes sputum from the lungs, freeing the airways.

Banks on the back

They put the banks on their backs with colds according to the following scheme: from 10 to 14 cans are located at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other. The patient is covered with a blanket and lies 15 minutes.

Banks for colds fight stagnant processes in the lungs and strengthen the immune system. The cough decreases, redness in the throat passes.

For people suffering from bronchitis, preventive procedures are carried out in early autumn and spring to avoid the disease.

Cans on the back: what is the harm to health?

Banks will bring harm or benefit on their backs depending on the correctness of the procedure and compliance with the general rules.

The banks that are used to treat pneumonia or are placed at a high temperature of the patient will cause harm. If you do not follow the rules of treatment with banks, then the result is unpredictable.

The harm of treatment with banks on the back is associated with the principle of action: when they are used, deep-lying tissues are involved and blood flow increases. This causes microbial pathogens located in a remote area to enter the general bloodstream and spread the infection to various parts of the body.

The main contraindications for bank treatment:

1. The presence of tumors in the body: benign or malignant.

2. Pneumonia bronchitis, tracheitis or acute laryngitis.

3. Skin diseases: fungi, dermatitis, corns, skin inflammations, eczema, etc.

4. Steroid treatment.

5. Early pregnancy (before the second trimester).

6. Blood coagulation disorders.

7. Bleeding.

8. The temperature is above 37.5.

9. Hypertension.

10. Heart problems.

11. Allergic reactions to components: alcohol, petroleum jelly, cream, oils and other components.

12. Mental disorders and increased nervous irritability.

13. Severe depletion of the body.

14. Tuberculosis and pneumonia.

15. The period of exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Banks should never be placed in the heart, kidneys or spine.

Banks should be treated after consultation with a doctor, when the correct diagnosis is made and there are no contraindications.

Cans on the back for children: benefit or harm

Banks can be treated for children over the age of three. The body of the kids is not yet ready for treatment with banks, so putting cans on their backs is harmful.

Please note that a child with a thin physique or increased nervous excitability, regardless of age, is not allowed to treat with banks.

Cans on the back are useful for children with colds and coughs. The full result is achieved by alternating cans and mustard plasters.

Banks cannot be placed every day; the recommended interval between procedures is at least two days. During this time, the child’s body has time to recover after the procedure, and treatment with banks on the back brings health benefits.

Bank treatment of children is very different from other treatment methods, so it is important that the child is not afraid of the procedure. It is recommended to put cans in the evening, before going to bed, so that the child immediately crawls under a warm blanket, in this case the effect is maximum.

Modern therapists advise to refuse treatment with banks, motivating this with possible adverse consequences for the body and the emergence of new methods of treatment.

At the same time, this treatment technique has been practiced for more than a decade, and adults who were treated with banks in childhood are healthy, and no one can say how modern treatment methods will manifest themselves in ten to twenty years.

In the treatment of colds, cans are used only if the temperature does not rise above 37.5.

If the child has no contraindications to the use of cans, there is no strong temperature and allergic reactions, this method of treatment will undoubtedly bring the expected result.


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