August 27: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 27th.


Holidays august 27

Russian cinema day

In Russian, the word "movie" is translated from Greek as "moving." The Lumiere brothers, who came up with the first apparatus capable of “moving” pictures, first showed its effect in Paris, on Kapucinok Boulevard. Russia saw the first domestic "cinema" in 1908. It was a story about Stenka Razin, based on the folk song "From the Island to the Rod", its duration was only 7 minutes. In the last decade, cinema has again become an important art - many festivals and film contests are held, in Russia it is the Moscow International Film Festival and others.

Independence Day of the Republic of Moldova

Following the example of the countries of the former USSR, the Parliament of Moldova adopted a resolution on independence, and neighboring Romania became the first country to recognize this document. The Republic of Moldova was quickly recognized by dozens of countries in Europe and Asia, the CIS countries, Moldova itself entered the CIS somewhat later. In 1992, she became a member of the UN and the Council of Europe. The celebration of the country's independence is celebrated with a solemn prayer dedicated to the memory of the victims of the conflict in Transnistria and laying wreaths at the monument to the famous statesman Stefan cel Mare, who lived in the 15th century. After the official part of the celebration, festivities begin.

August 27th in the folk calendar


In Judea, in the 8th century AD, there lived a small biblical prophet Micah, who was considered the author of the book of prophets. Micah is also considered the founder of a new trend that simplifies the essence of Judaism. It was Micah who predicted that Judea would be destroyed, noted the sinful behavior of its leaders. Sometimes his prophecies, on the contrary, inspire hope - about the coming of the Messiah.

On this day, peasants watch flocks of cranes - if their wedges stretch to the south - you need to wait for frost by mid-October. Calm cranes predict late winter cold. On Mikhey, the masons who lay the stove are pleased in every way - after all, the heat in the house depends on them. They also honored other builders - those who build princely mansions, fortresses, and temples. After the end of the fast, the meat-eating week begins and the time for weddings begins. On Mikheev day, potential suitors have the last chance to capture a girl.

Historical events of August 27

August 27, 1919 - Decree of the Soviet government on the nationalization of all filmmaking in the country

The October Revolution brought the nationalization of industry and agriculture, but for another two years, film business was in private hands. The owners simply refused to give out equipment to the authorities. In 1918, 150 films were shot, and by 1919 the remnants of cinema were concentrated in the south of the country, in Odessa, Kiev, and Crimea. Many emigrated abroad by sea, and took equipment with them. By a decree of the Council of People's Commissars, film business was nationalized.

August 27, 1940 - The first demonstration of color television in New York.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian inventor Hovhannes Adamyan (Ivan Adamin) put forward the idea of ​​transmitting an image. And already by 1925 he had created a transmission system in three-color parameters. Technically, it was implemented by J. Byrd in 1928. After we changed the handset for color television sets, things went more efficiently. Since 1938, the development of fully color television began, which was demonstrated in 1940.

August 27, 1966 - The beginning of the "Voyage of the Century", the historical voyage around the world of the yachtsman Francis Chichester.

On a small yacht "Gypsy Moth" he made a route of high-speed tea keepers of the 19th century, heading towards Australia. At this time, Chister was already 65 years old. The navigator arrived in Sydney 105 days after the start of the journey, and this stop was the only one in the entire world. This was not Chichera's only trip - in his youth he was a pilot and flew a seaplane from England to Australia. Sydney then greeted him with thunderous applause. A round-the-world trip on a yacht ended in Plymouth - the place of departure 9 months and 7 days after departure.

August 27, 2000 - fire at the Ostankino television tower

The main television center in Moscow was a unique and tallest building - its height was 537 meters. The slim body rested on a wide base. Inside the housing was a cable system providing stability and monolithic construction. The fire on the tower lasted a whole day, and all because of a small short circuit at an altitude of 460 meters. The fire destroyed the elevator mount, power supply and communication systems.

Work on the air was restored after a week. The fate of the tower was a big question - the discussions lasted a long time. The question of discussion is which department should restore the tower, and what sources of financing should be involved. Many thought it was easier to build a new tower than to restore an old one. The tower was completely restored only after 4-5 years.

Born on August 27

Petr Nikolaevich Wrangel (1878 - 1928) - Russian politician, leader of the white movement in the Civil War.

The military career of Peter Wrangel began with the lowest officer rank, then he commanded a squadron in the First World War and became the owner of a golden weapon and a commemorative award - an order, a golden weapon. Received an early promotion. The valiant combat officer could not accept the events in Russia during the October Revolution. Having barely escaped the execution of the Reds, he ended up in Yekaterinodar and received command of the military corps.

After the transfer to him of the post of commander of the Cossack army from Denikin, they began to disagree. As a result, it was Wrangel who became the commander of the Armed Forces of the White Army in southern Russia. In the fall of 1920, Wrangel evacuated from Crimea to Constantinople, and left Russia forever. Baron Wrangel died in Brussels from wounds and illnesses, buried with triumph in the Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity in Belgrade.

Bogdan Mortar (1941-2012) - Ukrainian actor.

He is called the living legend of Ukrainian cinema and theater. It was very important for an old-school man to preserve acting traditions, which is why he was always in the spotlight - on the set, in the play made by the film with his participation. He was able to win the hearts of millions of people, not doing anything specifically for this, but only appearing in public in his roles. Over the past few years, he directed the Ivan Franko Theater in Kiev, was the artistic director of the Karpenko-Kary Theater, the president of the Kiev Film Festival. Bogdan Stupka was rightly called the most talented dramatic actor in Europe.

Faina Ranevskaya - August 27 (1896 -1984 years).

The famous actress had great fame and this was her punishment. She was constantly associated with her role in the movie Foundling, because for a long time she remained for the audience the wife of Muli, who was constantly unnerving to her. She considered herself very lonely, and precisely because she was so talented. Only the theater - no husband, no children. In the memory of those who knew her, she remained not only an amazingly talented actress, but also a man who possessed an exceptional sense of humor. A scattering of her aphorisms is quoted, remembered and honored.

Lyndon Johnson (1908-1973) - 36th President of the United States.

America's famous politician Lyndon Johnson was very ambitious. He advanced to the Senate at a fairly young age, being an assistant congressman and working as head of the national administration for youth affairs. He moved very quickly to the Upper House and led the majority. At first, Johnson became a candidate for President of America, his reputation played a big role when, after the Kennedy assassination in November 1963, the question arose about the country's president. In 1964, his anti-poverty programs in America aroused many critical speeches, and almost never came to fruition. He lost his popularity, got tired and returned to his ranch in Texas, where he died 4 years later.

Name day on August 27

Nikolay, Fedor, Vasily, Vladimir, Alexander, Arkady, Eve, Evdokia, Matvey, Alexey


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).