Tender julienne in pots of cheese made from fresh mushrooms. A simple and sophisticated dish - julienne in a pot


Cooking in pots only at first glance looks like an old-fashioned action. In practice, none of the smartest kitchen appliances is able to accurately simulate the luxurious taste that gives simple products baked in a pot oven.

Julienne is one of the varieties of such dishes. It differs from all other dishes in pots by the obligatory presence of mushrooms in the list of products. They give the characteristic taste of this dish.

Potted julienne - general cooking principles

• Clay pots are of two types: ordinary and glazed. Whatever containers you take, it will not affect the taste of the finished dish. But for this, each type of such dishes before use needs to be properly prepared.

• If it is enough to rinse the glazed containers, then ordinary clay pots should be kept filled with water for an hour before use. After such preparation, the dish prepared in them will turn out juicier and more tender.

• Cook julienne in pots in the oven. First, containers are placed in it and only then gradually raise the temperature to the required. Pottery is rarely placed in a preheated oven. With a sharp change in temperature, its walls can crack. With glazed pots, this will not happen.

• What are potted julienne made of? The main and constant component of the dish is fresh mushrooms. It can be champignons, oyster mushrooms and, according to the season, forest, with a special aroma.

• Classic julienne, prepared only from mushrooms, which, after frying with onions, are stewed in pots in a creamy sauce with a cheese "hat". In home cooking, julienne is supplemented with potatoes, various types of meat, chicken. Add sauces on sour cream or cream. Sometimes water or liquid mayonnaise is used instead.

• Julienne in pots is hearty and usually not served with a side dish. Depending on the components, julienne can become both an appetizer and an independent dish.

The classic recipe for mushroom julienne in pots


• a pound of fresh champignons or mushrooms of another variety;

• a small bunch of fresh green dill;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• 40 ml of water;

• one and a half cups of 20% sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the dill and lay out the branches on a towel. After drying, chop the greens with scissors or cut with a knife.

2. Prepare the mushrooms. We clean the dirt, wash and dry well, separate the legs from the hats. Cut the legs into large pieces. Hats in small mushrooms can be left whole, and those that are larger can be cut into three parts.

3. We transfer dill to sour cream, add a little salt and, seasoning with ground pepper, mix well until smooth. Pour the sour cream dressing to the mushrooms, mix and arrange in portioned pots.

4. Cooking the dough. Stirring with a fork, gradually add water to the flour. The dough should not be thick, bring it to the consistency of thick sour cream, as for pancakes.

5. Cover the pots filled with mushrooms. We cover the "gaps" at the junction of the lids with pots with dough in a circle.

6. Place the containers in a cold oven, placing them on a wire rack or baking sheet, set at an average level. Turn on the heat. The total cooking time with heating is not more than an hour, the temperature regime is about 200 degrees.

Mushroom julienne in pots with chicken and cheese


• two large onions;

• 300 gr. champignons;

• chicken fillet (breast) - 350 gr.;

• a spoonful of butter;

• rare, preferably 20%, sour cream - a glass;

• a spoon of flour;

• 300 gr. "Russian" or any other hard cheese;

• refined oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fillet and lower it in a single piece into cold water. We place the pan on intense heating and, taking off the foam as it forms, bring to a boil. Then cover and cook over moderate heat for 40 minutes.

2. We take out the ready-made chicken, cool it a little, cut into 1.5 cm cubes. Grind the mushrooms with approximately the same size and shape. Finely chop the peeled onions as finely as possible.

3. On a small fire we put a thick-walled pan and pour a little oil into it - two tablespoons will be enough. First, put the onions in the pan, fry until transparent and add the mushrooms. We cook by periodically stirring until all the moisture has evaporated. Then we spread chicken to the mushrooms - fry until a brown, not fried crust appears on the meat.

4. Lay out the contents of the pan in small pots. We fill the tanks without reporting to the edge by one and a half, and best of all, two centimeters.

5. Cooking the sauce. In a dry and clean frying pan, stirring, fry the flour until a delicate “nutty” flavor appears. Add butter to it and, while continuously mixing, cook until it is completely dispersed. Then we put sour cream and simmer for about a minute - the sauce should not boil and thicken.

6. Pour the cooked sauce into the filled pots. Add a little salt to each and fill the contents with cheese crushed on a grater.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the pots in it. It is advisable to arrange them on a baking sheet, on an average level. Cook until all the cheese is melted and grabs a golden brown.

Julienne in pots with mushrooms and potatoes in sour cream sauce


• hard cheese - 100 gr.;

• large onion head;

• two large potatoes;

• 200 gr. young champignons or oyster mushrooms;

• chicken breast - fillet, weighing up to 300 gr.;

• a large bunch of dill;

• 30 gr. wheat flour;

• sour cream, with a fat content of at least 20% - 200 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Pour flour into a dry frying pan and fry over low heat, continuously stirring with a spoon, until a light cream color. Add sour cream and immediately begin to intensively stir to break all the lumps. We mix the chopped dill (one third of the total). Warming up the sauce for a minute remove from heat and pour into a convenient bowl for cooling.

