Conspiracies and prayers to conceive a child


Every woman dreams of becoming a mother, because children are happiness! This is the embodiment of your love, procreation and the most precious treasure in life. However, it happens to get pregnant does not work. It seems that we take the right vitamins, there are no diseases, and we are keeping an eye on health, and according to the calendar we calculated the right moment, and peace and happiness reign in the house, but no miracle happens. Time to try a pregnancy plot to read at home.

What are the conspiracies for pregnancy?

When the question comes to what kind of conspiracy to use to get pregnant, there comes a period of difficult decisions. It is impossible to conduct several ceremonies at the same time, their implementation must be consistent, but only one is usually enough to achieve the desired. The most effective rituals are:

  • on the growing moon;
  • on the water;
  • from Vanga;
  • from the woman Nina;
  • plot to 40 knots.

As in other rituals, their conduct is due to a number of certain rules that should be strictly followed:

  1. Belief in the fulfillment of the desired and light forces.
  2. The sacrament of planned actions and confidence in their necessity.
  3. Spiritual cleansing and relaxation.
  4. Calm at the time of the ritual.
  5. Full immersion in the process and concentration.
  6. Conspiracy in the lap of nature. Otherwise, you should fill the room with flowers and tubs with potted plants.

The listed rules will suit absolutely any rite. It remains to determine to which the soul lies.

Pregnancy Moon Conspiracy Conspiracy

As you know, the growing moon has powerful magic. Her energy enhances and increases the impact of any ritual conducted during this period. Therefore, the best time for planning children and ceremonies that will help to conceive is not found. As a reliable and effective way, try to read the pregnancy plot at home.

The most effective is ritual, rooted in the distant past, when honored and worshiped mother Nature. For it, you will need the seed of any plant that can be grown at home, and a pot of soil. At night, put the pot on the window sill so that the moonlight illuminates the earth, hold the seed in your hand and read the words of the conspiracy:

"The month is growing and the path illuminates me. If Mother Nature gives life to everything, let the child be granted to me. As a seed grows, so will my child grow in my womb. Amen."

Plant the seed in the ground and grow it. It may happen that the germ will not break through - then it is necessary to carry out a cleansing ritual in the whole house with prayer and the use of holy water.

On the water

Want to get pregnant as soon as possible? Conducted a conspiracy to conceive to water will help in the fulfillment of desire. For the ceremony you will need to do the following:

  1. On Friday, on the growing moon, take in the church holy water.
  2. On the same day, an hour before midnight, put on a white robe (nightgown or T-shirt) and stand in the pelvis by the open window.
  3. Raise the vessel with holy water over your head and slowly, in a thin stream begin to pour on top of your head.
  4. Read conspiracy words:
    • "Holy water pours on me, purifies my soul and body, prepares for great joy and the gift of heaven. As all blackness and dirt, the negative of others and the envy of others are removed from me, so is the child that is desired. May heaven help his slave (name ) to conceive! In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. "
  5. Wipe dry.
  6. Cross yourself three times and read "Our Father."
  7. Water pour over the threshold and go to bed.

From Vanga

The well-known clairvoyant Vanga was famous not only for her rare foresight, but also for her knowledge that helps people in various situations. Wanga often advised people to conspire and prayers, which helped to conceive even when the doctors shrugged. The easiest ritual, allowing you to get pregnant from the first time after reading the conspiracy, is held on the growing moon.

Read home conspiracies from Vanga at home, it is recommended all alone. In the middle of the night, stand in front of a large mirror or use a portable mirror and direct it so that you can see the belly. Open wide the windows so that the moonlight illuminates the room. Stroking your belly clockwise, say:

"Our Lord, Almighty! Gave the sun and the moon to people, gave the stars bright and the sky clear, immense land. Give me, your servant (name), to bear the child and give birth to it in health and happiness. Let the child begin in my womb! In your name, amen! "

Also, Wanga advised before conceiving to give her husband a spoon of honey, after reading over her words:

"Honey is sweet, and in my womb the fruit will grow sweeter."

Eat some honey yourself and do not drink it. This night the long-awaited conception will happen!

From the woman Nina

No less famous than Vanga, the blind soothsayer woman Nina also knows many important and necessary conspiracies to help her get pregnant. In addition to rites, she also shares tips that contribute to the speedy conception:

  1. Buy a baby toy and place it in a prominent place in the house. This will allow the child to feel before pregnancy and attract the necessary energy.
  2. Take a trip with your soul mate. Sometimes rest is more important than treatment and gives much more strength.
  3. The growth of plants in the house - a signal for the birth of the baby. Get more indoor plants.
  4. Thoughts are material. Think only good and away negative!
  5. If you are not married yet, but plan your child in advance, then invite a pregnant woman to the wedding.

Compliance with all these tips will attract positive energy into the house and contribute to early pregnancy.

Plot 40 knots

The most effective is the ritual with the use of red cotton thread. Such a rite is called "40 knots" and should be held 40 days in a row. It is recommended to start a pregnancy plot of 40 nodules on the very first lunar day, which can be determined by the lunar calendar. Every day, you should tie a knot on the thread, uttering the words of the conspiracy:

"The knot to the bundle to lie down well, firmly, so I tie the child to me, I call. The first bundle - I will be my friend: daughter or son. I will tie more strongly to conceive faster. Lord God, help me! Mother of God Mother, help! Amen" .

Only the day number should be changed daily: first, second, third, and so on, up to the fortieth. Finished thread with knots should be hidden in the highest place in the house. By conducting the ceremony, it will become a powerful talisman that can later be tied to the baby.


Many are afraid to carry out rituals and conspiracies for pregnancy, because they fear the subsequent negative impact of the ceremony on the health of the baby or his fate. But do not worry!

The birth of a child is a bright and kind act that embodies the true miracle of nature. There can be no conspiracy, pronounced for the sake of this action, to be dark in itself. Children are pure and pure, and the rites performed to gain them are based solely on white magic and do not bear harm.

Thus, turning to the higher forces and with good intentions for help, do not be afraid! Plots of pregnancy have no undesirable consequences for the mother or for the unborn child.


Watch the video: Ghost Republic by Willard Grant Conspiracy (June 2024).