How to choose hair color to face: makeup artist tips. Photo selection of successful and unsuccessful options for selecting hair color to face


Beautiful well-groomed hair emphasizes the unique female image.

It is good if the curls are naturally lush and they do not have gray hair.

What do women with dull color or gray hair do?

Naturally, seek help from a stylist or hairdresser who probably knows how to choose the color of hair to the face: so that the woman looks young, stylish and attractive.

In addition to problems with color, hair coloring will help those representatives of the fair sex, whose density of hair leaves much to be desired.

But, before proceeding to coloring, it is necessary to figure out which color is suitable for a particular type of face.

Hair color: do I need to change it?

Natural hair color does not look just natural, this gift of nature blends perfectly with eye color, facial features. In addition, unpainted hair (if healthy) shines, streams in silk strands, gently falling on the shoulders. Such curls also indicate that everything is in order with the well-being of the woman herself. But this is not all: natural hair does not require such protection as dyed. Recovery procedures, nutrition - these are the drawbacks that hair coloring draws.

If the hair has turned gray and dyeing has become inevitable, you will never be mistaken if you choose the color of the paint to match your natural hair color. If you just wanted to change your image or change your life, starting with a hairstyle, seek help from a specialist who will accurately name colors and shades, tell you how to choose the color of your hair to your face.

Despite the fact that naturalness is always in fashion, but you feel uncomfortable in your color, you can safely change the color, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice, since the wrong tone can emphasize all the imperfections on the face, shade wrinkles and rashes.

How to choose the color of hair to the face: general principles

When choosing a hair dye color, an important factor is the skin tone and its features. Blond and black are the favorite solutions of fashionistas, they do not suit everyone and very often can visually add several years, and this is not at all what women want, so do not chase fashion, but adequately understand your color type and hair color. In order to make it easier to navigate in the richest palette of colors, specify who you are: winter, spring, summer or autumn. Based on this, you can safely make a choice in favor of a particular color.


Women of this type are characterized by cold contrast: the skin tone can be either very light or very dark. The same applies to the color of the eyes, which can strike with their stinginess (black, brown) and be deep cold (gray, blue).

Representatives of this color type can safely choose black, even fair-skinned “winters” will look chic, stained in this way. Brown, ashy shades look good. If you want to look extravagant, you can dilute black curls with bright strands, but in any case, remember that, choosing black, your skin should look perfect: it should not have age spots, rashes, freckles.

Taboo for the “winter” - all the variations of the blond, warm golden tones.


Spring woman has light eyes (blue, green) and light skin, however, she is a warm color type, with natural hair from light blond to brown hair. Ideal for painting - dark red, golden, light brown. Natural hair color: whether brown or red, can be transformed by making the strands a tone or two lighter than natural, thereby adding volume.

As for the undesirable tones - this is blond, ashen, light red. Such options belong to cold colors, and they do not combine with a warm shade of the skin, making it plain.


Cold, opaque color type with bright eyes and a cool skin tone. Most often, a summer woman is a brown-haired woman, but in order to become brighter, you can experiment with light tones up to the blonde. A bright brown-haired person can make any "summer mouse" bright.

Do not experiment with dark tones - they will age and make your look heavy and ineffective. If a woman has brown eyes - do not lighten her curls - this is not the best option, in which your eyes will look frightening.


Warm contrasting color type, which is characterized by light or dark eyes, dark hair (before brunette) and a brighter skin tone than in spring.

All dark options are perfect for hair coloring: black, chestnut, dark blond, rich red. Copper, gold, light tones should not be considered as an option - they will disadvantageously look against the background of dark skin.

How to choose hair color to face: successful options

Good color options for brown eyes

Women who have dark eyes and dark skin will look good with strands painted in dark colors: from dark blond to black.

Fair-skinned young ladies with dark eyes can play with bright colors, choosing red, chocolate and copper tones.

Amber and golden colors will make light brown eyes more expressive.

Good color options for green eyes

Green-eyed beauties are the most striking option that you can imagine. They can experiment with fiery shades, shine with gold and the whole red-red palette. If you are not ready for such experiments and want to look stylish, but restrained, chestnut is your option.

Dull green, swampy eyes will blend perfectly with dark blond and brown hair.

Good options for blue eyes

Depending on the features of the blue color of the eyes, you can consider different options for shades for hair. If they have a cold gray or blue color, then the most suitable will be to dye your hair in light blond or ashen. Blue interspersed with hazel will harmoniously look in tandem with red strands, golden, caramel tones.

Bright saturated blue tones of the eyes blend perfectly with brown, so you should pay attention to light chestnut options for hair dye.

Good face color options

Everyone knows that light colors create volume, while dark colors reduce it. It is very important to remember this rule when choosing a color for hair.

If you can’t solve the problem of how to choose the color of your hair for a round face, listen to the advice of specialists who will say their definite and dark tones: they will reduce the oval of the face by framing it with dark locks.

Thin women with a long oval face are best to dye their strands in light colors, and if you do a short (or medium length) fluffy haircut to everything, your face will become more rounded.

How to choose hair color to face: unsuccessful options

Young women with a round face should not look in the direction of light colors, and especially the blonde. This option will further expand their oval. To further aggravate the situation, a short voluminous haircut can.

Slim women should also beware: they are not advised by experts to dye in dark colors, and even more so they should not be strands made straight: if you are already a brunette, add volume to your hair.

Dark-skinned girls with dark eyes should not take risks with warm colors: gold, caramel, copper.

Brown-eyed and fair-skinned ladies should be careful about ash, graphite, pinkish tones.

Light-skinned and light-eyed Nordic young ladies should pass by counters with dark tones of colors, as they will visually make their tender face much older.

A woman who wants to change her image and dye her hair a new color must definitely seek help from a stylist who knows exactly how to choose the color of her hair to her face and not only preserve her natural attractiveness, but also make her even more impressive.

In addition to color, be sure to pay attention to the hairstyle with which this or that hair tone will look most beneficial, since any detail can add effect or take it away.


Watch the video: How To get Perfect at Home Hair Color - No More Box Color Fails - EVER ! (June 2024).