Vitamins will not save you from heart attacks and strokes


Studies by American scientists aimed at establishing the benefits of vitamins to save a person from strokes and heart attacks, gave a negative answer. Moreover, it turned out that vitamins are not even able to improve memory. In the experiment, 340 thousand people took part. The conclusions made by experts were shocking: as it turned out, long-term intake of vitamins does not affect the body's work, and a sudden cessation of their intake minimizes even a small effect. The data obtained indicate that special drugs, the content of vitamins in themselves, in no way reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Another part of the study clearly demonstrated that vitamin supplements do not reduce the incidence of heart attacks. The third study consisted of monitoring six thousand people of retirement age who took multivitamins for 12 years. The second group took empty pills, the so-called placebo. As expected, the results in both groups were the same.


Watch the video: 15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk According to Doctors (June 2024).