What do men lie about?


Studying psychology, scientists found out: men cheat twice as often as women. They lie to colleagues, friends, boss, and their ladies. How to recognize male lies? What do they lie about most often? What to do if you are being deceived? Answers to questions can be found in this article.

I am free. This lie is used when a man wants to possess a woman. Happy man in a relationship or not, honesty - above all. It’s unpleasant for any person to realize that they have used it.

You are smarter than me. If a guy tells you this, then this is just a nice compliment for you. All men are selfish to varying degrees, so you won’t become smarter in his eyes.

You look so good already. This deception refers to the form of "for salvation" lies. The man just did not want to offend you and tell the truth. It’s easier to lie than to apologize later.

I don’t look at other girls at all. How many times do women hear this. When examining the behavior of men, psychologists concluded: a guy looks at different girls for about 40 minutes during the day, and therefore 11 days each year. The fact remains.

And they also exaggerate the size. Almost all men add a couple of centimeters to the size of their penis. What can you do, often the way it is. Among friends and in front of their potential girlfriend, the guys proudly hint at their impressive dignity.

All is well. This universal answer is used by both women and men. So they say in the case when there is no desire to sound their problems. It is important to know your partner well, then you can determine the mood of a man simply by looking at him.

"I'll be through ...". When you hear a similar answer, then thoughts fly through your head: "He’s just the other" or "I’m tired of him." Do not throw a tantrum, your man is also a person and has the right to personal space. Rest with friends has not been canceled.

The amount of alcohol consumed. Very rarely you will meet a person who nevertheless recognizes and gives a real figure. It reduces the amount by two, or even three times, in front of a woman, and vice versa increases the number of drinks before friends.

I got it. “Don’t throw your socks under the sofa” or “Close your toothpaste” - these phrases are familiar to women. Men agree with our requests, but in the end, they do the opposite. To agree is not to understand. It is worthwhile to study male psychology and find an approach to your other half, then everything will certainly get better, and your man will not only listen, but also hear.

I do not watch porn. Many are embarrassed to say this to their woman or simply do not want to offend. It is not necessary to think that your boyfriend has reduced his interest in you, maybe he just wants to diversify his relaxation methods.

I saw her, but we had nothing. The fact that the man confessed everything says that the man knew about the infidelity of his actions. Such a fraud is perceived even sharper if someone reported to you about such a meeting.

I will definitely call you back.If you hear this, then be sure: for a man you do not stand in the first place and are not interested. It is better to realize this information immediately and not to build illusions.

You are the first with whom I tried it. This may include French wine, skiing, diving, or something else. You should not be offended by such a lie. A man just wants to impress you, even if in this way.

I can do everything. Physical fitness is very important for guys. If they are far from ideal, then this does not stop lying and adding strength. This technique is used both in front of a girl and among friends.

Most of all I love and value your mind. Do not forget that we are dealing with men who initially look at the exterior. Your mind is important to him, but not like the other part of the body. They answer so that the girl does not say that all men are the same and think about one thing.

I want a family and children. So they say either to calm the woman, or to use it as soon as possible. It is worth worrying if you hear this statement in your first meetings.

And the golden one: “No, I'm not lying”. Here a man is lying about not lying. Often resorted to such deception, when there are good circumstances. Before you get to the bottom, better think about whether you need it.

The topic of deception can be developed endlessly, but much better if it does not exist at all. In order to significantly reduce the lie, you need to look at the causes of such actions.

There is a conditionally “good” lie:

  1. Lies for salvation.
  2. Cheating to maintain a relationship.
  3. Lying for seduction.
  4. Lies to enhance self-esteem.
  5. Deception to preserve the nerves of loved ones.
  6. A lie so as not to offend.

As for the “bad” lies, the situation is different and the reasons are completely different:

  • fear of punishment;
  • fear of responsibility;
  • selfishness;
  • lack of education.

Syndrome of pathological deception is also distinguished - this is when a person everywhere composes incredible fantastic stories, lies for days on almost everything. It is impossible to build normal “healthy” relationships with such people, for starters they need to be treated and re-educated.

What to do if your man is lying? If it comes to the egoist, then run. Narcissism is very deeply rooted, so there is no help.

If you notice "harmless lies" behind your half, then the conversation will be the best solution. Explain to him that you love him for who he is, you can be trusted and in general he is the best. Mark the boundaries of what is permitted, and the man will hear you.

It is also very important to make sure that you are not putting too much pressure on the person. There are times when women themselves lead men to deception. Do not criticize too much. Think about it, you too are not always true. It happens that a man does not want to burden his woman. Such a lie can be counted as caring, so you should not be offended.

Now you know what men are lying about and how to deal with it. You should not resort to radical actions. Think over everything, weigh the information and then, a happy relationship is provided to you.


Watch the video: Ask Steve - The Reason Why Men Lie! (July 2024).