Separate nutrition basics for weight loss: how to combine products. The basic rules of separate nutrition for weight loss


The appearance of excess weight is a problem, the fight against which lasts forever.

People exhaust themselves with various diets, starvation, completely forgetting that the true reasons for the accumulation of excess kilograms can lie in impaired metabolism and poor nutrition. A simple but effective method of separate nutrition for weight loss is undeservedly left without due attention.

What is a separate diet for weight loss, what is its advantage

Separate nutrition, as a way to lose weight, appeared a very long time ago. Even ancient healers believed that for any type of food - a fatty, proteinaceous or carbohydrate organism secrete a separate enzyme that contributes to its digestion. When food enters the body in a mixed form, for example, meat proteins, carbohydrates of bread with oil fat, the enzymes interfere with each other's work, starting to break down food at the same time. Ultimately, not all food is digested in the stomach, enters the intestine in this form and causes various unpleasant processes, for example, fermentation, gas formation.

Therefore, in order to prevent obstruction of the work of enzymes, it was proposed to consume protein, carbohydrate and fatty foods separately. Moreover, each new meal should begin after complete digestion of the previous type of food. It is not enough to simply separate the products into types and consume them separately; one should also know how to combine them correctly. Very often it is ignorance of the features of combining products that kills interest in this useful and healthy type of weight loss and body cleansing.

The basic principles on which separate nutrition for weight loss is based

The main and most important rule of separate nutrition for weight loss is to never consume proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. In addition to him, there are several more fundamental prohibitions:

1. The combination of different protein products. This rule is especially relevant in the case of saturated proteins. For example, you should not combine meat and nuts or eggs, meat and fish. These products have a different composition, although they are protein, so the body needs a lot of effort and time to completely process them. When he does not manage to cope with such a task, slagging, severity, gas formation are formed.

2. The combination of proteins and fats. This combination of ingredients can be called harmful. Any fats, whether they are vegetable or creamy, slow down the formation of gastric juice. This means that the digestion of food in the stomach will be slowed down by 10% of the time.

3. The use of proteins simultaneously with acids. It is understood that protein foods cannot be eaten along with any acidic fruits. There are many disagreements about this rule. However, he has a scientific justification. With the digestion of proteins in a natural way, the stomach copes quite well, gastric juice is enough for the normal course of the process. But when acid from the outside gets in, the digestion processes also slow down, as is the case with fats. The remnants of food begin to rot, causing various unpleasant consequences.

4. Do not combine with acids and carbohydrates. Any acidic products and fruits, for example, lemons, oranges, tomatoes, sorrel, apples, grapes and others, can have a destructive effect on the special enzyme ptyalin, which is necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates in the body.

5. Double carbohydrates. Combine carbohydrate foods such as bread and potatoes, pea puree, cakes and pastries, for example, should not be. And without the rules of separate nutrition, it is known that most carbohydrates are ardent enemies of harmony and normal metabolism. While the stomach is busy digesting one of them, the rest will remain intact and will gradually decompose on their own, causing fermentation.

6. The combination of carbohydrates with sugar. It is necessary to limit the use of products such as cakes, casseroles and other muffin with the addition of jam, jams, jam, honey at the same time as cereals, pasta and potatoes to avoid the appearance of the same fermentation.

7. It is forbidden to combine milk with other products. It is believed that the body is not able to process it, some experts recommend it not to be drunk by adults at all.

8. Another incompatible product is melon. When you eat a melon at the same time as any product, the melon begins to decompose and can provoke an upset stomach. Separately eaten melon is only able to gently cleanse the digestive tract.

The basic rules of separate nutrition for weight loss

Compliance with the basic rules and principles of separate nutrition leads to the healing of the whole organism as a whole and the digestive organs, in particular. The assimilation of food is faster, easier, and most importantly - completely, preventing the formation and accumulation of toxins, as well as the elimination of already formed slagging. As a result, the weight begins to gradually decrease and stabilize.

To make the process of separate meals efficient and safe, you should follow these rules:

• refuse evening meals after 8 hours;

• thoroughly chew every piece of food, thereby helping her better digest later;

• do not forget about drinking; drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily;

• exclude varieties of strong alcohol from the diet, if possible, completely abandon any of its types;

• you can drink 1 glass of white wine in the evenings;

• nourish the body with vitamin and mineral complexes;

• minimize salt intake, replace sugar with honey;

• diversify the daily routine with daily physical activity, for example, walking, cycling, swimming.

How to combine products with separate nutrition for weight loss

1. Any kind of meat can only be combined with vegetables. The advantage should be given to green varieties of vegetables, rather than starchy ones. It is also worth ensuring that the meat is lean.

2. Cereals and legumes are dual in nature. Their starchy part is well absorbed when combined with fats, sour cream, vegetable oil. The protein portion can be consumed with herbs and vegetables.

3. Butter and cream itself are combined with salads of non-starchy vegetables and fruits, herbs, and bread.

4. Sour cream fermented milk product can be used as a dressing for vegetable salads, cottage cheese or combined with other similar products.

5. Vegetable oil also serves as an ideal complement to salads, you can use it with cheese. However, in this case, you should carefully monitor the calorie content, it is very easy to overdo it with this product.

6. Sugar, sweets, pastries and other confectionery products are very poorly absorbed, cause not only unpleasant sensations, but also gastritis, the accumulation of extra pounds and other troubles, therefore it is advisable to completely exclude them from the diet.

7. Potato dishes, bread products, cereals are representatives of heavy carbohydrates and are harmful to the body. A ban on these foods is the basis of food sharing. However, there are exceptions, for example, whole-grain bread can be eaten in any quantities.

8. High acid fruits and tomatoes are very healthy in themselves. They should be consumed separately at different times.

9. Sweet dried fruits do not combine with other types of products. It is best to eat them 20-30 minutes before the start of the main meal.

10. Green and starchless vegetables are unique products that combine with any other variety, with the exception of milk and melon, mentioned earlier.

11. Vegetables with starch content do not tolerate combinations with sugar.

12. Cottage cheese and other fermented milk products can be well combined with each other, with feta cheese, nuts, honey can be added to the cottage cheese.

13. Eggs are heavy proteins that, in combination with other products, will be difficult for the body to digest. Therefore, they should be used as a separate product, in small quantities.

14. Nuts are easily digestible fats and are rich in vitamins.

The separate nutrition system is very useful for the body, it has no contraindications, but with prolonged use it completely restructures the digestive system.


Watch the video: Dietitian Reviews FOOD COMBINING DIET with Kenzie Burke Health for Weight Loss (June 2024).