Grushanka - medicinal properties and use in medicine


Grushanka - general description

Grushanka is a herbaceous perennial with a branched long rhizome. It has a blunt-edged, erect stem up to 30 cm high and slightly glossy, leathery, round or oval leaves. Flowers of pink or white color slightly smell like lily of the valley and are collected in inflorescences. Grushanka fruit - spherical flattened box; flowering falls from May to July.

Grushanka - types and places of growth

On the territory of the CIS, wintergreen is found in the European part, in Central Asia, Siberia and the Caucasus. It grows on sod-podzolic soil with different mechanical composition (sandy, sand, etc.) in the forests of oak, pine-birch, pine, hornbeam-oak, spruce-broad-leaved and spruce chrysanthemum, sour, sorrel, blueberry, mossy and other types less commonly among shrubs. Associated plants are hairy burns, lingonberries, blueberries, minnik, sour and others.

It can be found in mixed, coniferous, sometimes deciduous forests, in a belt that is mountainous in nature and in the plains of the taiga.

In Russia, 4 of its species are common: small, medium, green-flowered and round-leaved.

Grushanka - medicinal properties

Grushanka is used for inflammation of both the bladder and ureters with purulent discharge, chronic kidney disease, dropsy and inflammation of the prostate. It is widely used in gynecology for chronic adnexitis, atony of the uterus, and obstruction of the fallopian tubes. It is also indicated for hernia, nasad, as a hemostatic and wound healing agent, for fever, rheumatism, epilepsy, headaches. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, diarrhea and enteritis), it is used for ascites, liver diseases, diabetes mellitus and edema due to liver and heart diseases. Tibetan medicine uses grushanka as an antipyretic and for tuberculosis of bones. External use - for washing the ears, eyes or nasal cavity.

Preparations from pear powder refresh the breath and have a bactericidal effect on the oral cavity. They contribute to the healing of the mucous membrane, strengthen the gums. They are used for stomatitis, periodontal disease, gum disease, tooth decay, etc.

Grushanka - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, apply the leaves of wintergreen, harvested during flowering plants. They are laid out with a layer of 3 cm and dried in ventilated areas. It is necessary to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the leaves of the pear.

Grushanka - recipes

Grushanka infusion: 40 gr. dry leaves pour 300-400 ml of water (100 ° C), leave to infuse for half an hour in a closed container, and then strain. The usual intake is 0.5 cups per day up to 4 times half an hour before meals or one hour after eating. It is suitable for flushing open wounds, rinsing the throat and oral cavity.

Grushanka tincture: Pour 50 g into a dark bottle. dry leaves and pour them with vodka (0.5 liters). Insist for 20 days, not forgetting to shake the mixture regularly. Take a teaspoon before the next meal (30 minutes) or 1 hour after eating 3 times a day. With infertility - from 3 months to six months.

For diseases associated with the genitourinary system, you can prepare such an alcoholic tincture of grushanki: grind the ground part of the plant, pour 40 g. into a dark glass container, pour 250 ml of vodka and close tightly. Insist for three weeks, not forgetting to shake the drug regularly. Take tincture of 0.5 teaspoon. before meals three times a day, washed down with warm water.

Grushanka - contraindications

There are no established contraindications for taking medications made from Grushanka. According to some reports, it can lower blood pressure. It should be used with caution in people suffering from varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.


Milan 04/19/2016
I was surprised that the grushanka is suitable for dentistry. I would not risk taking it inside, but I’ll be happy to use it to rinse the oral cavity.

Vera 04/19/2016
The plant flowers in the photo are so delicate and beautiful ... If the disease is not in the acute phase, then it is quite possible to use infusions and lotions from pear.

Olga Ivanovna 04/19/2016
You watch reports about fake drugs and you will inevitably want to switch to traditional medicine. Somehow weeds and roots will be calmer!

Lera 04/19/2016
I saw in the pharmacy preparations containing grushanka. It turns out her therapeutic range is so wide. You can use both inside and outside :)))

Kristi 04/19/2016
An amazing plant was discovered for her. To be honest, I’ve never heard of him before. Thank you dear portal "Women's Opinion" for enlightenment !!!


Watch the video: Pyrola rot. in gynecology, chronic prostatitis, female infertility, as herbal antibiotics (July 2024).