Scabies - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Scabies is a skin parasitic disease, which is characterized by severe night itching, and, consequently, scratching and the formation of scabies on the skin. This disease causes a tick (from the Latin. Sarcoptes scabiei), it is popularly called scabies itching. In most cases, infection occurs after close contact with a sick person.

Scabies - Causes

Scabies is caused by female scabies. The length of these insects is 0.3-0.4 mm, they live about a month. When it gets on human skin, ticks under the stratum corneum of the epidermis make passages and lay about 2-3 eggs every day. Larvae hatch from them, turning in two or three weeks into sexually mature individuals.

Scabies can only be transmitted from one person to another. For the most part, this happens only with close contact. It is also favored by unsanitary conditions, promiscuous sex life and crowded populations. In isolated cases, infection through household items (towels, bedding, washcloths, etc.) is possible. In a childish environment, scabies is transmitted through toys with which a sick child played before.

Scabies - Symptoms

Scabies is diagnosed by a combination of the following symptoms: intense skin itching, aggravated by the dark during the day or after a hot bath, shower and a specific rash. On the skin, scabies are clearly visible in the form of twisting strips with a small bubble (vesicle) at the end, which usually have a length of 3-15 mm. In addition to scabies, you can notice small pimples (papules) or small weeping flaky plaques. First of all, rash of the body parts with thinner skin is covered: extensor surfaces of the elbow joints, forearms, flexion surfaces of the wrist joints, interdigital spaces, lateral surfaces of the trunk, external genitalia, skin in folds under the mammary glands. In young children, scabies is localized somewhat differently: the soles, edges of the feet, buttocks, palms, face and scalp are affected.

Itching occurs due to an allergic reaction of the body to tick feces. This leads to strong combs and excoriations. When combing the skin, a sick person often brings an additional bacterial infection to the infected areas, and scabies is complicated by various pustular infections.

Scabies - diagnosis

An experienced specialist is able to make a diagnosis based only on the symptoms of the disease, but in some cases a microscopic examination is required to clarify the diagnosis. To conduct it, a drop of paraffin oil is applied to the area of ​​the itch passage and scraping is done. With microscopy, the doctor can see ticks, their eggs or excrement.

If scabies is found in one family member, then the rest of its members should also be examined by a dermatologist.

Scabies - treatment and prevention

By itself, scabies will never pass, and can occur for many months and years, sometimes exacerbating. For a complete cure, it is enough to destroy the tick and tick-borne eggs, which is easily achieved using local funds. In no case should you self-medicate and use alternative methods of treatment. Nowadays, a huge number of effective drugs have been developed to get rid of scabies. You need to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe adequate therapy.

To do this, ointments based on permethrin, lindane, crotamiton, benzyl benzoate, sulfur, etc. are used. It is also necessary to sanitize your home with special means. All things that the patient came into contact with in one way or another should be washed in hot water or boiled, and then aired in fresh air for 5-7 days. Wet cleaning should be carried out regularly and direct contact with a sick family member should be avoided. If possible, he needs to allocate a separate room for a while.


Victor 30.04.2016
got sick with scabies, the doctor confirmed, but itchy. Allergy - the doctor said. What to do and when will it end?


Watch the video: Human Scabies Infestation: Diagnosis and Treatment - OnlineDermClinic (July 2024).