August 1: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 1.


Holidays august 1

Day of Professional Collection Officers

The collection service was first created under the State Bank of the USSR in 1939, although the need for armed security and escort of funds appeared during the heyday of Kievan Rus. Then the trade caravans were guarded by the forces of the boyar squads, and starting from the XVI century, the Sourozh merchants sent their caravans with an impressive guard, headed by a representative of the richest layer. Collection was allocated later - when it became necessary to collect and deliver money to banks. The attendants of the service - collectors - deliver money and valuables to the bank's operating cash desk. As the turnover of banks grows, the collection service is constantly evolving.

Rear Day of the Armed Forces of Russia

The Ministry of Defense approved the holiday on May 7, 1998, but the real reference point is the year 1700, when, according to the decree of Peter I, all grain stocks in Russia were transferred to the subordination of the military people of Okolnichy Yazykov, the manager himself received the title of Providence General. The supply of bread and fodder for the army was carried out by a special body - the Providence order, which was the prototype of the food supply, which today is the leading type of support for the troops.

During the years of World War II, the rear was separated as an independent type of armed forces, headed by the chief of rear services of the Red Army. Other departments subordinated to him - sanitary, veterinary, commissary and fuel supply management. And today, the rear is considered an important part of the defense potential of the country and the army, it is a really well-coordinated mechanism linking the country's economy and troops consuming products.

Day of the Azerbaijani alphabet and language

The new Azerbaijani alphabet in Latin script began to be used at the end of the 20s of the last century, but actively served only 10 years, then it was decided to switch to the Cyrillic alphabet. Thus, the real language has become a real champion in the transition of the alphabet. The new alphabet began to be actively introduced after the collapse of the USSR, and for some time publications were issued in two languages. The transition to the Latin script was completed on August 1, 2001 by decree of President Heydar Aliyev.

On this day, other holidays are celebrated in the world.:

- Swiss Confederation Day - established in memory of the union in 1291 of the three canon states (Unterwalden, Uri and Schwyz) into an eternal union.

- The day of the creation of the People's Liberation Army of China, is celebrated since 1927.

- An official day off and a magnificent holiday Emancipation Day of Jamaica, one of the countries of the Caribbean that gained independence in the former territories of the British colonialist.

- The Meadow wedding (gathering), or Lammas Lugnasad Day, is the celebration of God, the patron saint of agriculture and crafts in the Celtic region.


- A week of breastfeeding, celebrated since 1990 at the initiative of the World Health Organization in support of breastfeeding of infants.

- The glorification of Seraphim of Sarov, the discovery of his relics. It first happened in 1903, 70 years after the death of the saint, on the same day, mass healing of patients who took part in the celebration in Sarov took place.

August 1 in the folk calendar

Makrinin day, Mokriny

Rev. Makrina Cappadocian - sister of St. Basil. They lived in the 4th century and were raised in piety and obedience. After taking the vow of monasticism, the nun settled near the Iris River. The chastity of Makrina evoked great respect; many noble ladies and virgins came to her. Even in illness, she did not strip herself to doctors, but merely begged God for healing. Soon a reward for faith followed - miraculous healing and the gift of miracles. In Russia, the name of the holy miracle worker is associated with the approach of autumn: "Makrina is wet - and autumn is wet."

If precipitation fell that day, then a good grain crop was expected, and many nuts will grow in the forest. There is a special rite of rain, which could cause precipitation. For this girl. Born that day, dressed up in a festive dress and brought ears of bread. If the day turned out to be rainy, then people born on this day are better off not leaving the house - otherwise the rain floods the whole earth. Summer ends for insects on Mokrina - gadflies bite for the last time, fluff begins to fall from aspen and you can go for the first autumn mushrooms.

Historical events of August 1

August 1, 1700 - Organized the order of ore mining, established by Peter 1

Thus, the foundation was laid for the work of the mining and geological branch. In various regions of the empire began to search for ore, minerals. Persons familiar with metals were trained, ore processing plants were being built - Russia ceased to need foreign raw materials. In just 2 decades, Russia actively traded iron and copper in other countries. The Scientific Assembly was opened as a scientific center and the Scientific Committee of Mining was organized. Almost 200 years later, the permanent "Society of Mining Engineers" opened, where the leading scientists of the 19th century made presentations. In 2000, the 3300th anniversary of the Russian Mining Department was celebrated.

August 1, 1774 - evolution of molecular oxygen by Joseph Priestley

Even Chinese manuscripts of the 8th century mentioned oxygen, and in the 16th century Leonardo da Vinci deeply studied the chemistry of the element, not knowing that it was oxygen, and only Joseph Priestley was able to decompose mercury oxide using a sun beam directed at the lens. The scientist called the gas obtained at the same time "de-logged air", considering it to be a composite, but not a separate element.

Later, the scientist found that oxygen, being only a part of the air, is contained in many substances. The Swedish chemist Karl Scheele came to the same conclusions a few years later, receiving oxygen, calcining nitrate. In 1777, he called the resulting gas "Fire Air." The Priestley buddy, the scientist Lavoisier, finally understood everything, so the discovery of molecular oxygen can be attributed to three scientists.

More events:

Since August 1, 1964, the Mayak radio company has been broadcasting around the clock. Five-minute news releases took place every half hour, and between them were music and broadcast programs.

August 1, 1994 - the formation of a special forces detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Rus, capable of countering terrorism and freeing hostages, equipped with modern weapons and special equipment.

August 1, 1903 - Saints Seraphim of Sarov, the great ascetic and miracle worker.

Born on August 1

Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744 - 1829 years), the famous French biologist, physicist, chemist and meteorologist.

The scientist began his scientific activity as a compiler of a botanical dictionary, in which he systematized and described 2000 plant genera. Then, many discoveries were made in the field of natural sciences - the concept of the biosphere, the creation of a theory of evolution. In 1809, his book Philosophy of Zoology was published, bringing worldwide fame. Lamarck lived his life in poverty, losing his sight, and dictated his work under the record of his daughter.

Herman Melville (1819 - 1891) - American writer, traveler, author of the famous novel "Moby Dick".

The novels describe adventures in pursuit of a white whale. The central theme is the struggle between good and evil in sketches from the life of whalers, colorful descriptions of the ocean and its inhabitants. Melodrama and philosophy are reflected in his other books: Taipei, Omu, and White Pea Jacket. Melville's last sea voyage was the world travel around 1860, after returning from which were written "John Marr and other sailors", the novel "Billy Budd, Fore-Mars Sailor" and other artworks.

In addition, were born on August 1:

Ada Wojcik (1819-1891 years) - the famous film actress of the Soviet era ("Forty-first", "House on Trubnaya", "Merry canary", "Dream", "Assassins go out onto the road", etc.

Yves Saint Laurent (1936-2008), a world-class French fashion designer, French aristocrat, artistic director of Dior, and later the creator of his own style of sensual elegance and his own fashion house.

Valentina Leontiev (1923-2007), beloved Soviet TV presenter, (holiday "Lights", "Alarm Clock", "Visiting a Fairytale", "Good Night, Kids"), one of the creators and a permanent host of the program "With all my heart", author books "declaration of love." In the year of death, Valentina Leontyevna was erected a monument in Ulyanovsk.

Name day 1 august

Eugene, Stepan, Mitrofan, Roman, Gregory, Dmitry, Tikhon.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).