Tomatoes with cheese and garlic - a descendant of the Italian caper! The best recipes for tomato dishes with cheese and garlic


A dish of tomatoes with the addition of cheese and garlic has become traditional and familiar. And they especially like to serve it during the holidays. This dish came from the Italian "caprese". The Russian people liked the overseas snack so much that they created their own version, which can be prepared from domestic products.

Tomatoes with cheese and garlic - general principles of cooking

Dishes from tomatoes, cheese and garlic are healthy and nutritious.

The main thing is that they are prepared from products that almost any housewife has in the kitchen. Tomatoes are cut into circles and spread on a plate. Top them with grated cheese and garlic with mayonnaise and sprinkled with herbs.

The whole procedure takes no more than 10 minutes.

In order to diversify the appetizer, a variety of components are added to it: eggs, nuts, seasonings and spices. The dish is baked in the oven, wrapped in dough, fried. Such snacks are not ashamed to serve even discerning guests, but can be used for a healthy daily snack.

Recipe 1: Whipped Tomatoes with Cheese and Garlic

The simplest version of the snack, which is suitable, for example, in case of a sudden arrival of guests. It takes a few minutes to cook, and the necessary products can always be found in the refrigerator. After serving, the dish looks appetizing and pleases the eye.


• Medium tomatoes - 4-5 pcs.;

• Hard cheese - 150 g;

• Garlic - 1-2 cloves;

• Mayonnaise - 1-2 tbsp. l .;

• Greens for decoration.

Cooking method

Cut the tomatoes into thick mugs and put on a plate.

Cheese grated with small or medium teeth.

Crush garlic slices, add to cheese.

Pour the resulting mass with mayonnaise, mix thoroughly until smooth and put on tomatoes.

Add a little parsley and serve.

Recipe 2: Tomatoes with Cheese and Garlic "Hearty"

A more nutritious version of the dish. Due to the eggs included in its composition, the appetizer satisfies hunger well, but at the same time it is suitable for dieters.


• Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;

• Cheese - 100 g;

• Garlic - 2 prongs;

• Ground black pepper;

• Egg - 1 pc.;

• Mayonnaise - to taste;

• Parsley.

Cooking method

Put eggs to cook and prepare the rest of the products.

Wash, dry the tomatoes, cut them into round slices and put on a plate.

Grate the cheese.

Peel and chop the garlic cloves.

Finely chopped eggs by this time, mix with cheese, garlic and mayonnaise.

Pour the mixture onto tomatoes, pepper and decorate with parsley.

Recipe 3: Tomatoes with cheese and garlic in the oven

Oven-baked tomatoes are good both as an appetizer and as a side dish for the main course. Serve the dish hot until the melted cheese has time to freeze.


• 4 strong tomatoes;

• 3 tbsp olive or sunflower oil;

• 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar;

• 2 garlic cloves;

• A pinch of salt;

• Ground black pepper;

• Parsley;

• Oregano;

• 50 g of Parmesan for sprinkling.

Cooking method

Set the oven to 200 degrees.

While it is warming up, wash and chop the tomatoes in circles.

For dressing in olive oil add vinegar, season with salt, pepper and oregano, mix.

Put the tomato slices in a bowl, pour the dressing on top and make sure that the tomatoes moisten well in oil. Then put the tomato slices on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Before serving, serve with parsley and grated cheese.

Recipe 4: Classic Italian Caprese Salad

The original Italian dish, which served as the basis for the Russian appetizer. It is noteworthy that the colors of Caprese resemble the national flag of Italy. Partly due to this fact, the dish has become national.


• Tomatoes - 4 pcs.;

• "Mozzarella" - 100 g;

• Basil (fresh or dried) - 50 g;

• Garlic - 1 prong.

Cooking method

Grate the cheese, add chopped garlic. Pour all the mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

Cut tomatoes into circles, put on a flat tray or plate. In the middle of each slice of tomato, put the cheese-garlic mixture. Before serving, garnish with basil.

Recipe 5: Tomatoes with cheese and garlic in pastry

An unexpected performance of the traditional Caprese is to wrap a snack in the dough. This dish can not be called dietary, but in taste it is not inferior to the Italian original.


• Puff pastry - 500 g;

• Ossetian cheese or "Suluguni" - 200 g;

• Tomatoes - 4 pcs.;

• Garlic - 2 cloves;

• Dill.

Cooking method

Chop the tomatoes into quarters and chop the cheese into cubes. Put everything on skewers according to the scheme: tomato - cheese - tomato. Then grate the garlic, mix it with dill, add a little salt. In the resulting mixture, dip the tomatoes with cheese.

Roll out the dough, and then wrap skewers in it. Pinch the edges of the dough. Bake the dish in the oven at 200 degrees or on the grill like a barbecue.

Recipe 6: Caprese with spices and nuts

The dish can be described as follows: a classic Italian appetizer with a Russian soul. Nuts and sweet peppers are added to the national recipe.


• 500 g of medium-sized tomatoes;

• 100 g of "Mozzarella";

• 1 sweet pepper;

• 2 nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts or any other);

• Parsley dill;

• 2 garlic cloves;

• 1-2 tbsp. l mayonnaise;

• Ground black pepper;

• Salt.

