Dark chocolate slows down skin aging


Scientists have repeatedly recognized dark chocolate as an indispensable remedy for all sorts of ailments. The latest innovative study by English scientists not only confirmed the beneficial qualities of chocolate, but also discovered another truly unique property of this delicacy, which will certainly interest women. It turns out that dark chocolate has a real ability to slow down skin aging.

Researchers have found that dark chocolate can effectively “slow down” the breakdown of collagen fibers contained in the skin, improving metabolic processes. In addition, experts found that dark chocolate reduces the risk of melanoma, which is considered the most aggressive and dangerous malignant tumor.

Dark chocolate owes its healing properties to natural compounds called flavonoids. It is these compounds in large quantities found in chocolate. Similar ingredients contain grapes, red wine, apples and other products. It is known that flavonoids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and strengthen blood vessels, reducing the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.

Previously, scientists have already found that chocolate is a good remedy for chronic fatigue. Dark chocolate defeats insomnia, improves memory and helps to concentrate. A few slices of your favorite treats will quickly improve your mood and increase your body tone. And yet, despite the obvious benefits of this product, doctors advise eating dark chocolate in reasonable quantities.


Watch the video: Red Wine And Dark Chocolate Can Slow Down The Aging Process (June 2024).