Lemon mask for skin and hair - a centuries-old natural remedy. How to make a mask with lemon juice?


Beautiful hair has always attracted admiring glances. Every woman dreams of having them. Lack of vitamins, various internal diseases, exposure to hair heat and cold cause them dryness and tarnishing.

In addition, washing the hair with modern shampoos, using a hairdryer and styling tongs, as well as frequent dyeing, does not affect the appearance of hair in the best way.

What does our hair need in order for it to shine, not to be brittle, not to get confused and not to have split ends? The answer is obvious - proper care. And this does not mean that you need to constantly visit beauty salons.

You can take care of hair at home, using simple and affordable means of strengthening hair. One of them is a lemon mask, which positively affects the scalp and hair. It will be discussed.

Mask with lemon juice - an invaluable benefit

Almost everyone knows about the benefits of lemon. One of the most popular exotic fruits we used to drink with tea, coffee, use as a spicy additive to dishes.

Lemon, thanks to its constituent substances, has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hair. Lemon has a lot of organic acids, pectin, volatile, carotene, flavonoids, vitamins (including vitamin C) and other substances.

Lemon, if used as a mask, provokes hair growth. It has antifungal and antibacterial effects, therefore it is effective in combating scalp infections.

Lemon juice is a real storehouse of vitamin B and C, as well as phosphorus, without which it is impossible to imagine lush and healthy hair.

The benefits of using lemon as a hair remedy are beyond doubt. The use of lemon allows you to:

• get rid of dandruff

• strengthen hair roots

• less fat is produced by making sebum oily

• strengthen the strands and make them resistant to external damage

• shine and density appear

Lemon juice is usually used independently. But for greater effect, it can be used in combination with other natural products.

Effective recipes for lemon and skin masks

1. Preparing a regular lemon-based mask is simple: mix freshly made lemon juice with water (in equal proportions). Rub the product into the scalp and do not forget to treat the strands. But do not dip the ends of the hair into the mixture. They can be cut.

2. Honey, lemon juice, olive oil. This mixture saturate your hair with useful substances, make them strong, soft, obedient.

Combine honey - a valuable product (4 tablespoons) with a tablespoon of olive oil softening the scalp. Stir. Add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture. Mix well again and place where it is dark for half an hour.

Use the mask only on clean, slightly dried and combed hair. Apply it evenly, wrap the head with cellophane, and a towel on top. Keep the healing composition for about half an hour, then rinse everything off with shampoo and water.

With regular use (at least 1 time per week) after a while you will be glad about the result.

3. Egg, lemon juice. Composition of 2 fresh eggs, a few drops of castor or burdock oil, which is in the house, and the juice of half a lemon relieves dandruffimproves blood circulation.

Mix all the ingredients in the recipe and apply (with rubbing movements) the mixture on the scalp. Then wrap with cellophane and a towel and hold for half an hour. Wash off at the end.

4. If you need not only strengthen, but also lighten the hair in a couple of tones, use this mask: combine half a glass of kefir with 1 egg yolk. Pound and add to the mixture 2 tablespoons of vodka or skate, a little shampoo and the juice of half a lemon. Stir everything well and use as a mask.

In order not to have a too sour smell, you can lightly grease your hair with a very small amount of lavender oil.

5. To strengthen and give hair silky you can prepare a mask, which in addition to lemon juice includes onion gruel and vegetable oil (preferably burdock).

Mix all the ingredients taken in a tablespoon, apply the mixture to the hair and wrap as usual, and rinse off after half an hour. Finally, rinse your head with water and vinegar.

6. Mask for oily hair eliminates excess fat, makes hair soft, pleasant to the touch. Combine lemon juice with honey and aloe juice taken in 1 tablespoon. Add the yolk (just one) to the mixture, a strong decoction of oak bark.

Mix everything well and apply the mixture for half an hour on the scalp, and wrap on top with cellophane and a towel. Then rinse everything off with shampoo and water and fix the result with a balm.

7. If you are suffering severe hair loss, use the proven method: prepare a decoction of burdock (2 tablespoons of the plant per glass of boiling water). Add half a glass of fresh lemon juice to the filtered solution. Before washing your hair, carefully rub this mixture into the hair roots and leave it for half an hour, as usual, wrapping your head.

Use the mask regularly and after a while you will notice how peeling and itching have decreased, the roots have strengthened and hair loss has stopped.

8. Nourishes and strengthens dry hair maskmade from castor and peach oil, taken 1 tablespoon in combination with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on dry hair with rubbing movements for half an hour before washing your hair.

