Carry a child vertically - this will affect his character.


Young parents can have a significant beneficial effect on the nature of their child, if they carry it upright as often as possible, and not carry it in a wheelchair. This, at first glance, a very unusual idea was expressed by the Pulitzer Prize winner, professor of geography at the University of California at Los Angeles, Jared Diamond, who devoted a significant part of his scientific career to studying the characteristics of educating children in different parts of the world.

According to the 75-year-old scientist, carrying a baby in an upright position at the chest level of an adult instead of riding in a baby carriage can later positively affect his psyche, making the child more balanced, patient, curious, confident and even independent.

"The technique allows children to observe the environment as if through the eyes of parents. They see what is happening around as much as adults see it. The sooner and more closely a child begins to interact with the world, the better he will feel in him at an older age," says specialist.

As an experienced biologist, geographer, and physiologist, Jared Diamond spent nearly half a century studying child rearing techniques used in the Amazon, New Guinea, and African tribal communities, where almost every child surpasses their peers from Western countries in terms of overall development.

“To my deep regret, many upbringing methods become obsolete and are replaced by new, often less effective ones. But some traditional, old methods are still used by some nations, so Western parents undoubtedly have something to learn from residents of less developed countries, such as Africa "- added Professor Diamond.


Watch the video: What Your Handwriting Says About You (June 2024).