Folk remedies for barley. Is spitting in the eye really effective?


More than half of the population does not treat barley properly (that is, with a medical specialist), but use folk remedies. Over the many decades of such folk recipes, a great many have divorced.

Some of them are based on the rational use of nutrients and herbs. Other recipes are so crazy that a normal person will never use them.


Many herbs have useful properties: anti-inflammatory, healing, antiseptic. Therefore, it is logical to assume that some of them may be effective in controlling barley.

Aloe. From the leaf of this plant you need to cook gruel. Apply a small amount to barley and cover with a cotton pad. Perform the procedure three times a day. Barley passes in 2-3 days.

Plantain. The grass needs to be brewed at the rate of 1 tablespoon / glass of hot water. Insist half an hour. Then, in the resulting broth, moisten a cotton pad and apply to a sore spot. Repeat treatment three times a day.

Dill seeds. This tool has been known for a very long time. Dill seeds need to be crushed and filled with hot water. A teaspoon of seeds in a glass of water. You need to insist for several hours in a dark place. Soak a cotton pad with a ready-made broth and put on a sore eye. The procedure can be done at night (since the disk needs to be kept for a long time).

Calendula or chamomile. These herbs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Brewed the same way: a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water. The broth is infused for several hours, then filtered. It is better that when applied, it remains warm. The cotton pad is wetted and applied to the sore eye. The procedure can be done several times a day, as these herbs are absolutely safe.

Cloves (spice). Put a few cloves in a glass of hot water, cover and let it brew for several hours. Then moisten the cotton pad with the resulting water and attach to the eye. Hold for 1 hour. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

All the presented recipes for compresses and lotions are effective when barley just began to appear on the eye. When it has already reached a large size, such folk remedies for barley will not be effective.

Warming up

There are many recipes for warming barley. It is believed that they help.

Egg. Chicken egg must be boiled in a steep. When it cools down a little (so as not to get burned), it can be applied to a sore spot and hold until it cools down.

Soda. Soda should be tied in a cotton bag so that it does not spill out. Then heat it in a pan and attach to barley. Keep at least an hour.

Boiled potatoes. It is necessary to cook the potatoes, knead it and apply to the sore spot, changing the compress as it cools.

• Flaxseed. Grind flaxseed, tie in a bag and heat in a pan. Apply to a sore spot and hold until cool. You can do this compress at night.

There is much debate about the warming of barley. The fact is that barley is an inflammation. If heated, it can spread to the entire eyelid and to nearby tissues. Those who treat barley with warming are very at risk of catching the spread of infection. In this case, no folk remedies for barley will help.

Immunity enhancement

Barley appears when the immune system weakens. This is especially common in children, as their immune system is not perfect. It is logical to assume that folk remedies for barley, supporting the immune system, will be quite effective.

- Decoction of Echinacea. This plant is known for a large number of useful substances in the composition. It also supports immunity well. A teaspoon of dried chopped herbs should be poured with a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered and cooled. Take 1/3 cup, 3 times a day.

- Rosehip broth. Pour two tablespoons of dried rosehip berries with hot water (not boiling water!), Wrap with a towel and leave for several hours. When infused, strain the broth and drink half a glass three times a day. Rosehip is an excellent tool for raising immunity.

- Lingonberry and honey. In a container, put 2 tablespoons of lingonberry berries and 1 tablespoon of honey. Rub it all thoroughly and pour 0.5 liters of warm water. Received fruit drink during the day.

- Lemon, cinnamon, honey. For a drink you need to take half a lemon, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of honey. Take a half-liter jar, squeeze lemon juice there, put cinnamon and honey. Pour the mixture with warm water, stir well and let stand for half an hour. Take the drink in small portions throughout the day.

- Ginseng. This plant is used in the form of alcohol tincture, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

- Eleutherococcus. In the pharmacy you can buy the root of this plant, from which you can make a decoction. A tablespoon of the roots pour 0.5 liters of hot water, wrap and leave to infuse for several hours. Then strain the broth. You need to take 1/3 cup, three times a day.

Folk remedies for barley, raising immunity, cope well with the development of the disease. Especially such tools are useful for prevention with frequent occurrences of barley. If you periodically apply one of the following recipes, the likelihood of barley is significantly reduced.

Weird recipes

I must say right away that the folk remedies for barley presented below are unlikely to help someone get rid of the disease.

- Spit in the eye. A very popular method among the population. It consists in the fact that a person with barley needs to suddenly spit in the eye when he does not expect this. It is not clear where such a strange method came from.

- Show nevermind. This is done this way: when a person with barley does not suspect anything, he needs to suddenly show a fig, right in the sore eye. This should be done as close as possible to barley. This method is even stranger than the previous one. Of course, there will be no curative effect.

- Urinotherapy. There is a whole category of people who believe in the miraculous properties of urine. It is these people who believe that if urine is buried in the eye and compresses are made from it, then barley will certainly pass and will never again bother.

- Gold. The place where barley appeared should be rubbed with a gold product that you carry on yourself. There is another way associated with gold. You need to take a gold product with a polished surface. Sit by the window and try to catch a sun bunny in gold. Then transfer the bunny to barley and as if to “anoint”.

- Zelenka. Many smear barley with green. There is little sense from this. But there is a danger of getting zelenka in the eye. Then the consequences will not be most pleasant, and you will definitely have to go to the doctor. In addition, barley, anointed with brilliant green, is much more noticeable on the face. Zelenka is poorly washed off, so it will take several days to walk with such "decoration".

- Iodine. An alternative to zelenka is iodine. Some traditional healers use it in the same way as greenback. The danger is that iodine can get into the eye and burn it.

- extrusion. This is the most dangerous method of treating barley at home. Whoever says anything, in no case should you use this method. When pressed, the infection can enter the bloodstream. Bacteria will quickly spread throughout the body, which will lead to very dangerous consequences.

-Thread. The thread is tied to the middle and ring fingers. If barley is in the right eye, then the thread is tied to the left hand. And vice versa. The thread should not pull the vessels. From time to time, you need to move it to activate the receptors.

- Some "healers" recommend taking sulfur inside, washing it with milk. The amount of sulfur in different "healers" is different. But in order to avoid severe poisoning, you should not take sulfur in any quantities.

Many people believe in the healing of barley with these strange folk recipes. But a sane person will never use them. Some of them cause laughter, others disgust. The last recipe is obviously hazardous to health. No one can say exactly where such strange methods of treatment came from.

Of course, there is a rational grain in the treatment by some folk remedies (especially with regard to herbal medicine). But before using folk remedies for the treatment of barley, you need to think carefully.


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