Ghee: benefits and harms to human health. How to cook and use ghee without harming the body


"Liquid Sun" is called ghee in India, in the homeland of Ayurveda. For centuries, this product has been used not only in cooking, but also in folk healing. The benefits of ghee are really great, but only if the product is properly cooked.

What is ghee

Ghee is obtained by special processing of butter. The bottom line is to expel all water, protein and lactose from a natural cow product. The result is a highly concentrated animal fat, free from harmful impurities.

You can cook ghee in industrial and home conditions. Moreover, the methods of processing ordinary butter are significantly different. If the industrial method involves the use of a centrifuge, then the housewives, for obvious reasons, use the method of heating the initial product in a water bath.

At the same time, a characteristic foam forms on the surface of the melted oil coma, which must be removed. It contains curled protein. As for the excess water, they simply evaporate when heated.

In order to bring the cleansing process to the ideal, some housewives additionally filter ghee through a gauze filter or a simple sieve so that not a drop of foam gets into the finished product. The result is a clear, transparent, gold-colored oil that really resembles molten gold.

Useful qualities of ghee

Almost one hundred percent fat content in finished ghee indicates its high nutritional value. It is important that treatment by heating at home allows you to maintain the optimal amount of vitamin D, A and E. Moreover, by removing water and protein, the amount of these essential vitamins for beauty and health is increased.

The main culinary meaning of obtaining a melted cream product is to increase its shelf life. In hot climates this is absolutely necessary. Ordinary butter at room temperature will deteriorate within a few days. Ghee will retain its nutritional and taste properties for at least a year. Experienced housewives say that a properly prepared product can stand for five or ten years without rancid.

The benefits of ghee are special knowledge, which is mainly associated with Ayurvedic knowledge. However, even without it, you can understand that the product is useful due to the concentration of vitamins and high energy value. And Russian folk healers also knew about the benefits of ghee. Using it, our ancestors prevented rickets, osteoporosis, decreased vision, metabolic disturbances.

In this case, the dangers of ghee, prepared without technological disruption, are spoken of in rare cases. They are mainly associated with food abuse.

Healing properties of ghee

If highly concentrated cow oil is prepared correctly, then it can be used not only for food but also for medicinal purposes. In traditional medicine, the product is used as a safe medicine that can help against certain diseases. It is used both externally and internally.

Externally melted oil is used both for massage and for rubbing certain parts of the body. According to Ayurvedic knowledge, the product contains concentrated warming life-giving energy of the sun. It is used like this:

• with frequent headaches, you need to rub a small amount of the product, literally half a teaspoon, into the temporal region, calves of the legs, shoulders and palms. Women would like to lubricate the area of ​​the appendages;

• if the joints are often sore, pain in the lower back, then the oil will warm the body and soothe. Rub a small amount of oil in those places that bother the most;

• at the first sign of a cold, rub your feet and hands with oil and go to bed.

People with reduced immunity can use ghee to increase the energy of the body, strengthen the immune forces, fight depression and bad mood. The effectiveness of the procedure increases if you do it regularly before bedtime.

Inside the product is used if you need to improve health:

• improve digestion;

• simulate the production of enzymes;

• normalize metabolic processes;

• debug bowel function;

• get rid of physical weakness, weakness;

• increase immunity.

Inside, the oil is taken in a small amount - not more than one teaspoon - after eating. Ayurveda teaches that if a person has a disrupted digestive system, then the development of numerous serious diseases is only a matter of time. Reception of melted butter quickly, safely and effectively solves this problem by gently restoring the digestive tract.

But in order to strengthen the immune system, oil should be eaten on an empty stomach, mixed with honey, fruits, nuts or oriental spices (saffron, cardamom, fennel, cinnamon). Spice on a teaspoon of the product you need literally a pinch. To enhance the benefits of such an immunostimulating agent, it can be combined with fresh dairy products, for example, natural yogurt. The first results will be visible literally in 3-4 days.

Harmful ghee

Despite the undoubted benefits and nutritional value of clarified ghee, we must not forget about its potential harm. We are talking about pure fat, which can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract, instead of curing it.

In addition, fatty ghee is harmful to the pancreas and dangerous to the liver. If a person suffers from diseases of these organs, he needs to refuse treatment with oil or use it for food purposes. We must not forget about cholesterol, which is in the product. Abuse of it is a direct path to the development of atherosclerosis and metabolic diseases.

Ghee is very high in calories. Therefore, those who want to lose weight or suffer from obesity should not use the product. Anyone else can use frying oil. It does not burn, does not bitter and has a wonderful taste.

How to cook ghee

Cooking ghee at home is easy. However, the spread, that is, a product with herbal supplements, is not suitable for these purposes. It is necessary to heat the butter containing at least 82.5% milk fat.

How to do it:

1. cut the existing oil into pieces;

2. put in a pan and put on a small fire;

3. Once the oil has melted, the fire must be reduced to a minimum. The pan cannot be covered with a lid, otherwise the water will not evaporate. Oil must languish, boiling is unacceptable. At first, the color of the melted oil will be dark, but it itself is cloudy. This is normal;

4. When a lush foam cap forms on the surface of the oil, do not rush to remove it. The foam should settle a little by itself, otherwise you will remove it and throw away too much fine oil with it;

5. after the foam has settled, it must be removed with a slotted spoon;

6. the oil should be swept further, at the rate of languishing per kilogram of the original product. In the process of languishing, do not stir the oil with a spoon;

7. If foam appears during this time, it must be removed.

When the oil becomes transparent golden and acquires an amazing nutty flavor, it is ready. You can strain the product, then pour into glass jars. Store ghee in a plastic bowl is not recommended.


Watch the video: 8 Impressive Benefits of Ghee Clarified Butter (July 2024).