Face masks from aspirin: the rules of preparation, the opinions of cosmetologists. Effective recipes for aspirin masks


Various variations of masks with aspirin have won the trust of many women fighting for the beauty and health of their skin. I’ll be a wonderful tool that helps to dry out rashes and relieve inflammation, the ingredients for cooking are very inexpensive and available at any pharmacy, because aspirin face masks are a great alternative to many drugs from professional treatment lines. But first things first.

Aspirin is the trade name for acetylsalicylic acid (salicylic ester of acetic acid). This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which is prescribed for febrile conditions, pain. It has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, aspirin is not a vitamin supplement that can be taken for any reason, which many people often forget about. Topical application also requires caution.

How does an aspirin mask work and what to expect from its use?

In the arsenal of cosmetologists there are products that include salicylic acid, popular acid masks. In such cases, confusion can occur, because salicylic acid is not a part of aspirin, therefore, an aspirin mask and acid masks and peeling compounds are completely different means. Among professional compositions, analogues of home recipes with a well-known drug do not exist.

In addition, do not rely on high expectations from the mask - for example, the effect of rejuvenation. This myth is associated with the involuntary association of aspirin compounds with professional cosmetology based on, again, salicylic acid.

Nevertheless, the effect of the drug on the inflammation focus can be safely expected from a mask of aspirin by reducing the activity of the main component of the inflammatory process - hyaluronidase. Also, the drug has an analgesic effect. Thus, the tool can be considered effective: the use of masks from aspirin is not a useless translation of the drug and auxiliary ingredients, but a procedure that demonstrates a good effect.


So, the use of a mask for acne, acne, and also for clogging pores is shown. At the same time, it acts as an emergency tool, in no case can it be used daily, as well as for a long time.

In this case, the result of applying a mask of aspirin to the face is evaluated depending on the woman’s own expectations:

The greatest effect in the fight against single inflammation. The mask does not affect the cause of the appearance of inflammation, so the use of the product is only a fight against symptoms and preventing the appearance of new traces of acne on the face.

A good effect when cleansing pores. Easy scrubbing helps brighten pores. The face becomes smoother and fresher.

Short-term effect in the treatment of acne.

If the skin is very problematic, home formulations with aspirin are not enough, and such procedures in no way replace a visit to a beauty parlor, and therefore hoping for a full facial cleansing only with the help of such funds is not worth it.

The principles of using a mask of aspirin for the face: how not to harm the skin and get the best result

Using home remedies based on acetylsalicylic acid, it is necessary to consider the following nuances:

Use uncoated aspirin tablets. The drug can be in a protective shell, or in capsule form. Such shells are composed of auxiliary components. Drugs should be chosen without auxiliary components - this information is always indicated in the instructions.

Take into account the individual characteristics of the skin, its type. Face masks from aspirin are not suitable for women with sensitive skin, prone to dryness, irritation and redness. An exception is the spot application of the drug to inflammation, but with caution. Owners of very oily skin should not dry it out with daily use of alcohol lotions and aspirin masks - this approach will not only not solve the main problem, but will also contribute to the appearance of the opposite effect. Use the composition no more than 1-2 times a week.

Use the mask as part of a comprehensive skin care, taking into account the peculiarities of the action of other means used. Lack of skin care, preparing a mask from case to case is a frivolous approach that will not bring the expected result. In each situation, the care program is individual, but in general it should be aimed at achieving an optimal balance, avoiding excessive drying out. With an illiterate care program, dehydration will also be added, which perfectly coexists with increased oily skin. It is advisable to appropriate funds from the pharmacy lines of cosmetics, combine taking into account the needs of the skin. You need at least a good cleanser and a non-comedogenic moisturizer (even for the greasy type) on a shelf in the bathroom.

Selection of auxiliary components taking into account the needs of the skin. So, for clarification of black dots citric acid is suitable, for additional softening - melted honey. It is acceptable to use both base and essential oils.

Local mask application. The composition is applied pointwise to inflammation, or in a thin layer on problem areas - T-zone, chin. Avoid the area under the eyes.

Do not overdo it. As mentioned above, owners of oily skin should undergo the procedure no more than 2 times a week. Also, aspirin masks should never be overexposed - depending on the recipe, from a few minutes to 10-15.

Pros and Cons of Aspirin-Based Face Masks

Like any cosmetic product, especially prepared at home, an aspirin mask may not go for everyone. Pluses of means:

low cost of mask components;

quick and easy preparation of the composition;

good effect after the first application.

By cons include:

The mask is not suitable for owners of sensitive skin.

It is not recommended to use the composition in the summer and spring season.

After the procedure, it is necessary to use cream with SPF30 for the middle latitudes of Russia and SPF50 for the southern ones. That is, UV protection after the mask is required.

Aspirin Mask Recipes

There are many variations of recipes for masks with aspirin, but the most successful are collected in this article. The compositions are easy to prepare, do not require a large number of auxiliary components. Masks are best cooked at once.

Aspirin anti-inflammatory face cream

Such a mask not only affects inflammation, but also softens the treated area. For preparation, you need a few tablets of aspirin, as well as a few drops of water and a nourishing cream. All must be mixed to a mushy state. Keep on face no more than 10-15 minutes.

Homemade scrub for smooth and clean skin

For the mask you will need crushed aspirin tablets, honey and sea salt. All ingredients in equal proportions. Aspirin can be pre-crushed in 2 drops of water. Apply a scrub to the face, massage the skin with light movements, and then leave the mixture for 5 minutes. After the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer, taking into account the type of skin.

Aspirin softening face mask

For cooking, you need a few tablets, honey and olive oil. Honey must first be melted. The ratio of components for personal choice. Before applying the mask, it is advisable to steam the skin. The composition is kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes.

Anti-inflammatory, whitening, drying composition

A mask with aspirin and lemon juice will help dry up inflammation and lighten existing spots from acne. For a few crushed tablets, a few drops of lemon juice will suffice. The mask must be left to dry and then washed off. Be sure to apply a moisturizer.

All described masks lighten the skin a little, especially those that contain citric acid. Also pigmented spots with traces of inflammation are clarified. If the mask contains oil, it should not be ruled out even in cases where the skin is rather oily. In no case should you forget about protecting your face from ultraviolet radiation after the procedure, and the first hours after it is undesirable to leave the house. SPF products are used even in very cloudy weather.


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