Schizophrenia in men: the first symptoms and signs of how to help a person. Schizophrenia in men: causes and treatment


Schizophrenia is a disease of the nervous system in which a sick person partially loses a sense of reality of what is happening, because of which his emotional state becomes confused, and his behavior becomes inadequate. Consider in more detail the signs of schizophrenia in men, the causes and methods of treatment for this condition.

Schizophrenia in men: causes

One of the greatest dangers of schizophrenia is that a person in this state can commit rash acts. Also, such people quite often commit suicide.

Schizophrenia itself belongs to those diseases that develop due to changes in the brain.

Scientists identify the following most common causes of schizophrenia in men:

1. The hereditary predisposition of a person to this disease is determined by the presence of defective genes that were transmitted to the man from close blood relatives. Moreover, a failure in the nervous system can be not only a manifestation of schizophrenia, but also depression, psychopathy and other mental disorders.

According to psychiatrists, in most patients with schizophrenia, at least one (even distant) relative suffered from a similar condition.

If a man suffers from schizophrenia, and he has not found relatives with the same pathology, then this is justified by the fact that a sufficient number of genes responsible for the development of just such a disease were not transmitted to this person.

2. External factors can also affect the development of schizophrenia. For example, very often the prolonged use of psychotropic substances and drugs leads to this condition.

In addition, men who lead an active lifestyle, take alcohol and suffer traumatic brain injuries, there is a risk of getting schizophrenia, albeit not in an active (latent) form.

3. Congenital or acquired pathologies of the brain that led to metabolic disorders and a direct consequence of this is schizophrenia.

In addition, the causes of schizophrenia in many respects depend on its specific type. Thus, the following factors that can cause slightly different types of this disease are distinguished:

1. Depressive-paranoid schizophrenia develops in a person when he is in constant depression, expects bad news, feels anxiety, or is under pressure. Treating schizophrenia in men of this type is usually easy. Therapy is to take sedatives.

2. The catatonic type of schizophrenia is manifested by abrupt changes in the patient's mood. It can be apathetic, or vice versa, overly active.

3. The circular appearance of this disease is manifested by the fact that the patient constantly distinguishes himself from others and thinks that he is unique, special. This, in turn, leads to frequent conflict situations with others. Moreover, people with this diagnosis are often secretive. They consider themselves better than others, and therefore do not communicate with others.

4. Paranoid schizophrenia is considered the most difficult to treat and dangerous to humans. At the same time, in this state, the patient may change consciousness and hallucinations can be observed. Usually, this type of disease develops as a result of severe psycho-emotional overstrain, psychological trauma, or advanced depression.

It is important to note that when establishing a diagnosis of schizophrenia, the doctor must necessarily take into account not only the person’s genetic predisposition to the disease, but also external factors that could have a significant impact on the development of such a psychological deviation.

According to statistics, it is men who suffer from schizophrenia more often than women. This is due to the fact that they drink more alcohol and are more likely to suffer brain injuries due to a stroke.

Schizophrenia in men: the first symptoms and signs

Schizophrenia in men, the signs of which can be very diverse, can cause completely unforeseen symptoms in a person.

The following most common features and signs of schizophrenia in men are distinguished:

1. Delusional states and ideas. At the same time, a person can seriously say that someone is leading him, thinking for him or acting on him with something (various invented devices, rays, thoughts, etc.). Also, delirium can manifest itself in the fact that the patient will think that they are being followed, even at night. Sometimes patients complain that they are laughing, discussing them.

2. Hallucinations. At the same time, auditory hallucinations are the most frequent when the patient thinks he hears voices. Sometimes, as a result, a person can commit rash acts that can harm others.

3. Closedness in communication, observation of opposite sharpened feelings (love and hate).

4. Violation of consciousness (may be manifested by failures in the logical connection between thoughts).

5. A very characteristic sign of the onset of schizophrenia in men is a loss of interest in everything and everyone. Also, a person can be inactive, quit work, business, friends. He will have neither the desire nor the strength to do anything.

Also, relatives should be wary of sloppiness in everyday life and clothing, memory problems, uncleanliness, which were not previously peculiar to a particular person.

Due to the fact that, by their nature, men are less emotional than women, quite often schizophrenia is seen in them in a fairly developed state.

Additional signs of this disease may be:

1. Speech impairment and illogical thoughts. A person can say something out of place, incoherent.

2. Dementia and unwillingness to develop further.

3. Permanent, meaningless writing.

4. Problems with decision making.

5. Frequent repetition of the same movements (walking in a circle, repeating gestures, etc.).

6. Refusal from new acquaintances.

Schizophrenia in men: treatment

The treatment of schizophrenia in men is carried out by two main methods: psychological assistance and drug therapy.

Most often, a person in this condition is prescribed psychotropic drugs. The dosage and method of administration are selected in the individual case for each specific patient. It is important to note that such drugs are potent, so taking them on their own (without a doctor’s prescription) is extremely dangerous.

To keep the symptoms of the disease under control, antipsychotics (Perphenazine, Aminazine) can be prescribed to a man. They stabilize a person's condition quite well, but at the same time they can cause a number of undesirable side effects. For this reason, it is advisable for the patient to remain under medical supervision during such therapy.

For general sedation, sedative sedatives and sleeping pills can be prescribed to the patient.

An extremely important role in the treatment of schizophrenia is given to psychotherapy. This technique helps the patient to understand the problem and understand it.

Traditional psychotherapy improves the connection of a sick person with the world around him, family and friends. It will help the patient adapt and maintain his workplace, learn to control himself.

Electroshock treatment is also often used. Its essence is that electrical signals will come into the patient’s brain, which will cause small cramps. Typically, this practice is used for patients with severe forms of schizophrenia.

Also, listening to soothing classical music has good results.

The treatment of schizophrenia is always lengthy, often the patient experiences breakdowns, and you have to start all over again. There are periods of exacerbations and improvements in the disease.

Moreover, during this therapy, a person needs a good sleep and rest, proper nutrition and mandatory care for loved ones. Do not push the patient away from yourself with such a diagnosis. On the contrary, try to talk him, distract, amuse and engage in something interesting.

Schizophrenia in men: prevention

Prevention of schizophrenia in men is as follows:

1. Timely appeal to a psychologist and other specialists for depression, isolation, neurosis and other mental disorders.

2. Assessment of the predisposition to schizophrenia at the genetic level.

3. Quitting smoking and taking alcohol, as well as drugs.

4. Exercise caution to protect yourself from possible brain injuries.

5. An interesting hobby and work that will not be depressed.

6. Mandatory time with close and interesting people.


Watch the video: Schizophrenia Overview. Clinical Presentation (May 2024).