Features of raising a melancholic baby: recommendations for parents. If your baby is a melancholy, that's great!


Each baby is unique from the moment of birth, it immediately has the properties of the nervous system inherent only to it, which together determine the temperament. One of the types of temperament is melancholy, its peculiarity is the weakness of the nervous system, but this is not always bad.

Behavior typical of a melancholic baby

A child with this type of temperament looks unhappy, as if configured to suffer. It takes him a long time to learn how to sleep soundly, calmly, wake up from hunger, eat food until it is fully saturated.

He is irritable, cannot relax, hardly falls asleep even after dinner - he falls asleep, and then again whimpers or even screams. Perhaps he simply slowly or with difficulty sucks, so he does not have time to get enough.

A melancholic baby may not react when they are talking to him, but he protests violently when trying to put him in a stroller or bed. At night, he will probably wake up several times. A child with such a temperament gains weight more slowly, later learns to play with his own hands and rarely smiles at others. Often, he even looks like an unhappy, completely unlike his joyful peers.

Recommendations for raising a melancholy baby

You do not need to consider yourself bad parents, reproach for the fact that the baby looks unhappy, often cries. Do not give up if his suffering continues and he as if does not notice the love and care from adults.

The kid is unhappy not because he is indifferent to his parents or dissatisfied with the care and care on their part. He hardly gets used to living in a spacious world outside the mother’s body. It is necessary to try to share the feelings of the child, continue to show him how he is loved and dear, not at first counting on the response from him.

To reassure a child with a melancholy character, you must use the following methods:

1. Make sure that the baby drinks milk as much as he is capable of, and only when he wants to, in no case to force.

2. The child feels comfortable in the warmth, so you need to take care of the optimal clothes and room temperature.

3. You can try to swaddle the baby tight before going to bed, but you should watch to see if this helps him calm down.

4. You should often take the child in his arms and hold him to him. Knowing that parents are always there, the baby will feel safe.

5. New events - trips in transport, walks in noisy places can only be allowed when the child gets used to the new environment and becomes more active. The same goes for unfamiliar food.

But the melancholic baby is very sensitive, responsive to affection, loves gentle music, deeply sympathizes and empathizes even at an early age.