Cooking method

Cut the tomatoes in thick circles, put on a tray or plate.

Cheese grated with large teeth.

Chop the bell pepper in small cubes, mix with cheese.

Add nuts, parsley, dill to the mixture.

Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Top with mayonnaise. If desired, it is allowed to use sour cream.

Recipe 7: Caprese with Mozzarella and Sugar Leek

In this recipe - tomatoes with cheese and garlic make sense of haute cuisine. The recipe is quite complicated, but if you follow all the points clearly, you can cook a real restaurant dish at home.


• 12 cherry tomatoes;

• Leek (stalks only);

• 2 tbsp. l white wine vinegar;

• 12 balls of "Mozzarella";

• Fresh basil;

• Half a glass of olive oil;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara.

Cooking method

For cooking, you need a pan with a thick bottom. Pour sugar into it, pour a little water, then put on the stove.

When the sugar has completely melted, add pre-chopped garlic and chopped onion. Mix the entire contents of the pan, pour wine vinegar, which then must be evaporated over high heat.

Remove the garlic, cool the remaining ingredients.

Cut a piece of cheese and tomatoes into halves.

Remove the middle leaves from the basil, leave the rest for 10 seconds in boiling water and another 20 seconds in cold water.

Next, remove excess moisture from the basil with a napkin.

Prepared basil in warm olive oil, beat with a mixer until smooth. Insist for half an hour.

Put cheese, tomatoes and basil leaves on skewers, alternating products among themselves.

Before serving, serve the dish with onion, which was fried in sugar, and basil oil.

Recipe 8: Tomatoes Stuffed with Cheese and Garlic

Stuffed tomatoes are a truly gourmet dish worthy of any festive table. In addition to excellent taste, this appetizer has an original form of serving, and it is quite simple to prepare.


• 1 kg of tomatoes;

• 400 g of soft cheese;

• 6 tbsp. l breadcrumbs for breading;

• 2-3 garlic cloves;

• Dill, parsley;

• Olive oil (can be sunflower);

• 50 g of fresh basil;

• White ground pepper.

Cooking method

Rinse the tomatoes under running water, dry, cut off the tops and remove the flesh. Sprinkle each tomato with a little white pepper.

Mix soft cheese with breadcrumbs, pulp of tomatoes, chopped garlic, parsley and dill.

Stir the tomatoes with the cooked mass.

Cook for 20 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

Recipe 9: Tomatoes with Cheese and Garlic with Vegetables

The addition of cucumber and radish is another variation of the classic recipe. Due to the variety of ingredients, the taste of the finished dish becomes more multifaceted and interesting. In addition, this salad is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.


• 700 g of tomatoes;

• 200 g of radish;

• 1 cucumber;

• Chives;

• 3 eggs;

• 200 g of feta cheese;

• 2 garlic cloves;

• Mayonnaise;

• Dill, parsley;

• Salt.

Cooking method

Put the eggs to boil. Then grate the cheese on a medium or fine grater, chop the radish and cucumber in small pieces. Peel boiled eggs, chop into small cubes and mix with prepared cheese and vegetables. Add mayonnaise and crushed garlic to the resulting mass. To stir thoroughly.

Rinse the tomatoes well and cut into halves, remove the core. Fill the resulting space with the mixture that was prepared previously.

Recipe 10: Fried Tomatoes with Cheese and Garlic

Tomatoes are rarely used for frying, but this cooking method allows you to discover the taste of the tomato in a new way. Due to cheese batter, tomatoes with cheese and garlic are covered with a golden crust, which looks very impressive.


• 2 medium tomatoes;

• 1-2 tbsp. l sour cream;

• 80 g of hard cheese;

• 1 chicken egg;

• 3-4 garlic cloves;

• Ground black pepper;

• Paprika;

• salt;

• Oil or fat for frying.

Cooking method

Cut the tomatoes into thick circles, sprinkle with salt, grated garlic and paprika (or other pepper).

To prepare a cheese batter, beat the egg with sour cream, grate the cheese on a grater with small teeth. Mix all ingredients and salt if desired.

Heat the pan on the stove, pour in it a sufficient amount of oil or fat.

Fry sliced ​​tomatoes, pre-dipping them in cheese batter.

Since the cooked batter does not contain flour, it is very liquid. In order to completely cover them with tomatoes, you should help yourself with a spoon.

Cheese in a pan will spread, but it's not scary. A little later it will harden, and will look beautiful on a plate.

Tomatoes with cheese and garlic - tips and tricks

  • Before making the snack, the cheese should be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, so that it hardens. So it will be more convenient to rub on a grater.
  • If you did not have hard cheese in the refrigerator, you can take a couple of processed cheeses. This does not impair the taste of the finished dish.
  • Making an appetizer more refined will help with a competent choice of the main ingredient. For example, replacing ordinary round tomatoes with cherry will immediately give the appetizer a restaurant look. In turn, yellow tomatoes will be an unexpected decision that will pleasantly surprise your guests.


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