What to cook from potatoes with pumpkin in the oven? We compose a menu for the autumn-winter season: pumpkin and potatoes baked in the oven and more!


Pumpkin and potatoes in our kitchen have long been recognized as "their" products, despite their overseas origin.

Yes, it’s hard to imagine Russian cuisine without potatoes with pumpkin. In the oven, on the grill, on the stove - these vegetables diversify the daily diet, supplying the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

Especially pumpkin.

Scientists have long proved that bright-colored products have not only nutritional value as a source of enzymes and carotene, but also positively affect a person’s emotional state and increase appetite.

But some housewives, when compiling a menu for a family lunch or dinner, are often confused by the question of combining pumpkin with other products. This is completely in vain. Let's figure it out and try to drop stereotypes.

Potato with pumpkin in the oven - basic technological principles

Pumpkin and potatoes to taste are neutral products that are easy to pick up with any ingredients. Therefore, in the preparation of dishes with pumpkin or potatoes, you need, rather, focus on the remaining ingredients:




other vegetables


There is one nuance that must be taken into account: choose pumpkin muscat varieties for cooking, as they are better amenable to mechanical and heat treatment, have a brighter and more pronounced taste and almost no waste.

If you need to bake the whole pumpkin in the oven to prepare the pumpkin, carefully inspect the fruit - it should not show signs of damage by diseases or pests.

Potatoes for baking in the oven must be selected from varieties with a low starch content, so that it reaches readiness at the same time as a pumpkin. If you do not know what kind of potato was in your hands, then it is better to boil it first, or send it to the oven earlier than a pumpkin.

The meat can be baked at the same time as vegetables, but it should be finely chopped, and a cooking method such as stewing is used to prepare the dish.

There are a lot of cooking options for dishes with potatoes and pumpkin in the oven. Each of them requires careful consideration of the order of work and an idea of ​​what the result should be.

1. Potato with pumpkin in the oven - pork baked with vegetables


Pork neck 0.6 kg

Pumpkin (pulp) 300 g

Potato 600 g

Onions, 200 g

Prunes 150 g

For the sauce:

Sour cream (20%) 400 g

Chopped greens 100 g

Hot peppers




Butter and vegetable oil (for frying) - 50 g each


Add chopped garlic, chopped greens (dill, parsley or other herbs) to sour cream, season with spices. Kill the prepared mass with a blender.

Wash the pork flesh, cut into bars (1x2cm). Fry in a frying pan with onions, chopped into strips, with the addition of refined oil, and transfer to a baking dish lined with foil and greased.

Cut peeled potatoes and washed pitted prunes into thin strips. Put the prunes on the meat first, and then the potatoes.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into strips, sprinkle with sugar and fry over high heat, adding butter at the end of the frying. Put the glazed pumpkin into the mold and place everything in the oven for baking at 200 ° C. After 15-20 minutes, pour the cooked sauce and cover the meat with vegetables foil. Stew for 10 minutes, then remove the foil and brown on top. Serve the dish hot, pouring additional sour cream sauce.

2. Baked pumpkin with potatoes in the oven - a vegetable side dish


Pumpkin 400 g

Egg 3 pcs.

Mashed potatoes 360 g


Boiled rice 600 g

Tomato sauce (sweet and sour) 200 ml





Nuts (sesame or ground peanuts) 50 g

Ground pepper, coriander, salt, sugar

Butter and milk (for mashed potatoes)


Dice the pumpkin and simmer until soft. Season with salt, sugar. It’s good if you add some lemon juice. Make pumpkin puree. Add one raw egg to it, mix, beat and set aside for half an hour.

Next, cook mashed potatoes. Mash boiled potatoes with hot, add butter (50 g), a couple of slices of chopped garlic, salt, pepper, pour hot milk (70 ml). When the mass has cooled, beat the egg, mix.

In a tomato sauce, such as "Krasnodar", add half chopped herbs (the rest - to decorate the dish), spices - to taste.

Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 220 ° C.

Divide the potato and pumpkin puree into balls of 50-60 g each. Beat the last egg to grease the semi-finished products. Form round cakes from mashed potatoes. For convenience, immediately lay out all the potato semi-finished products on a baking sheet, grease them with a brush. Grease the top of each potato pancake with a beaten egg and put the balls of pumpkin puree, grease also with a beaten egg, sprinkle with nuts.

Bake products in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Put boiled, hot rice in cups or in any forms without a bottom, so that it is easier to form rice in the form of a cylinder. Put the forms on a plate, remove them carefully, leaving rice. Put baked vegetable patties next to them. Garnish rice with chopped herbs, and pour the patties with sauce.

To such a complex side dish, if desired, you can serve meat or fish.

3. Meat with pumpkin and potatoes in the oven - duck in a pumpkin, with orange sauce


Large pumpkin 2.5-3.0 kg

Duck breast 1.2 kg

Oranges 500 g

Quince 0.6 kg

Ginger, fresh 50 g

Sugar, salt, hot pepper

For the sauce:

Honey 150 g

Cranberries 250 g

Red wine 100 ml

For garnish:

Potato 1.5 kg

Duck fat (for baking)

Onions 300 g




Basil, thyme, lettuce (for serving)


Wash a large round pumpkin, cut off the top with the stem. Remove the seeds and fibers from the inside with a spoon. Grate ginger root and orange zest on a fine grater, add salt, sugar and ground pepper to the prepared mass. With this mixture, grease the pumpkin from the inside.

Squeeze the juice from oranges and pour it into a pumpkin. Cut the quince peeled and peeled, cut into slices, add them to the orange juice.

