Healthy nutrition: a delicious menu for every day. What is considered a healthy diet, what daily menu does it suggest?


Proper nutrition is not an exhausting hunger strike. In order not to lose youth, beauty and strength, you need to correctly combine products.

We will make a competent menu for every day, we will fight for a healthy diet!

Healthy eating: diet

Meal times should always be approximately the same. Regular nutrition is what you need to strive for. It is best to eat at the same time:

1. 7:00 - breakfast.

2. 10:00 - a snack.

3. 13:00 - lunch.

4. 16:00 - a snack.

5. 19:00 - dinner.

This mode is suitable for those who prefer to get up early. But if you lead a different lifestyle and rise at 9:00, the meal schedule will look different:

1. 10:00 - breakfast.

2. 13:00 - a snack;

3. 15:00 - lunch.

4. 17:00 - a snack.

5.20:00 - dinner.

Make your meal schedule based on your daily routine. Just keep in mind that one hour after waking up, you need to eat. And immediately after lifting it is recommended to drink 250 ml of water.

And before we start considering the menu, we will give you the recipe for the right cocktail. It will consist of banana, milk, lemon juice and cinnamon (only if you love it). All this needs to be immersed in a blender and you're done! Such a drink has a beneficial effect on the body. Every day your menu should not be repeated.


On the first day, prepare a nutritious buckwheat breakfast. Add 30 g butter. Complete this with a juicy apple and roasting coffee. Remember that sugar intake needs to be reduced.

A snack can consist of toast (25 g), 1 nutritious chicken egg and fresh cucumber.

For lunch, 200 g of baked fish is suitable. Low-fat species include hake, pollock. Plus, a light salad (150 g) of your favorite vegetables.

An afternoon snack includes 100 g of cottage cheese (5%), a ripe apple and green tea with lemon.

Dinner consists of 200 g of stewed vegetables (at your discretion) and 100 g of chicken, it is preferable to bake it, but you can cook it.


The second day will begin with a nutritious sandwich consisting of 20 g of rye bread, cottage cheese and cheese (10 g). Plus, an apple or banana and tea without sugar (you can also have coffee).

At a snack, treat yourself to cottage cheese (9%, 70 g) and a teaspoon of honey.

Lunch will include 200 grams of chicken stock. You can make a light salad. Only fresh vegetables.

An afternoon snack will consist of an apple, kiwi (if you want, you can replace kiwi with a banana) and invigorating peppermint tea.

For dinner, cook 250 chicken fillet (boiled) and back it with 2 cucumbers.


The breakfast of the third day will consist of nutritious buckwheat porridge on the water with a couple of teaspoons of honey, banana and coffee without sugar.

The snack will consist of 50 g of walnuts, apple and green tea. Nuts are healthy and nutritious; they will make your brain work 100%.

For lunch, cook 200 g of brown rice and stew 150 g of your favorite vegetables.

For an afternoon snack, allow yourself 150 g of casseroles and green tea. She will be curd and with a banana. Nutritious and healthy.

Dinner will consist of delicious ingredients - shrimp (boil 200 g). And to this, add 2 cucumbers and 1 tomato.


On day 4, prepare a delicious oatmeal porridge in milk (1.5%), you can add 100 g of raspberries or strawberries to it. Oatmeal is nutritious and you will spend a minimum of time cooking it.

The snack will include 100 g of yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and coffee. There is nothing better than a cup of natural coffee.

For lunch, 250 g of baked fish is suitable (you can stop the choice on hake or pollock) and 150 g of sauerkraut.

The snack will consist of two whole grain breads with curd cheese and tomato.

For dinner, salmon (150 g) with a salad is perfect. Make a salad of your favorite ingredients (fresh vegetables only). All this is allowed to pour yogurt. And fry the salmon steak and can serve it with the vegetable mixture.


On the fifth day, cook airy mashed potatoes (200 g) with butter. Eat a boiled egg and cucumber.

Have a bite of a pair of kiwi (apples are suitable if you prefer them more) and green tea.

Lunch will complement the rice soup with mushrooms and toast with hard cheese.

A cottage cheese casserole, which includes cottage cheese, raisins and sour cream, will serve as a snack. You can cook it in a short time, this is an advantage for you.

For dinner, pollock (250 g and preferably baked) and seaweed (no more than 100 g) are suitable.


The sixth breakfast will include a tender omelet (2 eggs and 150 ml of milk) and coffee.

Snack consists of fruits. This is a banana and an orange. You can recharge with joy and vigor before lunch.

For lunch there will be potatoes (200 g), mushrooms (100 g, champignons or porcini mushrooms are ideal) and chicken (70 g). All this should be baked.

Snack can be from a glass of kefir and apple. Kefir will tidy up your stomach, and an apple will contribute to this.

Light dinner includes cottage cheese (150 g) and 2 apples (baked with cinnamon).


Breakfast begins with nutritious barley porridge cooked in water with a spoonful of butter and a mug of hot tea.

The perfect snack is a banana. You can recharge with cheerfulness and mood. And if you add kiwi to this, it will be even better.

For lunch, serve a gorgeous vegetable casserole (250 g) (vegetables of your choice) and chicken (100 g), it must be cooked. Especially in summer and autumn, this is true. After all, the choice of vegetables has no limits.

In the afternoon, treat yourself to boiled shrimp and a glass of tomato juice. Shrimp are a delicacy, they are delicious and healthy.

For dinner, steamed fishcakes and boiled brown rice are suitable.

Healthy eating: family menu

It is most reasonable to make a menu for a week in advance. But the menu for the family will look different.

If your family has two, three, four or more people, you will need to cook in accordance with the proportions of the dishes.

The menu of healthy food for every day for a teenager should also be compiled individually. After all, it grows, and the body develops day after day. He simply cannot sit on exhausting diets and practice fasting days. In this case, you should pay attention to the child’s warehouse. If he has a tendency to be overweight, do not serve him regularly high-calorie dishes. Keep in mind that you need to limit the intake of sweets, the best solution is fruit.

The menu for children also has its own individual characteristics. A child should receive a sufficient amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats. He needs to introduce fish 1-3 times a week in the diet. Dairy products are simply necessary for the children's body, like vegetables and fruits. Do not feed your baby with sausage, sausages and sausages.

On a note

So that your efforts are not in vain, follow the recommendations:

1. Try to quit all kinds of bad habits.

2. Movement is life. Therefore, try to be in motion more often.

3. Maintain passion. Having a hobby makes it easier for you to distract from bad habits and eating.

4. Remember that you can not bring yourself diets. They are not a major component of a healthy diet.

Soup, buckwheat cereal - these are components of a healthy diet. Yes, it’s hard to stick to a healthy diet and make up a daily menu. But you can give preference to dishes for which it is easy to find the ingredients. And now there are no problems with this. All in your hands. Even the budget menu implies the right products.


Watch the video: What I Eat In A Day how i got my abs. RENEE AMBERG (June 2024).