How to get rid of papillomas at home, which is safer. What will happen if you cut the papilloma yourself at home?


Everyone dreams of having perfect skin condition.

Papillomas do not look aesthetically pleasing.

Their shape, color, are different, growths appear absolutely in any part of the body.

Is it possible to somehow get rid of them painlessly and how to do it right, we will try to find out in this article.

How to get rid of papillomas at home: medicines and devices

You can get rid of papillomas by the means that are sold in each pharmacy. Many drugs have a strong effect on tissues, and often damage even healthy skin. That is why, before use, you must read the instructions and do everything according to it. Before treatment procedures begin, it is recommended to contact a medical institution for advice. Other diseases can have a strong resemblance to papillomas, respectively, and treatment is needed differently.

Preliminarily, the skin softens well with warm water, keratinized tissues are exfoliated from the surface of the warts. If the drug contains chemical components, the healthy skin around the papilloma needs to be glued with adhesive tape or just anointed with a greasy cream. If the medicine nevertheless enters healthy areas of the skin, rinse with water as soon as possible.

The pharmacy has a large selection of drugs to combat the disease, the most effective and common are the following:

1. Verrucacid - due to the content of phenols in the preparation, the destruction of papillomas occurs. For application to the skin using an applicator. It should be used carefully, trying not to touch healthy skin, just one procedure is enough for a visible result.

2. Dermavit - a chemical agent. To get rid of the problem, you need to apply it to the wart for one week, as a result, its color should become dark.

3. Solcoderm - includes acid and copper nitrate, self-use is fraught with serious consequences. It can not be used on the face, on the inguinal region, under the armpits, due to the fact that healthy tissue can be damaged, leaving behind numerous scars. The duration of treatment may be one month.

4. Super pure - Many believe that since the medicine is so called, it means that celandine is included in it, but this is not so. The effect of the drug is achieved by cauterization of acids. Like other drugs, it must be used carefully. Within three days, you need to apply one drop of the product directly to the papilloma.

5. Patches. There are several types - salipod, urgokor. The main active ingredient is salicylic acid, thanks to it the layer of the epidermis softens slightly. At the place of "defeat" the patch is applied no more than a day. The procedure is performed until the wart is removed.

6. Cryopharma - aerosol with a freezing effect. One can is designed for 10 papillomas.

7. Allomedin - a local drug, a good antiviral agent. Healthy skin cells are absolutely not damaged, further reproduction of the virus will be impossible.

It is also possible to get rid of papillomas by surgical methods, by laser exposure. But any such procedure requires a thorough examination.

How to get rid of papillomas at home: folk remedies

Many people have a predisposition to the formation of papillomas, which is primarily due to genetic factors. The disease does not have any special symptoms, which is why many carriers of the virus do not even know about the existing problem.

It is quite possible to get rid of papillomas with folk remedies, but nevertheless it is necessary to observe certain preventive measures.

It is also worth knowing that papillomas can decrease in size over time, or even disappear altogether, and this does not require surgical or therapeutic intervention. But this, of course, does not mean that after the disappearance of the problem, the virus will disappear.

In addition to taking medications, there are many alternative methods that are allowed to deal with unpleasant growths.

How to get rid of papillomas at home and at the same time not to resort to conventional medicine? There are many ways to do this, they are all different and, above all, based on the effects of various substances.

After self-medication is started, you must definitely pay attention to how the skin changes.

Detailed recipes and how to use them will be presented below. If you can’t get rid of the problem on your own, and there will not be any positive results, it is best to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. After all, there is a small risk that the papilloma will eventually turn into a malignant formation.

How to get rid of papillomas at home: step-by-step instructions


Surely many will be surprised that an ordinary chicken egg can get rid of papillomas, but in fact this is the best tool that will not only stop the growth of the growth, but also completely remove it. It is necessary several times a day to smear problem areas with protein. After the first layer of protein dries, the second is immediately applied to it. If you regularly lubricate the papilloma, then after 5-7 days it will completely dry out.


Proven for centuries, the method is the removal of papillomas with kerosene and walnut. Nuts need to be collected when they are just "ripe", after which they need to be finely chopped and placed in a jar, best if it is glass. Top nuts need to be filled with kerosene and put the jar in a dark place for exactly three weeks. After the allotted time runs out, the contents of the jar must be filtered and the growths lubricated. The course of treatment will continue until the problem completely disappears.

Laundry soap

It turns out that you can easily and easily remove papillomas with household soap. To do this, you need to cover the papilloma with a soap layer every day, until it is completely dry. After a few days, the skin under the problem area will turn red, at this stage, treatment should be stopped. After some time, the formation will disappear, leaving a small depression on the skin.


You can treat the papilloma not only with external means, but also with "internal" ones. To influence the virus from the inside, you need to drink potato juice. This is done on an empty stomach every morning, as well as before bedtime, a dose of one application of 100 ml.

Healing herbs

Homeopaths bother that during the removal of papillomas, it is important to drink tea from various medicinal herbs. It is useful to collect from such ingredients as dandelion, horsetail, plantain, lemon balm. Each plant is taken in the same amount, after thorough grinding, everything needs to be mixed. Two spoons are separated from the general collection and poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. For some time, the remedy should be infused. The course of treatment is exactly one week, you need to take tincture strictly before eating. A day you need to drink 50 ml, no more than three times.

Is it possible to cauterize a papilloma and what is used for this

It is really possible to cauterize an education; celandine is used for this. But those who decided on this method should know that, despite the simplicity of the procedure, it is quite painful.

A branch of the plant is cut off, a drop of juice is squeezed out of it, and it is necessary for it to burn the papilloma.

For more effective treatment, you need to bandage the growth at the sole with a thin thread. After a few cauterization procedures, the root of the formation will become thinner, you will need to slightly pull the thread every day until the papilloma simply falls off.

A hole will remain at the place of formation, it must be moistened with the juice of the plant, over time it will drag on and disappear.


A compress of garlic and flour has proven itself. Squeeze the juice from the garlic and mix it with flour until you get something like pasta. Before going to bed, apply the product to the growth. If you believe our grandmothers, where this recipe came from, then in a few nights you can completely get rid of the problem.

How to get rid of papillomas at home: can they just be cut?

To the question whether it is possible to cut the papilloma, there is one definite answer - no. In no case should you remove, tear off, cut off the formation. It is not recommended to treat education on their own until the nature of the growth is clarified. After cutting, the risk of developing a malignant tumor increases several times.

There are times when the separation does not occur on purpose. People do not always know what actions should be taken at this moment, and as soon as possible, a few effective tips on this subject are presented below:

1. The place of damage is recommended to be treated with an antiseptic.

2. A patch must be glued on top of the wound to prevent dirt and dust from entering.

3. Visit a specialist as soon as possible. It is necessary to do several tests in order to determine the nature of the papilloma, whether it is benign or can degenerate into malignant.

If the papilloma comes off and the person does not notice this, after the fact of its disappearance is nevertheless revealed, the first thing to do is go to the doctor. If no complications arose and everything healed at the place of formation, then most likely the body was able to cope with the virus on its own. Indeed, according to statistics, in 90% of cases, infection with the papilloma virus, it all ends with a successful self-healing.


Watch the video: How To Get Rid Of HPV Genital Warts At Home - Follow The Steps In This Video For HPV Warts Treatment (June 2024).