Cut the duck meat fillet into 200 g plates, beat it lightly and fry in a hot cast iron skillet without oil. Put the fried meat in a pumpkin, cover with the cut part and put in the oven for 40-50 minutes. Bake at medium temperature to simmer meat.

In the meantime, start cooking potato sauce and side dishes.

Wash medium-sized potatoes, peel and cut into slices or large bars. Melt the duck fat in a pan. Chop the onions into strips. Send prepared vegetables to the oven, putting them in a mold and pouring on melted fat. When the potato becomes soft, sprinkle it with spices, chopped dill and garlic. Turn off the oven and hold the potatoes in it for another 10-15 minutes so that the vegetables are saturated with the aroma of spices.

Combine pureed cranberries with honey, mix and cook thick syrup. If desired, you can add spicy foods (chili, cayenne pepper), or 2-3 juniper berries. Remove foam during cooking. When the syrup thickens, pour in the wine and bring the sauce to a boil. Remove from the stove.

Transfer the prepared meat from the pumpkin along with the fruit to a deep bowl. Cut the pumpkin into slices and put on a dish decorated with lettuce, along with baked potatoes. Serve the sauce separately. Decorate the culinary masterpiece with basil and thyme.

4. Potato with pumpkin in the oven - casserole with cheese

Product Composition:

Muscat (pulp) pumpkin 350 g

Asparagus frozen 300 g

Potato 500 g

Cream Cheese 400 g

Nuts, walnuts (kernels, fried)

Tinned peeled tomatoes

Celery (grated root) 50 g



Garlic sauce 500 ml


Cut the peeled pumpkin into strips and simmer in a small amount of water with spices for 5-7 minutes.

Blanch the asparagus in salted water and discard through a colander.

Boil the peeled potatoes, and then cut into whetstones.

Cut canned tomatoes into slices, small ones into halves, remove seeds from them.

Grate the cheese on a grater.

Grease a deep form with butter. Spread prepared ingredients in layers, pouring each layer with garlic sauce. Sequence: potatoes, asparagus, tomatoes, pumpkin, cheese.

Bake for 20 minutes at medium temperature. To prevent the cheese from frying too much, first cover the dish with foil, and five minutes before cooking, remove the leaf and sprinkle the top layer with chopped greens.

5. Baked pumpkin with potatoes in the oven - a simple side dish with pumpkin sauce


Potato 1.2 kg (net)

Pumpkin 500 g



Bay leaf

Pepper, cayenne







Sauce Oil - Vegetable 50 ml

Cream (15%) 200 ml


Peel and boil small potatoes. Put it in a baking dish. Season with spices, add cumin, garlic, bay leaf and dill. Pour in cream and bake in the oven until the cream evaporates and a golden crust forms.

Blanched peeled pumpkin until soft, prepare mashed potatoes from it, add cooked spices and herbs. Interrupt the mass with a blender until a homogeneous texture. Serve the sauce separately, with potatoes. Such a side dish will go well with meat, but it can be used as an independent dish.

6. Meat with pumpkin and potatoes in the oven - lamb ribs with Idaho potatoes and baked vegetables


Lamb (ribs) - for 6 servings of 300 g meat per bone

For marinade:

Red wine, oregano, mint, garlic, salt, a mixture of peppers

Young potatoes 1.2 kg

For Idaho Sauce:

Basil, oregano, rosemary, olive oil, vinegar, spices

Pumpkin 400 g

Tomatoes 200 g

Lettuce 300 g

Eggplant 250 g

Sweet onion 350 g


Wash the lamb 10-12 hours before starting the meal (it is advisable to choose the meat of a young lamb), cut into portions and prepare the marinade from the ingredients indicated in the recipe. Spices and herbs can be added in any quantity, to taste, and take enough wine to cover the meat completely, or pour the marinade in an airtight bag, put the meat in it, seal and put the meat overnight in the refrigerator.

The next day, fry the meat in a pan "grill", on both sides, without adding fat. Transfer meat to a baking sheet, pour over the remaining marinade and bring to readiness in the oven.

Sort the potatoes, choosing the root crops of the same size, wash thoroughly with a brush and boil it in a peel until cooked. Grease a separate form with vegetable oil (to taste), transfer potatoes to it and sprinkle with Idaho sauce made from oil, vinegar and finely chopped herbs. Bake until golden brown.

Clean and wash the remaining vegetables. Cut the eggplant, onions and tomatoes into slices 0.5 cm thick, pepper and pumpkin pulp into large cubes. String them one by one on long wooden skewers. Salt, sprinkle with pepper and sugar, put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven on a baking sheet, at maximum temperature, 10 -12 minutes.

Serve the dish in portions, or put all its parts together.

Potato with pumpkin in the oven - useful tips and tricks

Pumpkin goes well with apples and quince, melon, citrus fruits, pears, dried fruits, wild berries. From spices for sweet dishes with pumpkin and milk porridge - choose cinnamon, for the second dishes pick spicy herbs and spices to the main ingredients - to meat or fish.

The best "companions" of potatoes are milk, butter, or cream. From spices choose dill, garlic, bay leaf, caraway seeds.

Baked vegetables retain more vitamins. When baking pumpkin, in order to emphasize its taste, be sure to add a little sugar. To decorate a pumpkin or potato with a brighter spicy aroma, add spices and herbs before the end of the heat treatment, especially when cooking them in the oven.


Watch the video: Easy Vegan Stuffed Acorn Squash Recipe (June 2024).