2. Chicken, cut into small, arbitrary shapes, slices, chop the onion finely, and don’t chop the mushrooms - cut into 5-6 parts.

3. In a clean frying pan, fry the onion on two tablespoons of oil so that its slices are slightly browned. Dip the fillet in the pan and, waiting for the moment when its pieces turn white on all sides, add the mushrooms. Cover and leave - let it stew. After about a quarter of an hour, remove the pan from the heat, there should be no water left in the mushrooms.

4. Peel the potatoes. Cut the tubers into cubes no more than one centimeter in size and put them in the pots with the first layer. Sprinkle a layer of dill and spread on it the mushrooms fried with chicken. Pour all the sauce cooled by this time and sprinkle with grated cheese.

5. Close the pots and send for half an hour to the oven. Cooking julienne at 190 degrees.

Julienne in pots with fresh mushrooms and pork


• fresh mushrooms - 200 gr.;

• 250 gr. fatty, 30% cream;

• pulp of pork (neck) - 200 gr.;

• "Russian", quality cheese - 50 grams;

• two onion heads;

• sweet cream butter - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and cut the mushrooms into strips. Pulp - in thin strips of small length, and onions in half rings.

2. First, lower the onion half rings into the heated oil. Fry at medium temperature for two minutes, spread the meat to them. Continue to fry until the onion is browned. Then slightly lower the heat, put the mushrooms and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.

3. After that, add cream to the meat with mushrooms. Without letting it boil, cook another 10 minutes. Turn off and immediately distribute the pots.

4. Above, sprinkle abundantly with small cheese chips and put in the oven for five minutes. We get it when the melted cheese is seized with a crust and lightly browned.

Potato julienne with mushrooms and pork


• low-fat pork pulp - 500 gr.;

• ten small potatoes;

• garlic;

• onion head;

• 100 gr. fresh mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms or forest);

• large carrot;

• 100 gr. cheese;

• refined oil;

• three tablespoons of rare mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled potatoes into centimeter cubes. In a wide frying pan, heat the oil well and dip the pieces of potato into it. It is advisable that the potato lay in one thin layer.

2. On an intense fire, fry the potatoes on one side until golden brown, quickly turn over and fry the top of the potato layer in the same way. If there is no suitable pan, fry in portions. Transfer the browned potatoes to a clean bowl.

3. Cut the carrots lengthwise into plates and chop as thin as possible. At the mushroom caps, remove the top layer and cut the mushrooms into thin, medium-sized slices. Grind onions in the same way.

4. Put the onions in the pan, add a couple of tablespoons of oil and fry, stirring often, until transparent. Add carrots, and after two minutes we fall asleep chopped mushrooms. Fry everything together with a slight heat for five minutes - until the juice released from the mushrooms is completely evaporated.

5. After that, put the fried potatoes in equal parts in pots, and on it a layer of meat and mushroom roast. Add a little chopped garlic, you can add fat cream. Sprinkle everything with finely grated cheese and do not forget to cover the containers with lids.

6. Soak the pots in the oven for 45 minutes. Raise the temperature initially to 200 degrees and hold until the very end.

7. Serve hot, sprinkled with plenty of herbs.

Julienne in pots with chicken, potatoes and mushrooms


• eight medium-sized potatoes;

• a pound of chilled chicken fillet (breast);

• 350 gr. fresh champignons;

• cheese - 60 gr.;

• 40 gr. liquid, non-greasy mayonnaise;

• two large onions;

• vegetable or olive oil.

Cooking method:

1. Place the mushrooms under a stream of running water and, thoroughly washing, clean the dirt remaining on the legs. Then dry well and cut into plates.

2. With the fillet we cut off the hanging films and the remains of chicken fat. We wash the chicken, dry it and lay it on a cutting board, cut into pieces, oblong shape.

3. Finely chop the onion. Cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes - you can use thin slices. Pour potatoes with cold water so as not to darken.

4. Spread the chopped onion in a pan with boiling oil, occasionally stirring, on a moderate fire, bring the slices to transparency. Dip the mushrooms in a pan and simmer along with onions in the allocated mushroom juice. As soon as it is completely evaporated, add a little oil and, frying, bring the components to a golden color. The main thing is not to overdry!

5. At the bottom of the clay pots, lay out slices of fillet with an even layer, on top of it - potatoes. We cover everything with mushroom roasting, add a little mayonnaise and fill it with cheese.

6. Preheat the oven, bring the temperature in it to 200 degrees and place the pots covered with a lid in it. Cook the julienne for about half an hour, until the chicken and potatoes are baked.

Potted Julienne - cooking tips and tricks

• The dish will turn out juicier if, after laying the products, pour a little water into the pots.

• For julienne, it is not necessary to use only breast fillets. This may be other pieces of chicken, previously cut from the bone.

• If julienne in pots with cheese needs to be covered, remove it ten minutes before being cooked. Melted cheese grabs a crust, which during this time has time to brown.

• Do not dry the mushrooms when frying. They should be well browned and still juicy, otherwise the taste of the dish will change and, most likely, not for the better.

• Do not place hot pots on a massive, cold surface, as this may cause the dishes to crack.


Watch the video: HSN. Kitchen Essentials - 09 PM (June 2024).