A healthy diet can stop the cancer epidemic.


The World Health Organization has published a cancer growth forecast. If today they are diagnosed in 14 million people in the world, then by 2035 the figure will reach 24 million, i.e. increase 1.7 times - experts say. Scientists are concerned that the population knows only about a limited number of causes of cancer: chemical carcinogens, ultraviolet radiation, and smoking. The role of nutrition remains undervalued.

The greatest number of annual cancer deaths is due to damage to the lungs, stomach, liver, colon and breast. In the Russian Federation, breast cancer ranks first in terms of morbidity and mortality among women. According to the Rosstat study conducted in 2012, more than 23 thousand women die every year due to the appearance of malignant tumors in the breast.

Changes in the mammary gland are hormone-dependent and are associated with excessive production of the steroid hormone estrogen. At its level in the body of a woman directly affects the diet, namely the consumption of fat. The abundance of saturated fatty acids contained in food of animal origin (red meat, sausages, fatty milk, butter) increases the concentration of estrogen in the blood plasma, which is why carcinogenesis is triggered.

Harvard Medical School and the Women's Hospital in Boston, during a joint monitoring of the diet of 714 women for 8 years, found that consumption of fatty dairy products and red meat increased the risk of developing cancer.

Reducing animal fats in the diet and partially replacing them with vegetable fat containing polyunsaturated fatty acids may reduce the plasma estrogen levels. Reducing their level by just 17% should result in a 4-5-fold reduction in the risk of breast cancer.

However, in addition to saturated fats, another type of fatty acids that we regularly consume with food - trans fats - can affect cancer. Unlike saturated fats, which are associated specifically with breast cancer, trans fats are a potential cause of all existing cancers. The cause of their destructive effect on the cells of the body is a curved molecular structure. Trans fats are formed during the course of hydrogenation - the artificial hardening of vegetable oils, but are also constantly produced in the stomach of ruminants due to natural hydrogenation. That is why it is worth remembering that trans fats are contained not only in fast food and sweets, but also in fatty dairy products.

Scientists of the World Health Organization are convinced that it is impossible to ignore food as a factor in the occurrence of a tumor in a healthy body. Targeting the population towards a healthier balanced diet, fighting smoking, excessive alcohol consumption can halve the sad statistics and save the lives of millions of people.


Nastya 04/24/2016
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Watch the video: Dr Gary Fettke - Nutrition and cancer Time to rethink (June 2024).