Beautiful birthday greetings in your own words


All women love to receive beautiful birthday wishes. They love poetry, postcards, words of admiration and appreciation. If we are talking about wishes, it is best if you say something pleasant in your own words, coming from a pure heart. No need for lofty and transcendental phrases, because sincerity is above all.

Greetings should not be long. Enough to say the most important thing - a few special phrases will surely touch her heart. If we are talking about the wishes of a man - speak briefly about the most important thing. A man will appreciate it.

Happy birthday to your girlfriend

If you want to congratulate the girl on her birthday, and in her own words to express her admiration for her, then you should carefully prepare yourself before congratulating your friend. No need to write your wish on a leaflet and read it to her. It is enough to remember the general plan of your wish, so as not to forget the most important thing at the right moment.

On his birthday, a person is pleased to hear warm congratulations. If you want to write wishes on a postcard, subscribe: "Yours forever. I love and miss". It would be nice in addition to the wishes to give the girl something pleasant and memorable. It will touch her to tears.

What beautiful words and phrases to choose for congratulations? First of all, everyone wants happiness and health. But if you congratulate your beloved, phrases about love will be much more appropriate, but wishes for health and success in business will suit an adult woman.

Try to be original and not use banal phrases. Wish her love, pure, like spring rain and sunshine. You can congratulate happy birthday girl in the evening, combining congratulations with good night wishes.

Beautiful, concise and very elegant phrases - this is exactly what young girls like. Pick up beautiful expressions for your girlfriend. She will be immensely happy not with a banal wish, but on the contrary, full of love, tenderness and affection. Congratulations to a girlfriend or girlfriend may concern her attractive appearance. Wish her to remain as beautiful and attractive, and for life to be fun, interesting, full of smiles, bouquets and enchanted men.

Happy birthday to a woman in prose

In prose, the wishes look very touching, especially since it is immediately clear - they are not memorized by heart, but come from your heart. If you want to say something pleasant to your beloved, then a birthday is an excellent occasion to express your feelings, and say something that has long been in your heart. To express sincerely and reverently what touches.

Any girl can appreciate your wish if she feels sincerity in him. Beautiful words to a girl in prose can relate to her personality as a whole. You can tell her about what a wonderful housewife she is and that you want her to become a wonderful mom and wife and have many children. You can also wish her a good husband and friend who could protect her from all adversity.

Mental congratulations happy birthday girlfriend in your own words

If you want to congratulate a girlfriend on his birthday and express her love to her, it is best to use greetings and phrases in prose. Tell her how wonderful she is and how lucky you are to meet. Birthday greetings to a friend in prose will create a good impression of you and will pleasantly surprise her.

Beautiful words beloved man

When choosing congratulations and tender words to a beloved man, remember that it is better to say phrases that were thought up on your own than to recite memorized tearful poems. Men are not as sensitive creatures as women, so if you think about how to say beautiful words to a beloved man, choose prose birthday greetings. Such wishes happy birthday look convincing, sincere and touching.

Affectionate and tender words beloved husband

A cool surprise will be a husband or a boyfriend, if your congratulations will be prose, if you just say how much you value your relationship and express all the warmth to your beloved. The emotional impulse of such a plan will not leave your man indifferent and will once again remind him how dear you are to him. No verses and clever phrases will replace the light in the eyes and gentle phrases spoken with love.

Warm words to your loved one

Wishes for a loved one can be found on the Internet, choose tender poems in the collection of poetry. But no less impressive will look wishes impromptu, which just will pour and go from your soul. Each person will immediately appreciate the sincerity and warmth of congratulations if they are said by a loving person.

Words of gratitude in prose

Express your gratitude to your mother, girlfriend, beloved man or other close person - congratulate him from the heart, without memorized texts, hackneyed phrases. You can pick up beautiful words in English and write them on a card or choose beautiful phrases with translation into English, making them a slogan for a festive evening. Choose beautiful words and apply to a congratulatory holiday cake or other attributes of a celebration. A close person should see and be aware of your gratitude, love and friendship.


Watch the video: Beautiful Birthday Greeting Card Idea. DIY Birthday card. complete tutorial (June 2024).