Honey glaze: beautiful baking design. Options for Honey Glaze with Syrups, Fruits and Chocolate


In cooking, honey glaze is widely used. It is she who gives the cakes a mirror surface, and the marinade from it gives the meat dishes that unique, delicate taste. Such glaze is used for all types of meat, but it is especially combined with ducklings, pork, chicken and ham.

Culinary experts all over the world began to come up with recipes for the most delicate cookies, gingerbread cookies and cupcakes using honey glaze not only as a decoration.

Honey glaze - general principles of preparation

To prepare honey glaze, it is necessary to mix sugar and water in equal proportions, after which the ingredients need to be boiled over low heat until sampled on a string.

The flavoring ingredients can be added completely different, to add sourness - soy or lemon, for pungency - mustard, or you can mix them with additional ingredients and get sweet and sour honey glaze.

The choice of taste of honey glaze should be selected based on the type of meat for which the marinade is made - for example, mustard-pineapple honey glaze is best for pork, and in combination with chicken, mustard and maple syrup with garlic in honey glaze are a good marinade. This dressing will reveal all the subtleties of chicken delicacy.

Mustard Honey Glaze


• Dijon mustard - two full tablespoons;

• undiluted honey - two full tablespoons;

• lemon juice - a couple of tablespoons;

• a mixture of sugar and water prepared in advance.

Cooking method:

1. Prepared in advance a mixture of melted sugar with water, pour two tablespoons of honey.

2. Constantly stirring, gradually, add mustard. The resulting mixture must be brought to a homogeneous state. It should turn out mass like thick sour cream.

3. Add lemon juice and mix thoroughly again.

4. If the mixture is too liquid, you can add granulated sugar. For too thick a mixture, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

Mustard & Pineapple Flavored Honey Glaze


• two large spoons of undiluted honey;

• two tablespoons of brown sugar;

• whole grain mustard - not more than 1 tablespoon;

• pineapple juice - not more than 1 tablespoon. Optionally, you can use several cloves of pineapple.

Cooking method:

1. Melt the sugar over low heat, while stirring constantly. So that he thickens pour one tablespoon of water to him.

2. After the sugar syrup is ready, cool it to a warm state, and gradually add honey.

3. Mix the sugar-honey solution thoroughly and add a tablespoon of mustard.

4. Beat all ingredients with a whisk or mixer until a small foam forms.

5. At the end, add a spoonful of pineapple juice. Or if pineapple slices are used, grate them and strain through gauze.

6. Mix the finished syrup thoroughly again. Then put in a cold place and let it brew.

Honey Soy Glaze


• undiluted honey - a few tablespoons;

• soy sauce - 1.5 tablespoons;

• red wine vinegar - 1.5 tablespoons;

• finished sugar syrup.

Cooking method:

1. In a pre-cooled sugar syrup, gradually add 1 tablespoon of honey.

2. After honey and sugar syrup form a thick, uniform mixture, pour a spoonful of red wine vinegar and mix everything thoroughly again.

3. Add soy sauce at the very end. Mix everything again and clean in a cool place. Already after an hour, syrup can be used.

Lemon Orange Honey Glaze


• 225 grams of orange marmalade;

• lemon juice - one large tablespoon;

• mint leaves or coriander;

• undiluted honey - in the amount of 1 full tablespoon;

• finished sugar syrup.

Cooking method:

1. Put the marmalade in a pan with lemon juice, mix as it melts.

2. Add chopped mint leaves, after which the finished jelly composition is insisted for about 30 minutes.

3. Peel chilled lemon-orange jelly from mint leaves or coriander.

4. Take sugar syrup, add a spoonful of honey there, while not forgetting to mix everything thoroughly.

5. At the end, mix the lemon-orange jelly with honey-sugar syrup and beat with a mixer until smooth.

6. The finished solution must be heated before use. Watering food is best in hot glaze.

Maple Syrup Honey Glaze


• two full spoons of maple syrup;

• two tablespoons of Dijon mustard;

• 2 cloves of minced garlic;

• one full tablespoon of red wine vinegar;

• salt and pepper to taste;

• two large tablespoons of undiluted flower honey.

