Diet 5 kg in 5 days: effective weight loss without harm to health. The best diet options to remove 5 kg in 5 days


Gaining excess weight is within the power of everyone, but getting rid of it is much more difficult. What to do if soon an important event takes place, but you cannot get into your favorite dress?

There are various options for 5 kg diets in 5 days, which at home will allow you to bring the body in tone.

Express methods are very effective, the main thing is to follow all the rules, only in this case it will be possible to achieve the desired.

Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 1: Monotherapy

The essence of the weight loss technique is as simple as possible - the basis is one product that must be consumed throughout the diet.

The benefits of a weight loss system

1. Excess weight goes away very quickly.

2. The body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.

3. It does not require large expenses.

The best option for a mono diet is to lose weight on buckwheat. In the evening, 1 cup of cereal is steamed with 2 cups of boiling water. By morning, porridge will swell and be ready for use. In addition to buckwheat, it is allowed to drink kefir, green tea and plain water without gas. When cooking cereals, it is strictly forbidden to use salt and other spices. Such a 5 kg diet in 5 days gives an excellent result. Every day, 1 kg of weight will go away, but it all depends on the initial indicators, you can lose more and more.

Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 2: Separate food

The weight loss system is easier to carry than the previous one.

Among its advantages are the following:

• a person will not experience feelings of hunger;

• the risk of returning lost kilograms at the end of the diet is reduced;

• as simple rules as possible;

• guaranteed result - in 5 days it takes at least 5 kg.

The essence of separate nutrition is a bit like a mono diet. The only difference is that one product will need to be consumed during the day, and not all 5 days.

1. Day 1 - Protein. Before you begin to lose weight, the body needs to give a portion of protein. During the day, it is recommended to eat only meat. You should choose dietary products - chicken, low-fat veal or turkey. The meat is eaten only in boiled or baked form.

2. Day 2 - vegetable. The next day, only vegetables are allowed to eat, preferably fresh. The emphasis is on cucumbers (remove excess fluid from the body), celery (burns fats), cabbage (also considered an effective fat burner). Potatoes are forbidden to eat. From fresh vegetables, you can make a salad without salt and eat it 4-5 times a day for 200 grams.

3. Day 3 - fruit. All fruits are allowed except grapes and bananas. If there are no problems with the stomach, it is recommended to stand the day on grapefruits.

4. Day 4 - cereal. Porridge can only be cooked on water. It can be the same buckwheat, rice. These cereals allow you to cleanse the body of excess fluid, accumulations of toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals.

5. Day 5 - curd. This is the best end to the diet. Cottage cheese quickly gives a feeling of fullness, so eating it too much is simply impossible. In addition, it is very useful for human health.

The technique based on the rules of separate nutrition gives an excellent result. A person will eat, while losing weight. The technique is ideal for those who lack the willpower to withstand mono-nutrition.

Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 3: Drinking

Some methods of weight loss say that drinking diets are allowed to adhere to for a month. This is not true. Nutritionists and doctors claim that it is dangerous to health. Drinking a diet of 5 kg in 5 days removes a lot of fluid from the body, speeds up the process of burning calories.

The essence of the technique is that for 5 days it is allowed to drink only certain drinks.

1. Normal still water. It is no secret that for health, you need to drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.

2. Vegetable and chicken broths without the addition of salt and other spices.

3. Any fermented milk drinks whose fat content does not exceed 2%. Kefir is especially useful. It not only speeds up the process of burning fat, but also cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and toxins.

4. Herbal and green tea. It is not recommended to add honey or sugar to the drink, as sweeteners arouse appetite.

5. Fresh juices from fruits or vegetables. Not bought at the store, but cooked at home.

Drinking diet is very tough, since in addition to liquids it is strictly forbidden to use other products. All 5 days of following the procedure, a person should make up his diet from the above drinks. The result is impressive - it takes at least 5 kg of weight. Then the main thing is not to "break loose in the refrigerator", but try to get out of the diet correctly, otherwise the weight will return.

Weight Loss by Calorie Counting

The essence of losing weight is that a person should consume fewer calories than he spends during the day. If you urgently need to lose 5 kg, the maximum allowable energy value of the daily menu is 500 Kcal. Having drawn up the correct plan, it is not difficult to adhere to such a rule.

Sample day menu

1. Breakfast. 80 grams of low-fat cottage cheese without salt and sugar, it is allowed to add fresh dill to it. It is permissible to drink either green tea or black natural coffee.

2. Lunch. Boiled chicken fillet (100 Kcal per 100 grams). The meat is very satisfying, there will be no hunger.

3. The evening. Dinner should be 3 hours before going to bed. It is better to do this with one glass of low fat kefir.

If during the day a person feels an acute hunger, snacks are not prohibited.

The following foods can be consumed in small quantities:

• green apples;

• kiwi;

• fresh cucumbers;

• tomatoes;

• cabbage.

Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 5: "Hungry" weight loss

The practice of fasting is becoming more popular every day. The fact is that by refraining from eating a certain amount of time, a person not only loses excess weight, but also cleanses his body.

A diet of 5 kg in 5 days according to the principles of fasting implies that only water is allowed to be consumed throughout the entire period. Of course, this is not so easy, but the result is very impressive. It is strictly forbidden to adhere to the method of weight loss longer than the specified period, as weakness, discomfort will be felt.

Important! On the first day of fasting, you need an enema to cleanse the intestines. A small amount of honey is allowed to be added to drinking water to improve palatability.

How to improve results: useful recommendations, rules for organizing the process of losing weight

Each 5 kg diet for 5 days has its own nuances. However, there are some recommendations and rules that it is important to adhere to, regardless of the chosen method of weight loss.

1. Sport. It is important to understand that with a passive lifestyle it is very difficult to lose weight and maintain the result of the diet. Of course, a modern woman can not always afford to find time and money to visit a fitness club. This is not scary. You can do it without leaving your home. You need to train yourself every morning to start with 20 minutes of charging. This will be useful not only for weight loss, but for the whole body.

2. A sharp decrease in weight leads to sagging skin and the deterioration of its General condition. In order to avoid this, it is recommended that you take a bath daily with essential oils and herbs for 5 days on a diet. You can also use various body scrubs. Such procedures will make the skin supple and supplewill improve the result of the diet.

3. Regardless of the method chosen, a person is required to comply with the drinking regime. The minimum required amount of water per day is 2 liters. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited. It is also recommended to give up such a bad habit as smoking.

4. Diets of 5 kg in 5 days can "reward" a feeling of weakness. For this reason, during weight loss, it is advisable to additionally consume pharmacy multivitamin complexes, to avoid dehydration.

5. Any spices banned, they only arouse appetite, which increases the risk of breakdown.

The presented 5 kg diets in 5 days are really very effective. When choosing a technique, it is important to take into account your personal characteristics of the body, it is best to consult with your doctor. If a person has diseases associated with the stomach or other organs of the digestive system, rapid weight loss is not suitable for him. During pregnancy and lactation, it is also better to refuse sharp weight loss.


Watch the video: How to Lose Weight in 5 Days Without Going Hungry (June 2024).