9. With partial baldness regular use of the mask helps, which includes vodka (100 ml) and lemon juice (3 tablespoons). Combine both components, let the product stand in a sealed container for at least a week, and then use as directed.

10. For treating oily hair apply for two months a mask of lemon juice and henna. To get started, prepare a solution of henna and water in a ratio of 1: 2.

Then add lemon juice and a non-greasy nourishing cream to it. The proportion should be as follows: 1: 2: 5, that is, one part henna solution, two parts lemon juice, 5 parts cream. Mix everything well and rub directly into the hair roots.

Use the mask 1 or 2 times a week.

11. For all hair types a lemon mask with the addition of cabbage, celery and spinach juice is suitable. This tool strengthens the hair, gives them the opportunity to grow faster, and also eliminates dandruff.

To prepare the mask, grind all the ingredients first and squeeze the juice. Then mix all the ingredients taken in equal parts and add quite a bit of lemon juice (a teaspoon).

Rub the mixture into the scalp. Keep the mask, wrapped, for at least 40 minutes. After that, flush.

13. In order to hair was obedient and easier to style rinse with lemon juice in your hair. Grind 1 fruit, squeeze juice out of it, stir in a liter of water.

Treat your hair with the filtered solution after shampooing. Ease in styling and hair shine you provided!

Lemon mask for lightening hair

Lemon is a 100% natural product, so if used correctly, lightening hair with it will only benefit. To lighten your hair, rinse the strands with a solution of water and lemon juice every time after washing, or use the simplest mask recipe described above.

As a result of regular procedures, the hair will acquire a natural beautiful shade and shine, become silky and soft, will smell pleasant.

However, do not forget that frequent lightening of hair with lemon juice can lead to their overdrying. Everything is good in moderation.

Some lightening tips:

• Immediately before the procedure, do not wash your hair with shampoo and do not use any synthetic hair products.

• If you want to lighten your entire head - apply lemon juice to all hair. If your goal is to achieve the highlight effect, then process individual strands.

• In the summer after lightening, stay in the sun, and in winter after the procedure, just wrap your head.

• Wash off the lemon mask with warm water and soap, ending the process with a rinse conditioner.

• Use lemon as a natural tonic for already dyed hair. Thus, you will saturate the color, heal the strands, achieve a slight lightening, prevent brittle hair.

Lemon mask for skin and hair: contraindications and precautions

Lemon is a useful product that, as part of masks, has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair. But he is not without his own contraindications, which should not be ignored.

1. Lemon juice is a large amount of biologically active substances. It is able to cause a thermal scalp burn. And the hair with the improper use of lemon masks may well become brittle, dry, lifeless. Therefore, use masks with lemon juice if you have:

1. greasy hair

2. dandruff

3. frequent staining

4. normal hair type

Lemon is contraindicated in:

1. severely dry hair

2. chopped strands

3. the presence of fresh wounds, scratches

4. individual product intolerance

5. allergies to citrus

However, do not be discouraged if you cannot use lemon masks. Add literally a couple of drops of lemon juice in the usual means, or rinse your hair after washing with a light lemon solution.

General recommendations when using lemon masks for skin and hair

Undoubtedly, lemon, which is part of hair remedies with regular use, works wonders. But so that your efforts are not in vain, adhere to some recommendations:

1. If you are the owner of dry hair, then be sure to add oily components to the masks. It can be sour cream, cream, vegetable oils.

2. Do not leave the mask with lemon juice overnight. Wash it off before going to bed. Also, make sure that no hair pulp remains in the hair. When dried, your hair will look unaesthetically.

3. If you use essential oil instead of lemon, do not forget to wash your hair once a week with a special deep cleansing shampoo.

4. Do not get too carried away with masks based on lemon juice if you want to maintain your natural hair color. Remember that lemon brightens.

5. In addition to the masks on the scalp, eat lemon inside. But know that lemon is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. What is useful to one is harmful to another. Before applying any of the masks, check the reaction of your skin to it by applying a small amount of the product to your hand.

7. When using a lemon mask on dyed hair, it is recommended to reduce the aging time of the mixture and not to do the procedure too often.

8. Add only fresh products to lemon masks.

9. Use lemon masks for oily hair once every three days, for normal - 1 time per week.

If you want to achieve a lasting result, then apply lemon masks for the scalp and hair with consistency. And, of course, choose only the one that suits your hair type.


Watch the video: 10 Simple Homemade Masks for Smooth and Glowing Skin (July 2024).