The reason for the divorce of Maria Kulikova and Denis Matrosov became known.


At the end of last year, it became known that the actors Denis Matrosov and Maria Kulikova intend to divorce. The couple did not name the reason for separation, but it was obvious that it was Maria who initiated the divorce.

January 12, the couple met in court, where they finally confirmed their intention. Officially, the divorce will take place on January 26th. According to Matrosov, the reason why Kulikova made such a difficult decision is not known to him.

However, the journalists managed to find out that long before the divorce, Denis had another woman. Called the name of the actress Irina Kalinina. According to Kulikova’s friend, Irina is so in love with Matrosov that she is even ready to leave her husband.

Upon learning of the novel spouse, Kulikova decided to leave him.


Watch the video: 7 Reasons Why Most People Divorce (June 2024).