Cooking method:

1. Put honey melt on medium heat.

2. Pour 2 tablespoons of maple syrup into the melted honey, while not forgetting to stir constantly, otherwise all the ingredients stick together.

3. 10 minutes after a boil, add wine vinegar with Dijon mustard to honey with maple syrup.

4. Salt and pepper, trying the icing to taste.

5. 10 minutes before cooking, add chopped garlic and mix thoroughly.

6. Cool the finished mass at room temperature. It is recommended to apply icing on dishes in a cold form.

Apricot Syrup Honey Glaze


• apricot jam or very thick jam - in the amount of 2 full tablespoons;

• two tablespoons of maple syrup;

• water - 2 teaspoons;

• red wine vinegar;

• 2 tablespoons of pure buckwheat honey;

• ready-made sugar syrup

Cooking method:

1. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to pre-warmed sugar syrup. Stir well and let simmer for 5 minutes.

2. Then add 2 tablespoons of maple syrup and red wine vinegar, stirring constantly to add apricot jam or jam.

3. In the end, before turning off the stove, dilute the finished glaze with two teaspoons of water.

4. Use must be hot.

Apricot-Lemon Flavored Honey Glaze


• apricot jam or thick jam;

• 2 teaspoons of lemon juice;

• 2 teaspoons of water;

• 2 tablespoons of pure flower honey;

• finished sugar syrup.

Cooking method:

1. In pre-cooked sugar syrup, pour 2 tablespoons of undiluted honey, mix thoroughly and leave over low heat for 5 minutes.

2. Then add apricot jam or jam, mix the ingredients thoroughly and pour two teaspoons of clean water.

3. Immediately before turning off the gas, add lemon juice, mix again and cover.

4. In this state, the glaze should stand for 10-15 minutes, after which it must be used hot. When cold, the expected effect will not be.

Honey Glaze with Chocolate


• cocoa powder - 200 grams;

• butter - 1 tablespoon;

• icing sugar - 40 grams;

• milk - 4 tablespoons;

• 2 tablespoons of pure honey.

Cooking method:

1. Sift cocoa and powdered sugar through a sieve.

2. Milk with honey should be boiled for 4-5 minutes, while you need to mix thoroughly to melt the honey.

3. Soften the butter.

4. Next, icing sugar with cocoa must be poured with hot milk with honey and mix thoroughly, preferably using a whisk. After which, add softened butter, mix everything again.

5. The resulting honeyed icing with chocolate cannot be cooled. Cakes, muffins or pastries are watered hot. Finished products must be left in a cool place.

Glazed Honey Glaze


• 15 grams of gelatin;

• 160 grams of sugar;

• 160 grams of pure honey;

• 150 grams of white chocolate;

• 100 grams of condensed milk;

• 140 ml of warm water;

• food coloring.

Cooking method:

1. Mix gelatin with 60 ml of warm water, then leave to swell. After which, heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil.

2. Pour sugar into a separate bowl, add honey and 80 ml of water. Bring the mixed ingredients to a boil, stirring constantly, so that the sugar dissolves faster.

3. Put the chocolate in a water bath, but it is absolutely impossible to overheat it. Mix the melted chocolate, condensed milk and hot honey solution in a blender.

4. Then carefully open the blender lid and add a gelatin solution and food coloring in a thin stream, alternately stirring with a spoon.

5. Mix everything in the blender again.

6. To get rid of the bubbles, the finished glaze can be filtered through gauze or a very thin strainer.

7. Colored glaze is poured on top of the confectionery, then cools with a thin stream.

Honey Glaze - Tips and Tricks

• The glaze should be constantly stirred during cooking, otherwise it may quickly thicken.

• It is best to pour dishes with honey glaze in a warm form, otherwise the mixture will thicken too much and will not look aesthetically pleasing.

• To decorate the honey cake with icing, it is advisable to have a rotating stand. Then gently pour the icing into the center of the cake. It is better to level it with a special culinary spatula, but if there is none, then you can just take an ordinary large kitchen knife.

• If the glaze could not be applied exactly the first time, then you can let the first layer cool down to the end and apply honey glaze again on the cake.

• Only the first five recipes presented can be used to marinate meat. To the glaze you just need to add the required amount of salt. It is better to marinate meat for at least two hours.


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