How to choose and use patches. What patches myths have not been confirmed


Bruises under the eyes, swelling, facial wrinkles may not be a problem if you have patches - their creators assure. Many have heard about the "miraculous" properties of patches, but is it really so?

"Patches" in English means "patch."

Modern patches are thin, drop-shaped pads that are saturated with various skin-friendly substances. The main material for such pads is tissue or a dense gel, and as an impregnation, plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, various oils, vitamins, and peptides.

However, patches cannot replace full regular skin care under the eyes. Most likely, they are a means of express care, such a "first aid", when you need to quickly wipe off traces of fatigue from the surface of the face.

Varieties of patches

1. Moisturizing. The main filling component is hyaluronic acid.
2. Smoothing. In addition to hyaluronic acid, such patches contain collagen.
3. Nourishing. They contain nutritious oils, for example, damask roses, argan, shea.
4. Restorative. In their composition you can find ubiquinone, extracts of black caviar, ginseng.

Additional components that fill patches can be: vitamins, extracts of seaweed or plants, colloidal gold, various oils.

How to patch

Properly selected, patches must be applied to clean, dry skin.

Wet, slightly noticeable, traces of tonic are allowed.

Put a patch on the middle finger of the hand so that its narrow part “looks” at the joint, and the wide part - at the palm.

After that, bring the patch as close to the lower eyelid as possible and apply (preferably with smooth smoothing movements) to the skin, first with the narrow part, and then, gradually expelling the air, wide.

Common myths

1. Patches can be left under the eyes all night.

Many believe that the longer they will be on the skin, the better the effect. This is the wrong opinion. The effectiveness of the patches decreases as they dry out - about 30 minutes. During this time, the patch gives the skin all the nutrients with which it was saturated. Therefore, in the "worked out" form, the patch is absolutely useless.

2. Patches can get rid of wrinkles.

If the skin under the eyes has suddenly lost moisture, for example, after relaxing on the beach, the use of patches will instantly eliminate signs of dehydration. But, if facial wrinkles have already formed, applying patches will only help improve the condition of the skin, but wrinkles will not remove.

3. Patches can remove circles under the eyes.

If a person just did not get enough sleep, and dark circles appeared under the eyes, applying patches will refresh your face and remove signs of fatigue. But, if such circles are heredity or the result of a chronic disease, then applying patches is ineffective.

Patches are a trendy trend in face care that does not harm our appearance and health. Apply it correctly and be beautiful!


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