Lobelia - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Lobelia - a general description

Lobelia (Lobelia inflata, swollen lobelia) - a herbaceous plant, the root is white fibrous, the stem is branched, 50 cm tall, erect, angular, reddish. A leaf is another, elongated-ovoid, shiny green with hairy veins.

Small two-lipped flowers are bluish or blue in color, have short legs and are collected in a large manner in the brush, flowering period is June, July. Fruits - two-nosed bloated capsules with small egg-shaped brown seeds, ripen in late summer.

This is a poisonous plant!

Lobelia - types and places of growth

North America is considered the birthplace of lobelia. Currently, it can be found in Central and Eastern Europe. In Russia and Ukraine it is a garden culture and perfectly adapted to natural conditions. In the wild, it can be found in the zone of coastal reservoirs and with fresh water, it can grow even at a depth of 60-80 cm. Varieties: lobelia is burning, grows on the Iberian Peninsula and in France, lobelia is squamous, is found and cultivated in the Far East.

Lobelia - healing properties

This plant is used as a remedy for menacing collapse, drug poisoning, damage to the body by carbon monoxide, asthma, whooping cough. It is also taken for sun and heat strokes and to stimulate adrenal function in severe infectious diseases.

In acute heart failure, the threat of collapse, a drop in vascular tone and a decrease in pressure, as well as after large blood losses, lobelia drugs affect peripheral vessels and raise their tone.

The alkaloids in its composition, lobelanin and lobeladin are used as a means for the defeat of toxic substances, including gases and drugs. They are also used to eliminate asphyxiation of newborns and restore breathing in drowning people and in various cases requiring stimulation of respiration.

Lobelia - dosage forms

The alkaloids that this plant is rich in are contained in all its parts, therefore, for folk remedies, leaves, seeds, flowers, stems are used. Official medicine uses the drug lobesil, (lobelium hydrochloride), which facilitates smoking cessation. The substances isolated from them - lobelium, lobinin, norlobelanin, norlobelanidin, lobelanin, lobelanidin, etc. receive mainly when green fruits are formed in the central stem. Raw materials are dried at a temperature of 50-60 ° in dryers and stored for 2 years.

Lobelia - recipes

- Tincture for cramping with bronchial atstma: heat 100 g of lobelia grass with 300 ml of 70% alcohol, keep it on very low heat for 30 minutes, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Take 5-10 drops as an antispasmodic.

- In the treatment of respiratory diseases, it is recommended to take dry lobelia leaves in a dosage of 0.2-0.6 g 3 times a day daily. Do not take without consulting a doctor!

Lobelia - contraindications

This is a poisonous plant that, in large doses, can paralyze breathing and cause vomiting and diarrhea, or pain in the stomach, constricted pupils. In addition, large doses increase blood pressure too much, therefore, it is forbidden for use for people prone to spasmodic changes in pressure.

Lobelia - interesting facts

- Lobelia was used by the Indians as tobacco in their homeland in North America. Smokers of grass could feel a lung effect similar to that of smoking marijuana. Nowadays, grass is added to some types of tobacco.

- Lobelia grass is used in anti-asthma cigarettes.


Rita 04/04/2016
Well, since in our time, quite legally, this plant is added to cigarettes, then, I think, I can try this effect on myself))) And even more so, I often suffer from shortness of breath, you look, and I get pleasure, and get better in the bargain))

Lika 04/27/2016
Amazing plant! It is used in case of poisoning, and during thermal shocks, and during choking. Apparently, a specific aroma is distinguished in lobelia, since it affects the patient’s breathing in this way. An interesting and very necessary plant.

Gulya 04/27/2016
I saw with my friend in the garden, in my opinion, just such a plant. It looks really wonderful! If you plant several of these flower beds, then the territory will turn into just a fairy tale! Be sure to plant and I, such a plant.

Vasilina 04/27/2016
Wow!!! What kind of plants do not exist! I also somehow missed this flower. Yes, he also helps from such health problems, serious! From gas poisoning, and even drugs. And about the restoration of breathing in drowning, generally surprising !!

Oksana 04/04/2016
Wow!! I just fell in love with this bed! How cool it looks! Why is it I still have not planted myself such flowers ?? !!! I’ll go shopping immediately, I hope it’s not too late to plant. Yes, and this beauty is healing !!!


Watch the video: How to make Lobelia Tincture (July 2024).