10 best recipes for hair loss masks


Beautiful thick hair - the key to a successful image. Therefore, hair care remains one of the highlights. However, not always purchased products and hair masks are effective and harmless. The best option to maintain the natural beauty of the hair are folk remedies, cooked at home.

Causes of hair loss

The condition and appearance of hair is influenced by various factors, ranging from the environment and ending with internal stresses. So, depending on the impact from the outside, the condition of the hair changes. They become dull and brittle, lose their former luster and fall out.

The main causes of hair loss are:

  • Polluted environment;
  • Lack of vitamins in the body;
  • Inadequate or improper nutrition;
  • A lot of stress and depression;
  • Circulatory disorders;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Physical exhaustion of the body.

Under the influence of adverse factors, the hair follicles become thinner, weakened, which leads to hair loss. Therefore, it is extremely important to strengthen them in time and feed them with natural and high-quality means.

The most effective mask for hair loss

There are many options for hair masks against hair loss, prepared at home. They are much more efficient than store and salon, and do not contain harmful substances.

The advantages of homemade hair masks:

  • The absence of chemicals in the composition;
  • The naturalness of the ingredients;
  • The ability to adjust the composition according to personal needs and condition of the hair;
  • Providing for possible allergic reactions;
  • Selection of ideal components of the mask.

Prepare masks at home often from improvised means and ingredients available to each hostess. Rarely what kind of mask requires additional costs, while manufacturing takes little time, and everything you need is always at hand.

Basically effective hair loss masks are prepared on the basis of:

  • Gelatin;
  • Onion Husks and Juice;
  • Burdock oil;
  • Honey;
  • Kefir;
  • Yeast;
  • Egg yolks and proteins;
  • Cosmetic clay;
  • Mustard;
  • Oil.

According to the type of hair, the degree of fat and damage, a homemade mask is selected with a separate list of ingredients. However, there are recipes that are suitable for absolutely everyone and perfectly help to cope with hair loss.

With onion

Onion mask for hair against loss is prepared in several ways. For its production using onion peel and juice. To prepare an onion mask to strengthen the hair, you need one large onion and honey.

Prepare the mask as follows:

  • Peel the onion and rub on a fine grater;
  • Mix the mixture with one teaspoon of may honey;
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a smooth gruel;
  • Apply the mask to the hair roots with soft circular motions;
  • It is not necessary to wrap up hair, just cover the shoulders with a towel so that the mixture does not accidentally fall on the clothes;
  • Wash off the mask should be warm water after forty-five minutes, a maximum - an hour.

Another equally effective way to prepare a mask against hair loss and to strengthen them is based on the addition of burdock and brandy. For the manufacture of the mixture must follow the instructions:

  • Peel one large onion and rub on a fine grater;
  • Carefully squeeze the mixture, squeezing the maximum amount of juice;
  • Three or four tablespoons of onion juice mixed with three spoons of burdock oil;
  • Add one tablespoon of brandy or half to the mask, depending on the amount of juice;
  • Gently massage the resulting mixture into the hair roots and then spread over the entire length;
  • Wrap your hair with a towel. You can wear a special warm hat;
  • After forty minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Onions - the perfect way to feed the hair roots. It strengthens them and nourishes them with essential vitamins, which makes it an indispensable ingredient in homemade masks.

With mustard

Mustard mask for hair loss is prepared on the basis of ordinary mustard powder with the addition of black tea. Black tea adds extra shine and volume to hair.
To make a mustard mask for hair loss, you must first brew black tea. It should be borne in mind that it is suitable only for owners of dark hair, blondes should be replaced with a decoction of chamomile and calendula.

In the manufacture of mustard masks use black leaf tea for brunettes, and blondes should prefer herbal decoction.

We brew first leaf black tea, you need to choose with small leaves. Strain the water, leaving a creamy consistency. To it add a teaspoon of mustard powder and mix well. With the resulting mass stir egg yolk and a teaspoon of sugar.

Apply the mask on the scalp, trying not to rub, and leave for twenty minutes or half an hour, depending on the condition of the hair. Wash off with warm water and rinse two or three times.

