The beginning and end of the day: signs and superstitions. Broken cup in the morning - unfortunately?


A successful start to the day is the key to success, and its favorable conclusion is even more important. The emotional state of a person affects further activities. Since ancient times, people believed in signs and tried to follow them. In order to properly meet the new day, you need to familiarize yourself with folk signs.

Morning signs

You can’t be too happy and sing before the first meal. The day will end in tears.

On Orthodox holidays, wash yourself with melted water, then preserve the beauty for many years.

If in the morning they noticed a spider in the house, then soon you will find out the sad news.

Do not eat fish in the morning, otherwise misfortune will happen.

If you do not want to quarrel with a friend, then you should not borrow money in the morning. But it is better to give back what was previously occupied in the morning, then there will be no problems with finances.

It would seem that if something breaks, then this is fortunately. However, if a cup breaks in the morning, then the day will be difficult.

If you start shoeing with your right foot, then the day will pass without any special incidents and end happily.

Some events occur regardless of the will of the person, but such signs can also provide a certain outcome of the day. Therefore, the existence of data will not be forgotten.

When you leave the house and meet a man with a baby, you can soon expect to receive a silver thing.

If, upon leaving the house, you meet a barefoot girl, then misfortune will happen.

Have you noticed a spider on your clothes outside? Then you can count on earning an early profit.

Evening and night omens

For the correct end of the day there are special signs, since night time has a special energy.

Do not sweep and, in principle, start cleaning the house in the evening, otherwise there will be no wealth.

Do not take out the trash after sunset. Things that will be thrown away can be used to spoil.

If a neighbor or acquaintance decided to borrow a thing, it is better to refuse. With a thing you can give luck.

If you comb your hair at night, then there will be profit in the morning.

Postpone the financial resolution of issues for lunch time, do not borrow money in the evening, otherwise losses and losses cannot be avoided.

Many of us simply need to follow the simple rules that come from accept. Minimizing conflicting moments and undesirable situations can be achieved by attention to the signs of fate. Indeed, signs are not fictitious rules, but a truth that was known many centuries ago.


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