How to make a money tree with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions, materials for making a money tree do-it-yourself


You, for sure, at least once at someone in the house saw a money tree.

This is a handmade craft that looks like a small tree with numerous branches, leaves and, of course, coins.

The most important element of this home decoration is coins.

They are considered a symbol of wealth, and such a money tree itself can bring its owner success, good luck in business and business, as well as attract real money.

Regardless of whether you believe in the miraculous properties of a money tree or not, even if it will be inanimate, and made from improvised materials, such a decorative item can decorate any room or become the main focus in interior design. So, let's understand in more detail how and from what you can build a money tree with your own hands.

What to make a money tree with your own hands

Usually, those who tried to make such an craft used several improvised materials.

The most necessary thing to create a money tree is wire.

From it the frame and twigs are made.

You will also need beadwork skills.

The fact is that it is beads that are most often used to create leaflets, this method is very convenient, especially if you like to engage in this type of needlework.

Any coins are used as the “fruits” of the money tree. These can be coins with special holes, which are usually sold in stores selling various small items for needlework.

But you can very well use ordinary coins that have become unusable or out of date. Also, some craftsmen, creating a money tree with their own hands, use coins and tokens made of decorative materials.

In some cases, craftsmen make such a craft using ordinary coins that stick to the base of the tree or serve as its crown. But such a money tree should have a volume trunk and branches that diverge in the same plane.

If you decide to create a money tree with your own hands, which has a classic look, then the coins should hang down a bit. In this case, it is very important to form a rigid frame and create the correct branch structure so that the “fruits” do not distort the future tree under the influence of their weight. For the manufacture of branches, an ordinary thin wire will not work, you just need one that can withstand the load of coins.

How to make a money tree with your own hands: step by step instructions

First you need to imagine what the appearance of the future crafts will be.

A money tree with your own hands may or may not have leaves. It all depends on your imagination and skills, which may be required in the first case.

To make leaves, you need to get beads and a thin wire through which the beads can easily be strung. The shape of the leaves can resemble ordinary eyelets or be similar to natural leaves of trees.

Take the wire and pass through it as many beads as needed to create the shape of one leaf. Further, the wire with beads can be bent in various directions, but the easiest way is to make a frame that has several loops with a stem. How to make twigs with leaves is shown in the photo below.



Calculate in advance how many branches with leaves you need for your tree. It is best to do, as they say, in reserve. But even if you end up running out of branches, you can always do more. That's what you should get about, see the photo below.

Next you need attach coins to the resulting branches with leaves. If you intend to use ordinary coins that do not have special holes, you will have to purchase a glue gun. Put one drop of glue on each coin and glue it to the wire twisted in advance with a small loop. When the glue dries, this coin wire can be attached to leaf branches. Look at the photos, they show how the whole process is happening.


The resulting branches with leaves and coins need to be strengthened. To do this, wrap the stems with electrical tape or thin construction tape. If you want to create a more plausible form of branches, you can use the plasticine that covers each branch. After that, give the branches the desired shade, they can be painted with brown paint.

To create a frame (trunk) you will need a thick wire, although you can use a thin wire, but then it is wound in several layers for strength. First, create the main line of the trunk, after which you can fasten to it the finished branches on the wire. Do not forget to leave several diverging wires at the bottom of the trunk. They will serve as the basis due to which the whole structure will be held steady. By the way, these same branches of wire should resemble the roots of a real tree in shape.

The trunk of the tree should also be wrapped with tape or electrical tape to secure the resulting frame. To make the crown of the trunk, you will need to make a gypsum-glue mass. Take one tablespoon of dry gypsum mixture and the same amount of PVA glue, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Next, put the frame of the tree on the saucer and fill its base with the mixture.

Next, apply the mixture to the barrel, gradually going up. Try to immediately make the necessary bumps that will look like a crown of a real tree. To obtain such irregularities, you can use improvised tools, spatulas, brushes, sticks, which are included in the set with plasticine.

When the entire trunk and the beginning of the outgoing branches are covered with materials, leave this case for several hours to dry. If you want to plant your money tree with your own hands in a pot, then first you need to fix the base of the trunk to the bottom of the tank with plasticine, and then fill the pot with gypsum-glue mixture.

The last step in creating a craft is registration. For this you need gouache and brushes of different thicknesses. First, paint the tree trunk in the desired color. It can be either brown or golden hue - at your discretion. The base in the pot can also be covered with gouache, imitating either grass or rock.

When the paint dries, you can glue small beads of golden hue on the trunk of the tree. To fix the result, use a varnish base. Thus, your money tree, made by yourself, will gain a glossy shine.


Watch the video: How to Make a Money Tree (July 2024).