New Year’s home bath is a good idea!


Do you also watch the movie "The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath" every year? Perhaps, many people have an addiction to the bathhouse connected with this popular plot.

But there is also an old folk tradition to visit the bathhouse in the last days of the outgoing year.

Try to arrange a visit to the home bath yourself. And remember that your goal is to have a pleasant family event.

Making a family steam room

The bathhouse consists of a steam room and a relaxation room.

Prepare beautiful accessories that can decorate these rooms.

The list of jewelry for the steam room:

  1. Forest cones.
  2. Panel made of pieces of natural wood.
  3. Pads with sawdust from juniper.
  4. A bouquet of dried branches.
  5. Wooden carved shelves.
  6. Sculptures made of stone or wood.

Use these items to turn a standard steam room into a beautiful room. There are also mandatory attributes: a thermometer, a container with drinking water, caps, slippers, individual bedding and brooms.

Entrance door to the steam room

Check that the entrance door to the steam room meets the safety conditions:

  • Opens out of the steam room.
  • Wooden handles on both sides.
  • There is no lock or latch.
  • Made of wood.
  • A window is desirable in the canvas.

Temperature and humidity in the steam room

Men love to steam at temperatures from 70 degrees. They like to sweat thoroughly and plunge into the pool with cool water.

For children, a temperature of not more than 50 degrees is shown. It is useful for the child to warm for several minutes with a mild cold and cough.

If there are serious diseases, then be sure to consult with your local pediatrician. Soaring a baby in an adult does not make sense.

In the steam room there is an inhalation effect with a moisture content of 35-40 percent. Place an open tank for this purpose. Moisture will evaporate and gradually fill the space. Do not pour water on a hot stove, you will get heavy steam, it is not useful.

Things to do in the steam room

You can breathe healing phytoncides. Drop essential oil on a clay saucer or in a ladle with warm water. One liter of water needs no more than ten drops. Each type of oil has a different effect. Pick up a bouquet of smells that you like.

List of popular essential oils for a pleasant smell in the steam room:

  • Cedar
  • Fir
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Lavender.
  • Lemon.
  • Tangerine.

Make in the steam room and cosmetic masks for face and body. Take acacia honey for this purpose, it is rarely allergic. Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to it. Use your fingertips to apply on the face and décolleté. Sit for about fifteen minutes in the steam room, and then wash yourself.

Spread a thin layer of fatty oil on the body to improve skin condition. For this purpose, olive, linseed, almond oil is suitable. Warm up for five minutes and then take a swim.

And the main entertainment is a massage with bath brooms. They need to be soaked in hot water and then used. Brooms are made of birch, oak, eucalyptus branches.

Good and manual massage based on oils or honey.

Use those aromatic and cosmetic products that no one in the family is allergic to.


First, steam, bathe, and put on dry and comfortable clothes for children. Send the kids to the rest room, and then you can raise the temperature and also relax a bit.

After the steam room and bathing you need a relaxing holiday. In the old dressing rooms there is only a shop and hooks for clothes. And in modern baths, a spacious relaxation room is also provided. There are sofas, a dining table and even a TV. Before the new year, this room can be decorated with garlands and put a small Christmas tree.

Tea party in the bath

Set the table for a delicious tea party. Think table decor: tablecloth, napkins, tea set. Arrange dishes with food so that it is available to everyone. Put a hot kettle or samovar far away from children.

Useful teas from herbal and berry fees. Good tea from raspberry, blackcurrant, oregano, thyme, lemongrass, lemon balm, lime blossom.

Pick up some tea fees: for children and adults. Put several types of jam in a transparent bowl.

Put sweets on multi-tiered vases, and slices of cheese and fruits on flat dishes. Pay particular attention to tea baking. Serve pies, crepes and small buns with different fillings.

Tales and games for the bath

After visiting the bath, come up with quiet entertainment. Prepare a book with New Year's tales. Or give the task to adults to tell in their own words one fairy tale.

Prepare a stack of postcards, let each one randomly draw one and read a funny story, riddle or ditty on it on the topic of a bath or a new year.

Play the words. Set the topic and say the word. The next player must come up with a word starting with the last letter of the previous one.

Memorable gifts

Give everyone small gifts that will remind you of a pleasant day. Here are examples of gift sets.

For men:

  • Hat with the words "Director of the bath."
  • Felt mitten.
  • Rug "With light steam."
  • Tea Packaging
  • Handmade soap.

For women:

  • Scrub.
  • Cosmetic mask.
  • Ribbon for hair.
  • Herbal tea.
  • Fragrant oil.
  • Vase for jam.

For kids:

  • Beanie.
  • Warm socks.
  • Sweets;
  • Baby shampoo;
  • A toy for swimming.

Important Tips

The heroes of the popular film not only steamed in the bath, but also consumed strong drinks. For a family event with children, alcohol is not needed.

Do not leave children unattended in the steam room or in the rest room. Choose one responsible, for example, who does not like to bathe. Or look at the younger ones in turn.

Just in case, prepare a first-aid kit for the bath. Let it not be needed, but with it you will be calmer.

Sample contents of the first-aid kit:

  • Soothing (valocordin, valerian, validol).
  • When fainting, the victim is allowed to smell ammonia.
  • In case of burn "Panthenol" or "Rescuer".
  • Materials for dressings (wipes, bandage, adhesive plaster).
  • For the treatment of wounds (brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide).

Add individual medicine. For example, tablets in case of allergies or high blood pressure at the grandmother. Take a tonometer.

Summarize. You will need bath attributes, delicious tea with sweets, gifts and a small first-aid kit. During tea drinking it will be more interesting with riddles and games. When everyone was compelled, bathed, changed clothes, got stronger and dried up, then it was time to go from the bathhouse to the house.
