Grilled meats are the best recipes. How to cook fried meat properly and tasty.


Famous chefs worked truly miracles, delighting the taste of rich and eminent hosts and guests by cooking fried meat.

In Russian ovens, whole carcasses of young piglets, large and small birds were roasted. These were simple and reasonable ways of frying - the meat was put in the oven and poured over with the juice and fat that stood out.

Thanks to this, the addiction of the Russian people to a delicious toasted crust occurred much later. Today, few people use Russian stoves for cooking, but there are only more recipes for this.

Large fried pieces of meat are used in the preparation of various dishes - hot and cold. Small portions should be eaten immediately, therefore, fry them shortly before eating. Pork, beef, rabbit, various types of poultry with the help of a frying pan or roasting pan and heated fat are turned into tasty ruddy slices that can saturate any "meat-eater".

Large pieces are put immediately in ovens, periodically pouring with fat or juice, small ones can be fried simply in a pan.

The readiness of meat is determined by piercing with a fork - red juice will tell us that the dish is not ready yet, light juice determines full readiness. Meat "with blood" is allowed only for beef or lamb, pork and veal require good frying. Pieces are placed in a pan so that there are gaps, so the crust forms better and the juiciness of the meat is preserved.

Roasted Meat - Food Preparation

For roasting, we take only high-quality meat, tender, without numerous films, cut off all the tendons. After processing, the worst types of meat still remain firm and fibrous; minced meat is prepared from such pieces. Important! For frying, cut the meat across the fibers. The thickness is governed by the recipe. It is customary to give a certain shape to portioned pieces with a metal or wooden hammer. To get the most beautiful and aesthetic pieces, just press them down with your hand and shape them with a knife. Only fillets are cooked in a pan, in the Russian meaning the word tenderloin is used.

Roasted Meat - Cooking Utensils

The meat can be fried in a small amount of fat. In this case, durable metal pans and metal spatulas are used. In a large amount of fat, you can use pans. Serve to the table in a dish that is previously recommended to be heated.

Recipe 1: Roasted meat in wine - sounds tempting!

A large fried whole piece of meat is incredibly juicy if you marinate it in the evening with white wine. This is a very suitable dish for the festive table, decorated with a slice of carrots and sprigs of greens, looks great and is cut right at the table.

Ingredients: beef 1 kg, carrots (1 pc.), garlic, nuts, onions (2 pcs.), bay leaf, potato starch (1 tbsp.spoon), dry red wine - 1 incomplete bottle, salt, pepper, cloves, cheese with dill (50 grams), green peas (1 can).

Cooking method:

So, pickle the meat in the evening. Coarsely chop the onions and carrots, parsley and break the bay leaf into pieces. The washed and dried piece of meat is placed in a pan, add vegetables, rosemary, cloves and pour wine. After a few hours, fry the meat in olive oil in a pan from all sides, so that a golden crust is uniformly formed. Salt and pepper.

Strain the marinade. Peel the onion and stuff it with cloves and bay leaf. Add onion to the meat, another whole carrot, pour the marinade and, under the lid, send it to the oven for 2 hours on a big fire.

Periodically water the meat with the allocated juice. At the end, add starch and herbs to the resulting sauce. It remains only to put it on a dish and serve.

Recipe 2: A Real Dish for Men - Pork Neck Steak

Want to be known as a wonderful hostess? Diversify such a beloved and familiar pork steak with an original sauce. It takes quite a bit of time to cook, but you can perfectly feed your loved ones with your favorite dish.

Ingredients: pork neck steak, red onion (1 pc), cilantro, salt spices, Nasharab sauce, passer butter.

Cooking method

We pass the butter into coarsely chopped red onions, sprinkle with plenty of spices and add the sauce. Warm up until thick. Separately, fry the steaks in a pan for three minutes on one side over high heat. Turn over, put the resulting sauce on the meat, close the lid and fry for another 55 minutes. The dish is ready, rather serve it to the table with sprigs of cilantro.

Recipe 3: Viennese Schnitzel

If everything is done correctly, we get finely beaten, breaded fried meat. Minimum time, delicate taste - nothing complicated.
Ingredients: pork or veal (700-800 grams), eggs (2 pcs), flour, breadcrumbs, butter (3-4 tbsp. Tablespoons). Salt, ground pepper.

Cooking method

Washed and dried meat is cut across the fibers and cut the veins. We beat the meat well with a wooden hammer so that the layers of meat become thin, salt, and pepper.

Beat the eggs, add 2 tablespoons of water to them. Roll the meat in flour and dip in the egg, breaded in breadcrumbs. Fry in a very hot pan. We put ready schnitzels on paper towels. Serve with boiled vegetables.

Roasted meat - tips from experienced chefs

- It is known that meat will be fried better and faster if it is marinated for a while. The easiest way is to grind some sunflower oil with crushed garlic and pepper. It is not recommended to salt it in advance, otherwise the meat juice will stand out ahead of time. Salt the dish at the end of frying.
- Unfinished meat should not be turned over.
- If you overcooked the meat and it became hard and dry, hold it over the steam of a pot of boiling water.

It is interesting

Among the amazing recipes for fried meat, requiring true craftsmanship from cooks, we have come up with incredible dishes from the imperial court. To prepare them, huge experience and culinary talent was required. The titled persons allowed themselves to enjoy the unusual tastes of complex dishes, for example, "Roast imperial":

Remove the bone from the fleshy olive and stuff it with a slice of anchovy. Fill the lark with such olives, enclose it in a partridge. Then something special happens - the partridge hides in a pheasant, the pheasant is placed in a well-fed capon, and finally, the capon is in the carcass of a milk pig. Imagine such a pig roasted on a spit! Soaked in the finest aromas of meat juices, olive is the main product in this incredible dish.


Mila 12/26/2016
Good fried meat recipes. Only the names of the ingredients are a little wrong. For example, not KINZA, but KINZA. That is - CORIANDER (the scientific name for green cilantro). Or not NASHARAB, but NARSHERAB. That is - “wine” from pomegranate, or pomegranate vinegar (nar - this is pomegranate). After all, people who read recipes to cook according to them may not know what “it” is. And on the Internet sometimes incorrect information about a particular food product.


Watch the video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Lamb Recipes (June 2024).