The benefits and harms of fried seeds. What the product consists of, how to cook it correctly, the benefits and harms of fried seeds


How many times in childhood we heard from parents that eating a lot of seeds is harmful, that they may cause problems with appendicitis, and in general, clicking them on people is a bad sign.

Naturally, any issue has two sides of the coin, each of which needs to be introduced.

Let’s figure out what benefits and harm roasted seeds can bring, and which of them outweighs.

Fried sunflower seeds: composition, as used

Sunflowers were brought to Europe in the 16th century, but at that time they were considered exclusively as ornamental plants, and there was no question of making food from their fruits. However, after some time, people tried to click on sunflower seeds and they liked it. As for sunflower oil, it appeared much later, in the middle of the XIX century. As it turned out, the most delicious oil was obtained from small grains, which were the most difficult to clean.

Today, sunflower seeds are widely used in cooking and not only. What can I say, if Russia is the largest producer of sunflower seeds in the whole world. Fried sunflower seeds are very popular nowadays and it is hardly possible to find a person who does not like to click seeds from time to time in his spare time. Moreover, this can already be called a serious habit akin to smoking, because many people simply can not be pulled from their ears.

It should be noted that the sunflower is an incredibly useful plant that contains many useful vitamins and minerals. Raw sunflower seeds consist of the following components:

  • water - 7.5 g;

  • proteins - 20.5 g;

  • carbohydrates - 10 g;

  • fats - 53 g.

Also, the seeds collected a huge amount of vitamins A, B, C, E, K. In addition, the seeds contain a lot of minerals that are most beneficial to the human body, such as:

  • calcium;

  • potassium;

  • phosphorus;

  • iron;

  • zinc;

  • magnesium and others.

Despite the mass of useful substances contained in the composition of sunflower seeds, they can carry danger. The whole problem is that they are often grown on the outskirts of major highways. If sunflowers grew exclusively in ecologically clean areas or in areas remote from exhaust gases, then the question of their harm was not even raised.

Seeds are sunflower fruits, and they are grown in our fields quickly enough. Unfortunately, we cannot know for sure what kind of "store" seeds are used, what do they bring to our body - benefit or harm? This article will be devoted to this article.

Fried sunflower seeds: what are the benefits for the body?

Sunflower seeds

Fried sunflower seeds have a lot of useful properties, among which the following should be highlighted:

1) in the composition of sunflower seeds there are dietary fibers that are able to have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract;

2) the product contains saturated fatty acids that prevent the appearance of cholesterol;

3) seeds contain in their composition many useful amino acids and trace elements. Magnesium helps strengthen the nervous system and normalize the functioning of the heart. Zinc is a mineral that monitors our health and beauty: strengthens nails, improves complexion, boosts immunity;

4) unroasted seeds help improve appetite, and unripe seeds help lower blood pressure;

5) sunflower seeds are a real natural depressant, therefore it is useful to use them for stress, anxiety and anxiety;

6) the product contains an amazing vitamin composition, which is almost completely able to replace vitamin synthetic complexes. For example, the presence of a large amount of vitamin A in the product promotes skin rejuvenation and prevents its premature aging, and also improves vision. Vitamin E helps get rid of depression, insomnia, remove acne and dandruff. Vitamin D is able to improve the absorption of calcium;

7) the product promotes accelerated recovery of the body after various diseases and viruses, helps to heal wounds;

8) sunflower seeds are very useful for heart diseases, atherosclerosis, help to cope with liver and gall bladder diseases;

9) it is not necessary to overcook the seeds, as they will begin to lose most of their beneficial properties. It’s better to dry them a little in a pan, this will make them even more useful.

Pumpkin seeds

In addition to traditional sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds are also very popular. Some nutritionists put pumpkin seeds in their useful properties even higher than sunflower. For example, pumpkin seeds can normalize blood pressure, so they are very useful for people suffering from hypertension. People with a weak vestibular apparatus are advised to consume pumpkin seeds for nausea.

Also, this product is recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, since in the initial stages of pregnancy it will be easier for them to tolerate toxicosis with the help of dried pumpkin fruits. During lactation, the infant will receive with the mother's milk all the useful substances of the seeds, including the entire vitamin complex, trace elements and more. People suffering from severe constipation will benefit from pumpkin seeds, which will also help remove harmful cadmium and lead from the body.

If raw seeds are applied to wounds, their healing can be significantly accelerated. They will also help get rid of worms as part of a folk remedy. This product will be very useful for representatives of a strong half of humanity, since it is an excellent prophylactic for prostatitis. In addition, pumpkin seeds, like sunflower seeds, are an excellent anti-stress agent.

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are a very tasty and healthy product that nature itself gave us. But nevertheless, when using them, the number of fruits eaten should be controlled, since other factors must be taken into account, for example, possible individual intolerance to the body. In any case, the seeds have a lot of useful properties, what can I say, if they are recommended even to nursing mothers. In addition, seeds are the main supplier of energy, which is necessary for the development and growth of the body, it is especially useful to combine them with greens.

Fried sunflower seeds: what is the harm to health?

Despite the many advantages of using this product, seeds can also harm our body. Naturally, the harm cannot be compared with the enormous benefits of this natural product, but you should not be silent about it either.

The product can not be used by people who have the following diseases:

  • colitis;

  • enterocolitis;

  • gout;

  • stomach ulcer.

The harmfulness of the product lies in the fact that it contains too many oils and carbohydrates. However, it is very high-calorie, and one glass of fried seeds contains more than 700 Kcal, which can be equated to a good portion of pork kebab. Therefore, it is not necessary to abuse, especially to people who are watching their figure, because in order to get benefit from the seeds you need only 2 tbsp. l product.

If you fry the seeds at home, you need to ensure that they are not overcooked, as in this case they can lose most of their useful components. To avoid this, it is better to dry them in the oven, and not fry in a pan. Also, overcooked seeds are dangerous because carcinogens begin to appear in oxidizing oils, which, with constant use, can cause cancer.

The most harmful component in roasted seeds is cadmium. This chemical element can get into the product from automobile exhaust gases. As mentioned above, the big problem is that sunflowers in our country are often grown close to large routes, from where this harmful element gets into the plant. Cadmium is found in the largest possible quantity in "store" seeds, especially in those packages that have been lying on the counter for a long time. Cadmium can also be found in fresh seeds, but not in such a large amount.

How to fry the seeds?

If you live in a rural area or you have a summer cottage, then it is possible to grow a sunflower or pumpkin at home, because it is the fruits grown independently that are the highest quality. How to properly fry them yourself?

For frying seeds, a cast-iron frying pan with a thickened bottom is best suited. We take the pan, heat it and pour the seeds on it. Make sure that the pan is completely dry and sufficiently warmed up, and do not forget to mix the seeds regularly. Set the fire to slow, they will dry well on it, and the heat will approach evenly. When the husk begins to crack, then everything is ready! Of course, we try for readiness.

If the product is ready, add a little sunflower refined oil to the pan to give the desired flavor. Once again, mix everything and remove the pan from the stove.

That’s probably all. In the end, I would like to recall that any product, even the most seemingly useful and harmless, can harm the body if consumed immensely. Therefore, if you really like to click fried seeds, do not forget that they will be useful only if the measure is followed, otherwise undesirable consequences are possible.

Eat the seeds in moderation and be healthy!


Watch the video: Never Throw Away Avocado Seed. Anti Aging Antioxidants Packed (June 2024).