Baby boy in the house. What is the danger of washing powders and gels?


Modern housewives cannot imagine their life without washing gel or powder. Of course, the appearance in the home of washing machines and modern detergents with enzymes and bleaches, greatly facilitated housekeeping.

Young mothers are doubly grateful to such household helpers - making housekeeping easier, they release a huge part of the time for talking with children, games and just relaxing. However, one cannot lose vigilance: it is no secret that the very active components that make detergents so effective are unsafe for the skin of even adults, not to mention children.

Children's skin is very delicate and thin, it is not only easy to hurt, aggressive and toxic chemicals that the baby comes into contact with for one reason or another easily penetrate the child’s body through it. For example, traces of detergent remaining in the fibers of the fabric. Enzymes and bleaches, of course, can even cope with severe pollution: chocolate, grass, traces of paints and felt-tip pens. But then removing the washing components themselves from the fabric is 100% impossible! And substances that during the washing remarkably split the dirt begin to irritate the delicate skin of crumbs just as wonderful.

The situation is aggravated by the immunity of the child, which is not fully formed. As you know, it continues to be strengthened and built in the first years after birth, and at this time you need to be especially careful with it. Otherwise, in aggressive stimuli from the external environment, immunity will see the “enemies” of the tiny organism and send antibodies against them - an allergic reaction will develop. It is not surprising that atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases in young children are increasingly common.

Dangers in the details

The manufacturers of detergents have the concept of “toxicity index”. It is determined by the time during which living cells specially placed in it die in the solution of washing powder. For detergents approved for use in children, the toxicity index should be between 70-120 units.

The most dangerous components of washing powder and gel are surfactants - surfactants. They break down the dirt and bind it, removing it from the fibers of the fabric. And they penetrate the pores of children's skin, provoking the development of atopic dermatitis and disrupting the normal functioning of the immune system. Long contact of the baby with surfactants can cause disruption of the nervous system and internal organs.

Oxygen-containing bleaches are powerful oxidizing agents; their presence in a detergent is also dangerous. In contrast, optical brighteners are not endowed with an oxidizing effect, but they settle on the fibers of the fabric and provoke allergies. Phosphates soften water and help surfactants gain a foothold on tissue fibers.

There is an exit!

A small child needs to be washed with a special detergent in which there are no toxic components, bleaches, enzymes and phosphates. For example, using the COTICO Baby line of the Russian production company B&B Family Company, which, while remaining safe for the baby’s fragile body, perfectly cope with all “childhood” contaminants.

Washing gels and fabric softeners specially designed for the smallest ones will help to keep the clothes and diapers clean and soft, without exerting the slightest aggressive effect on delicate baby skin.

A careful attitude to the child’s body in the first years of his life will certainly be rewarded handsomely: he will grow up strong and healthy!



Watch the video: Best Baby Products with CLEAN Ingredients! (July 2024).