Multi-colored cosmetic clay for female beauty


Clay - one of the oldest beauty products, today, according to scientific research and reviews, is a tool for caring for the body, face and hair is not worse than many advertised synthetic products.

In comparison with them, clay:

  • cheaper;
  • suitable for mixtures with other ingredients according to original recipes;
  • virtually no contraindications, side effects;
  • even in one of its varieties, it has a wide range of actions for solving dozens of problems / queries.

Masks for body, face and hair from clay are prepared in the simplest way - dry powder is dissolved to a uniform state in some kind of liquid (mineral water, milk, yogurt, fruit juice) and combined with other ingredients, for example, oils, honey, activated coal, starch ...

Clays can be used both in one variety and in various combinations, combining and often enhancing useful qualities. Usually only two colors are mixed and often one of them is white.


To abandon the use of clay is necessary only in the following cases:

  • an allergic reaction to it;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin diseases;
  • high body temperature (for example, with acute respiratory infections, colds);
  • not healed wounds, pustules on the skin.

Also, clay applied to any part of the body cannot be kept for a long time (for example, a maximum for the face is 30 minutes). Lingering care is fraught with peeling of the skin and even burns.

And it is also not recommended to use funds with clay more often 2-3 times a week.

The most popular among other colors (and also in demand in folk medicine), is considered universal - for all types of skin and hair.

In the first case, the benefit is expressed in:

  • bleaching and removing age spots;
  • cleansing from everyday pollution and excess secretions of the sebaceous glands;
  • activating the production of elastin and collagen, due to which the skin becomes more elastic and smooth (due to the high content of magnesium).

Being a powerful antiseptic, the drug helps against rashes and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

In hair care, white clay is effective against dandruff and naughty hair.

The main components of this clay coloring are copper and iron. They provide her with color, as well as excellent properties to “revitalize” dull, thin and weakened hair, strengthen it (including through improved blood circulation in the scalp).

Scarlet clay in a short time leads irritated, with bumps and peeling skin to smoothness and delicate perfection, comparable to silk and porcelain.

And it is worth noting separately such a possible combination as red clay with volcanic clay, known in ancient Rome. Today it is used to detoxify the skin, and home masks with it are a good alternative to polishing hair.

The clay of this tone is oversaturated with iron and calcium, but this is its significant plus, namely, the ability to change the state of skin cells so that they are fully saturated with oxygen and absorb the maximum benefit from any care products.

Also yellow clay:

  • narrows the enlarged pores;
  • improves skin color and increases its natural protection against ultraviolet radiation;
  • helps get rid of cellulite;
  • strengthens hair roots, thereby preventing hair loss.

The clay is rich in grassy tones and is rich in cobalt and aluminum, which, combined with other elements of the composition, makes it one of the most valuable cosmetics for slowing down the aging process. It is even possible to add it to the bath.

For the effect of peeling, tightening the skin and improving the natural protection of the epidermis from the consequences of the unsuccessful use of cosmetics (for example, makeup forgotten at night, too thickly applied foundation), experts recommend using green clay in combination with decoctions of medicinal herbs.

In hair care, this product relieves them of fragility and saturates with nutrients, makes the natural color more saturated and radiant.

This color is considered the second most popular in clay, after white. The fact is that such clay is universal - suitable for all skin types, rejuvenation, deep cleansing and treatment of eczema, dermatitis. After several applications of masks with it, the water balance is restored in the skin, and if you start using it on time, you can get rid of not a drop of aesthetic scars.

In hair care, it perfectly suits both oily and dry type. Clay improves the structure of the hair, prevents brittleness, and, according to reviews, after a course of 5-8 masks, it helps to achieve a brighter, cleaner shade when dyeing hair, moreover, this applies primarily to blondes dreaming of hair without yellow.

It is rightly considered a unique product, as it combines the best qualities of other shades:

  • gently cleanses the skin from dead cells, due to which it becomes smooth, breathes better, takes in nutrients and almost literally shines;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • prevents the appearance of edema;
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory and improves blood circulation, which helps to improve complexion.

Black clay is used for healing baths and body wraps (from cellulite, to accelerate weight loss, increase skin elasticity).

Also, it is this type of clay that is considered especially effective for:

  • skin cleansing from black spots;
  • smoothing facial wrinkles.

When caring for hair, it is used not only as a mask, but also for rinsing, with the results when the hair:

  • shine with brilliance;
  • grow better;
  • become stronger;
  • less confused.

And finally, almost regardless of the recipe and the color of the clay, the following advice from cosmetologists can be given about the use of funds:

  • the ingredients are mixed in a ceramic, glass or plastic bowl, spoon / spatula from the same materials. But metal is prohibited for clay - in contact with it, it loses useful properties;
  • make clay with warm liquids, but never icy (it will dissolve so badly) and scorching (so the benefits are neutralized);
  • so that by the end of the application, the clay mask on the face does not turn into a dry crust, it should be moistened if necessary, for example, with water from a spray bottle.


Watch the video: Drugstore Priced Makeup Dupes? C-Color Cosmetics Review (June 2024).