With egg and brandy

A proven folk remedy for hair growth - homemade mask with egg and brandy. For stimulation of hair follicles, the remedy is ideal based on:

  • Cognac, in sufficient quantity to create a thick consistency;
  • Seven tablespoons of sea salt;
  • Two tablespoons of honey (lime or may).

All ingredients must be mixed in a closed glass jar and leave to infuse overnight. The resulting mixture should be gently rubbed into the hair roots, and it should be done carefully.

A plastic cap is put on top, covered with a warm towel and left for half an hour. Then you need to wash off the mask and apply a balm or serum.

With aloe juice

Hair mask with aloe against hair loss and for rapid hair growth is prepared with alcohol. To prepare a miracle cure, you must:

  • Grind 30 grams of aloe;
  • Add 30 grams of dry hawthorn;
  • Pour the mixture of 100 ml of vodka;
  • Insist in a dark place during the week.

The tool is used daily for a month. It should be gently rubbed into the scalp, slightly while massaging. Then wrap the hair with a towel and wash off the mask after forty-five minutes.

Aloe juice soothes irritated skin, strengthens hair follicles, stimulates their growth and returns natural elasticity.

Another effective remedy for hair loss and for strengthening the hair is prepared from ingredients:

  • Tablespoon of aloe juice;
  • Herbal honey;
  • A teaspoon of garlic juice.

The components are mixed and daily rubbed into the scalp. Hair must be kept clean. The mask is left for forty minutes. After the mask is recommended to apply on the hair indelible serum or spray.

Burdock oil

Burdock oil for many decades remains the main tool in the fight against hair loss. It is no secret that burdock oil covers the hair roots with a protective film, protecting it from negative external influences and nourishing.

Burdock oil helps to eliminate dandruff, split ends, brittle hair.

To strengthen the hair, you can use burdock oil in its pure form. It is rubbed into the scalp, leaving for twenty minutes, and then washed off. But to achieve a stunning effect will help the special hair masks from loss, which is prepared with the addition of honey, yeast, aloe, brandy, eggs, onion juice.

The most popular option to strengthen hair mask:

  • Burdock oil mixed with onion juice and a tablespoon of honey;
  • Add one yolk to the mixture and mix thoroughly;
  • For oily hair, add a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • Rub the mask into the roots and leave for forty minutes, then wash off.

Well complements burdock oil, castor and almond. The mixture is prepared in an equal amount and heated in a water bath, and then applied in a warm form to the hair roots, distributing over the entire length. Keep this masochka should be within an hour, tightly wrapped head.

With gelatin

Gelatin has not only a strengthening, but also a laminating effect on the hair. Masks based on it are great for dry hair, as they moisturize curls and envelop with a thin film, retaining moisture inside.

Recipe mask for hair loss with gelatin:

  • Take one tablespoon of gelatin and pour three spoons of warm water;
  • Place the gelatin in a water bath for five to ten minutes;
  • Add one yolk and a spoonful of hair balm, mix and remove from the bath;
  • We apply warm mix on hair, without rubbing, we put on a hat and wrap up with a towel;
  • Wash off the mask in thirty to forty minutes with cool water.

This mask will give hair shine and softness, helps get rid of split ends and smoothes the curls, adding volume.


Prepare a vitamin mask for hair from falling out using special vials of vitamins, lemon juice and honey. The main vitamins that promote hair growth and strengthen the roots - B12 and B6. They should be purchased in advance at the pharmacy.

Mix the liquid from the ampoules with a tablespoon of honey and lemon tea juice. Stir until smooth. Apply the mixture on the hair roots for forty minutes, and then rinse with warm water. It is recommended to use such a mask no more than once every ten days.

In addition, you can make a mask completely out of vitamins. To do this, the pharmacy will need to purchase ampoules:

  • With vitamins B1, B6, B12, one ampoule;
  • Aloe extract - one ampoule;
  • Vitamins A and E in oil for three to five drops.

