Gomasio: benefits and uses. Japanese seasoning to significantly reduce salt intake: recipe


Gomashio or homashio is a traditional seasoning of Japanese cuisine. The name itself (goma means "sesame" in Japanese and shio - "salt") indicates that we are talking about a mixture of fried sesame seeds and sea salt.


You can find homashio in bio-food and diet stores. It is also easy to make at home. For example, fry sea salt in a cast-iron pan (2-3 minutes). Then the salt is ground in a mortar to a fine powder. After a slow fire, sesame washed in a colander is fried. As soon as the seeds begin to crack, they are ready. Mix the fried sesame seeds with salt. In a mortar, grind the mixture until the seeds are completely covered with salt. When gently rubbed, homashio will have an amazing aroma. Put homashio in a glass dish.

What is its use?

The proportions of both main ingredients of homashio can be from 6 grams of sesame per 1 gram of salt to 20 grams of sesame per 1 gram of salt.

In any case, the use of this seasoning will reduce the use of salt without sacrificing taste, since sesame also gives taste.

Gomasio retains the nutritional qualities of sesame, known for its rich content of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. This is another source of unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin.

Note that homashio is found in algae, which is the impetus for their use and to use their beneficial properties in everyday life.

How to use it?

You can sprinkle gomashio salads, fresh vegetables, and vegetables cooked over a fire.

You can try it with chicken or salmon carpaccio, for example.

If you like sesame, do bold experiments! Sesame lovers put it in all dishes.


Watch the video: Miso Soup is Healthy for You ? Dr Michael Greger (July 2024).