Opisthorchiasis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Opisthorchiasis - a disease from the group of helminthiases, which is caused by the parasite Opisthorchis felineus (or cat fluke). The specified helminth is a fairly large flat trematode of a leaf-shaped form, which reaches a length of 8 - 20 mm, and a width of 1 - 3 mm.

The main owners of opisthorchia are cats, dogs, pigs, and a number of other mammals, including humans. In humans, parasites can live up to 20 - 25 years, while the life expectancy in a feline is only 2 - 3 years.

Opisthorchiasis - causes

The source of opisthorchiasis are mature individuals of opisthorchiasis. A fish that is infected with helminths is an intermediate host and the main carrier of parasites. Basically, carriers are representatives of carp species (bream, ide, roach, common carp, roach, rudd, chebak). Outbreaks of opisthorchiasis, as a rule, occur during the period of mass fishing and harvesting of fish products, that is, from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn.

Parasites can easily enter the human body from an unwashed cutting board, which is used to clean fish. Infection occurs through the mouth. Under the influence of the acid contained in the gastric juice, the protective membrane of the opisthorch dissolves, and the parasite easily penetrates the bile ducts, gall bladder, liver, pancreas, intestines.

Opisthorchiasis - symptoms

The first symptoms of opisthorchiasis appear 2 to 4 weeks after the entry of parasites into the human body.

In the acute form of the disease, urticaria, fever, aches in the muscles and joints occur. Later there are painful sensations under the spoon, the liver is enlarged. Also, for this form of the disease, heartburn, vomiting, frequent loose stools, and a decrease in appetite are characteristic. In addition, symptoms of pneumonia, which are allergic in nature and resemble asthmatic bronchitis, are possible.

The chronic form of opisthorchiasis occurs with symptoms of hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis and pancreatitis. In the right hypochondrium, pain of a different nature is felt. The disease is accompanied by dyspeptic syndrome, dyskinesia of the gallbladder. Opisthorchiasis affects the intestines and stomach, there is a violation of metabolic processes in the body. In addition, various skin manifestations on the face are possible - acne, early wrinkles, freckles, seborrhea. In women, the disease can manifest itself in an increase in soreness of menstruation, as well as in a shift in the menstrual cycle.

Opisthorchiasis - diagnosis

The main way to diagnose opisthorchiasis is a blood test. The diagnosis is complicated by the similarity of symptoms of opisthorchiasis with other diseases. Urine, feces, duodenal juice are also examined. Considerable importance is attached to the epidemiological history.

Opisthorchiasis - treatment and prevention

Treatment of opisthorchiasis is phased. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the patient's body for complex treatment. First of all, it is necessary to stop allergic symptoms, as well as inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. A strict diet is required, which limits the amount of fat and involves the use of choleretic drugs.

At the second stage, parasites are treated with praziquantel (biltricide) preparations. This substance effectively destroys worms, but is accompanied by a toxic effect. This stage is carried out in a hospital.

The third stage involves the implementation of recreational and rehabilitation measures.

Prevention of opisthorchiasis is reduced to monitoring the diet. It is not recommended to eat fish that has not been subjected to sufficient heat treatment. Helminths are destroyed by smoking, salting, freezing.
