The child asks to have a dog: what to do. In which cases it is necessary to buy a pet, and when not worth it


Remember the hero of the famous cartoon, Toddler: “I would like to have a dog more than a wife”?

With a request to get a dog in the house, children turn to parents quite often. To this end, the child promises to fulfill all duties regarding independent care for the animal, study and the like.

For what reason the child has a desire to have an animal, and also whether it is necessary to have a puppy, if the child asks, we will talk today.

3 reasons why a child insists on having a dog

Communication difficulties

Not every child grows outgoing, not everyone is able to find a common language with others. Excessive shyness is inherent in the child, regardless of the family in which he is brought up, it is innate in character, which is not easy to get rid of.

The absence of a friend with whom you can communicate, who will always be near, the child is trying to replace the dog.

In this case, the child himself is not aware of the essence of the problem, and parents need to be careful. An appeal to a child psychologist in such a situation will not be superfluous.

To get a dog or not, it is up to the parents themselves to decide.

ATTENTION! It is possible that when a child develops relationships with peers, the dog will recede into the background.

Nevertheless, it is worth considering the fact that thanks to the dog, children become more sociable, socially active. The pet is a kind of conductor between the child and the outside world, not allowing non-communicative children to finally withdraw into themselves. You don’t have to invent a topic for conversation, it’s right here, its tail wagging merrily.

"Living toy"

In other words, the desire to have what friends have, not to look like a black sheep. In this case, the animal is likely to get tired of it after a few months. The child’s dog will simply annoy him by dragging his toys, barking and distracting him from more important matters now. In this case, the girls ask their parents about a small dog, and the boys about a large one.

Love for dogs

This is a normal interest, no different from the love of reading or drawing. This interest is not immediate, most likely, it is for life.

Dite knows all breeds of dogs, reads books about them and watches TV shows. For a child who is keen on cynology from an early age, the dog will be not just a friend, but a whole world that can be explored endlessly.

If you in your child have noticed a really similar hobby, the request must be satisfied.

Important! The fact that the child asks the dog is a sign that he is growing up. He first showed a desire to care for someone. Refusal to buy a dog can leave an unpleasant trace in his character for life. A child, not embodying the desire to care for someone, can turn into an egoist.

An alternative is a very good option.

Try to find out why among the many domestic animals the child prefers the dog, because with it more trouble than, for example, with a cat, hamster or parrot.

If the child does not change his mind about choosing a pet, you can offer an alternative -virtual dog. It could bebig soft toy - dog. For older children, a good option would bevideo game hero.

But parents should also be responsible for choosing a video game. You should not take what is horrible so as not to cause the emergence of new problems. The game should not be cruelty and similar negative moments. On the contrary, the game should instill feelings such as compassion, kindness and caring.

Do I need to have a puppy, if the child asks, tests will help to find out

To find out if a child really needs a dog, you can conduct several tests.

1. Decide on the breed of the dog. To this end, you can visit dog shows, watch films and television programs about dog breeds and their characters.

2. Dog care is very important. This information can be found on the sites or by reading special literature.

3. Age. A child who is 14 years old can already walk the dog on his own. To understand whether he will do this, you can send him for a walk with a leash three times a day for a month, regardless of the weather.

Important! Do not walk the dog on the shoulders of a child who is under 14 years old, even if we are talking about the most harmless little puppy.

The fact is that in an emergency the child can panic, and decisions made in this state will not lead to anything good.

Also, the child must understand that everything will not cost games, most of the responsibilities for caring for the pet will fall on his shoulders.

At first, you may even have to wipe puddles behind him. Will have to be vaccinated, in case of illness treat a dog. And when the opportunity arises to go somewhere to relax, it will be necessary to solve the problem of where to leave the dog.

If your child has a clear interest in what is being told throughout the time, he will have new questions in the process of getting acquainted with material about dogs, it’s worth considering how to really get a dog.

Rate your capabilities

No matter how responsible the child is, parents need to be prepared for the fact that the care of the pet will fall on their shoulders.

A trip to the veterinary clinic, dog walking - all this one way or another, albeit not often, but parents will have to do it. And there should be enough time for walking, you won’t get away with five minutes.

Walking should be full. And the larger the pet, the more time one way or another will have to spend on it. How long should a puppy walk?

Otherwise, the unspent energy will be displayed in the form of spoiled furniture and the like. Therefore, if you do not have time for this at all, it is better to close the topic with buying a dog.

Which dog to choose

Adult dog or puppy

If the family has children of preschool age, in this case an adult dog is more suitable.

The fact is that the puppy requires no less attention than the child, therefore, if the child is constantly present in the house, one should expect problems about raising the dog.

But if you still want to buy a puppy, you should not take one who is 4 months old to a family.

Big or small

Some are scared when they see a big dog near a small child.

In fact, for a family with a small child, decorative dogs are less suitable, since they require more careful handling, less patient and are more excitable.

But if there is no desire to start a large dog, you can stop at the middle growth category.

Choose a breed of dog

On taste and color, as they say, there is no comrade. It is necessary to determine the breed, based on their own requirements and abilities. So if the family has small children, preference should be given to the Labrador, the poodle. These breeds are considered the most sociable.

Fans of travel and hunters will enjoy the like, and if you want to see a guard in your pet, you should take a shepherd or a rotweller.

If your child asks for a dog, and you have already regarded this as a necessity, then go ahead for the pet. Everything has its advantages, and this question is no exception. At least for the next few years, you and your family will have an active and not boring life.


Watch the video: 10 Ordinary Foods That Might Harm Your Pet (June 2024).