20 things we need to do before the wedding. Before choosing a dress and planning a banquet - do it!


Can't wait to get married? And the proposal has already been made? Do not hurry! Before the wedding, you need to make sure that you connect your life with a suitable person. In addition, several important things should be completed in order to start a family life without the burden of past problems and mistakes.

We have compiled for you a list of 20 things that you need to pay attention to before marriage.

1. The child. Discuss the topic of children with the groom. It is advisable that your loved one relate to having children the same way you do. Do not rely heavily on the fact that you will be able to change the position of a man regarding this over time.

2. Religion. If you have different religions with your future spouse, be sure to discuss how the two religions will coexist in the same family.

3. Money. Many families break up due to lack of finance. To avoid divorce, first make sure that your future family will be adequately provided.

4. Bad habits. Pay attention to the bad habits of your soulmate. Alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction can easily spoil family life.

5. Laziness. Take a closer look at how your beloved relates to work. Sloth is the enemy of a harmonious family.

6. Live alone. This is necessary in order to understand yourself, to listen to your true desires, to weigh everything before creating your family.

7. Acquaintance with relatives. When choosing a man, you must understand that his family will become a part of your life too. Of course, it would be great if you had a warm relationship with the relatives of your future spouse, but if this did not happen, then at least equal relations should be maintained.

8. Take an examination. To determine the state of your health, you need to undergo a medical examination. Poor ecology, stress and other adverse factors adversely affect the state of health and reproductive function in particular. As a rule, the infertility of one of the spouses can negatively affect family relations, therefore, you need to enter into a marriage union, being aware of the health status of each of the couple.

9. Finish your studies. The family should not become an obstacle to your self-realization. Completion of the university is a prerequisite for the formation of a mature personality.

10. Career. Try to take at least the first steps in your chosen profession.

11. Release the past. You must resolve all outstanding issues with your ex. It should be understood that marriage is a new stage in life and there will be no turning back.

12. Consult with a lawyer. The specialist will explain to you the legal consequences of marriage, teach you how to behave in various life situations. We conclude marriage contracts with us, but it will be useful for all newlyweds to consult with a lawyer to find out about their new rights and obligations as spouses.

13. Open an account. To accumulate funds, open a bank account. Try to save at least 10% of your income every month.

14. Talk openly. If you have any secrets from your future spouse, then it's time to tell him everything. You must have the courage to admit your mistakes, but your conscience will be clear.

15. Spend your vacation with your best friend. After the wedding, it is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to go on vacation with your girlfriend.

16. Plan your wedding day. A wedding is a celebration that requires careful planning. Carefully think over the program and determine the wedding estimate.

17. Discuss future plans. It is possible that your plans and the plans of your loved one will differ significantly. It is important that his ambitious dreams do not interfere with your own goals. Learn to compromise and make joint plans.

18. Listen to the opinions of friends. If all your friends don't like your fiancé, then it may make sense to listen to their opinions. Remember that it is better seen from the side. And now you are blinded by feelings and cannot evaluate a person objectively. Try not to rush to the wedding. Give yourself time to evaluate an unbiased candidate for husbands.

19. Learn to cook. This is a very useful skill that will never be superfluous.

20. Do not try to change your soulmate. You must either accept all the shortcomings of your chosen one, or refuse to marry him. Do not hope that the person will change after the wedding.

By doing the above things, you will lay a solid foundation for a happy family life.


Watch the video: Choosing My Wedding Dress (June 2024).