The contents of the ampoules are mixed with a tablespoon of hair balsam, which serves as a conductor between the components and facilitates easy application. The resulting mixture is applied from root to tip on freshly washed shampoo without silicone hair. Be sure to wrap your head with a plastic wrap and warm terry towel and leave for an hour, then wash off.

You can make such a vitamin mask no more than once a week with a course of ten procedures. It is especially important to use it in seasonal periods when the hair needs additional makeup: in spring or autumn, preferably in early September and February.

Kefir mask

Perfectly helps to cope with hair loss most ordinary kefir. You can buy it or prepare it yourself, the effectiveness of the mask will not be affected.

The most common option kefir mask:

  • Half a cup of kefir mix with burdock or castor oil;
  • Add one yolk and mix;
  • Apply the mixture on the hair, put on a cap;
  • Wash off with shampoo after half an hour.

You can also use kefir without impurities. It is enough to put it on unwashed hair for one and a half hours and cover with film. Make this mask should be once a week for a month. Hair will become stronger, dandruff and split ends will disappear.

With nettle

To prepare a mask for hair loss with nettle, you will need to prepare an infusion of nettle leaves. To do this, pour one tablespoon of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour, then strain.

In the resulting broth, add one yolk and whisk until a homogeneous mass. Then in the mixture should pour one tablespoon of jojoba oil, mix. Apply the mixture on the hair for forty minutes, in case itching appears, you should immediately wash it off.

Due to the abundance of vitamins contained in jojoba and nettle, hair follicles become stronger, and hair grows faster.

Clay mask

Clay is the main ingredient of healing masks not only for the face, but also for the hair. Proper use of cosmetic clay in home masks will get rid of dandruff, strengthen hair and give them a well-groomed look.

The best option for a homemade mask against hair loss is blue clay.

Three tablespoons of blue clay must be diluted with mineral water to make a paste. Mineral water can be replaced with cream or milk, if the hair is too dry. With the help of the comb should be applied clay along the strands from root to tip.

Then you can make a small massage, rubbing the mask in circular motions into the scalp. After it is recommended to wrap hair with a plastic bag and a scarf. It is necessary to hold clay on hair up to half an hour, otherwise it will be hard to wash off. For washing it is better to use shampoo.

Clay rich in minerals and microelements will help stop hair loss and strengthen hair follicles. You can also add a few drops of lavender or peach essential oils for silkiness.

Contraindications to the use of home masks

The problem of hair loss is extremely relevant in the modern world. Often this is due to poor ecology and frequent stress, which in most cases, residents of megalopolises are subject to. Many people at the first signs of hair loss spend a lot of money on various funds that promise an incredible effect after the first use, but remain disappointed.

Others turn for help to popular options and prepare safe masks at home. However, these recipes have a number of contraindications:

  • The presence of allergic reactions to the components of the masks;
  • Open wounds or lesions on the scalp;
  • Hypersensitivity of the epidermis;
  • Excessively brittle and dry hair strands;
  • The simultaneous use of multivitamin preparations;
  • Hypervitaminosis;
  • Oncological diseases.

In cases where hair loss is associated with health problems, the help of a specialist is needed, who will first of all identify the exact cause of hair loss.

A specialist involved in the prevention and treatment of hair and scalp diseases is called a trichologist.

A trichologist will help determine the root of the problem and prescribe the necessary treatment to restore the skin and hair follicles. Contact trichologist should be in the following cases:

  • Total or focal hair loss;
  • Thinning and depletion of hair at the roots;
  • Slow growth of curls or lack of it;
  • Dry and itchy scalp;
  • Irritation and redness of the epidermis;
  • The appearance of purulent inflammation on the head and unpleasant smell;
  • Change the natural hair color.

The trichologist must prescribe a series of tests to identify the root cause of hair loss. It also conducts bacteriological research and studies possible hereditary factors. Then he prescribes the treatment: external and internal.

Shampoos, tonic, sprays, ampoule preparations are prescribed as an external treatment, and special vitamin complexes and medicines for the external treatment. Folk recipes can also be prescribed as an aid.


Watch the video: Hair Mask To Double Your Hair Growth In Just 1 Month. DIY Egg Hair Mask (June 2024).