Watercolor, enamel or oil - you can easily remove paint from clothing at home


You can get dirty in paint anywhere: sit on a park bench, dye your hair, during repairs. Children come home after painting lessons in gouache spots, and adult artists can forget and ruin their outfit in oil dye. In such a case, you need to know how to remove paint from clothing at home, without ruining the thing.

Water soluble dyes

These include watercolor, gouache, water-based paint and tempera. How to get rid of watercolors or gouache yourself:

1. It is enough to direct a strong stream of water to a fresh spot. It can be washed in the usual way in the machine or manually.

2. A large spot is rinsed under water, moistened with a stain remover and only then sent to the washing machine. If it has dried, you need to repeat the procedure several times with a stream of water, then wash the item.

How to get rid of gouache on an oil or glue basis:

1. Take half of oxalic acid and ammonia. Soak the product in the composition for 30 minutes and wash.

2. Make a solution of ammonia, glycerin and industrial alcohol. Repeat the above steps.

Water-based paint just wash in soapy water if the stain is fresh. Use any powder or laundry soap. If necessary, use a stain remover.

Tempera - something between oil and water paint. For her, a way to get rid of oil is suitable.

Acrylic and latex varieties are also water-soluble. But if such a paint acted on the fabric for more than three hours, just washing the thing will not be enough.

What to do:

1. Carefully blot new dirt with an absorbent cloth. She should pick up the bulk of the paint.

2. Then you need to rub the material under cold water and send it to the machine. Set the maximum time and add a good detergent. The temperature should be no more than 30 degrees.

3. If the previous method did not help, the tissue is treated with a toothbrush with detergent. After that, wash again in a typewriter.

4. The dried-up stain is scraped off with a knife, then one of the previous methods is repeated.

5. If all else fails, you will have to use gasoline or white spirit. After that, to get rid of the smell, the thing is rinsed and hung in the air.

Solvent based

Enamel or oil paints are more difficult to clean than others. How to remove paint from clothing at home, if it is based on oil with solvents:

1. Pour a little acetone at the site of contamination, leave for 10 minutes. But this tool can leave spots after itself!

2. Wet a piece of cotton wool with gasoline and wipe the paint. Suitable tool from the lighter. You can only use clean gasoline, otherwise the clothes will deteriorate even more!

3. Instead of gasoline, turpentine can be used. He acts the same way.

Other methods:

1. Mix the same amount of washing powder and butter. Apply to stain and rub. Leave for a couple of minutes, wash.

2. Use butter to treat the problem area. After softening the dye, wipe off the fat with clean gasoline.

3. In warm water, dilute a little dishware. Soak the stain with the mixture and leave for several hours. Use a sponge or brush to rub the paint, rinse the item with clean water.

4. Cut a piece of laundry soap and throw a spoonful of soda into the pan. Pour a liter of water and boil. Put the product in a dirty place in a boiling solution for 10 seconds. After washing the pollution. This method is used if a white cotton thing is dirty.

Methods for cleaning enamel dye:

1. Moisten with any solvent: turpentine, white spirit, acetone, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol. The cotton pad is impregnated with a solvent and the stain is erased from the edges to the middle. If you do the opposite, the contaminated area will become even larger!

2. Combine 2 parts of vinegar, 2 parts of ammonia and 1 part of salt. Coat the paint with the composition and leave for 7 minutes. Toothbrush carefully rub the place and wash clothes.

Important: dried oil paint or enamel is first scraped off with a knife.

Ways to clean stains on clothes from hair dye:

1. Immediately after painting, inspect the product and wash it if necessary. For reliability, the stain is treated with hairspray or Lokon before washing.

2. If time has passed or the previous method did not help, the material should be moistened and rubbed with vinegar. Wash clothes immediately afterwards.

3. For white or light fabric, heat the peroxide and wipe the fabric. Ammonium enhances the effect of peroxide. Then wash the item with powder or laundry soap.

4. Wipe off contamination with warm water. Rub a little glycerin on the surface and rinse the product under water. Dissolve a couple of drops of vinegar in saline and rub the stain with liquid. Rinse with water, if necessary, wipe with ammonia.

A stubborn hair dye can not always be removed completely. Therefore, it is recommended to do this right away.

Paint recommendations

To bring paint from clothes at home, you must know the composition of the fabric:

1. Synthetic materials Do not use solvents! They will burn it. It is recommended to apply an ammonia solution and soak in salt water.

2. Silk fabric recommended to rub with soap. On top of the sponge soaked in alcohol, wipe the stain. After that, rinse the thing. You can wipe the silk with warm alcohol and wash in soapy salted water.

3. For wool It is recommended to mix warm alcohol and laundry soap. The composition is applied to the problem area, wiped and rinsed clothes. Wool can be cleaned with oil. To remove the stain of fat, it is enough to sprinkle it with talcum powder and squeeze. After drying, the thing is simply washed.

4. Cotton cleaned with a slurry of gasoline and white clay. The mixture is applied for 3-4 hours and the item is washed. Clay pushes paint out of fabric fibers.

5. Leather things easy to clean with any vegetable oil. A greasy stain is removed with a dishwashing agent.

6. For denim material kerosene or gasoline will do. These solvents will not spoil the fabric. If this does not help, you need an acidic remedy, such as vinegar.

When choosing a solvent for cleaning paint, you must check to see if it spoils the fabric. This is done from the inside out on the inconspicuous part of the thing. Work with solvents only with gloves, so as not to damage the skin of the hands. The room should be well ventilated, and even better to do it on the street. Then the product does not greatly affect lung health. Do not use solvents near open flames.

For color products glycerin is suitable. Acetone can with the paint to remove the color of the material.

It is better to remove the paint immediately after contact with clothing. If it has dried up, before chemical exposure it is worth scratching it with a knife or brush.

For applying funds use cotton pads or white pieces of cloth. Colored or dark material can shed and ruin a thing. For the same reason, the work surface should not be painted.

It is possible to remove paint from clothing at home, even if it is enamel. It must be remembered that not all methods are suitable for every material and should be used with caution.


Watch the video: How To Remove a Paint Stain From Clothes - Easy DIY (June 2024).