How to get rid of body hair forever: the secret of velvety skin. Epilation or ... choose the method of getting rid of excess body hair


Beautiful curls, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes are the pride of any woman, but unwanted vegetation gives care and sorrow.

At all times, ladies tried to learn how to get rid of body hair forever.

Consider the most famous ways to achieve perfectly smooth skin.

Body Hair: Growth Features

Human hair has a complex structure: the body and the root (hair follicle). The follicle is associated with the circulatory system, sebaceous ducts, nerve endings. To solve the problem of how to get rid of body hair forever, it is necessary to act on the root. Therefore, depilation - removal of the body of the hair above the skin does not cope with the task.

Instantly and permanently getting rid of body hair will not help any cosmetic procedure forever. The hair follicle can be in three phases: active, transitional, rest. The impact occurs on hair in a state of active growth, the rest are not affected.

Depending on individual characteristics, the need for a second procedure will necessarily arise after some time: from several months to six months. The number of events to achieve the ideal result and the duration of the intervals between them can be prompted by a cosmetologist, based on the density of the hair, the patient’s skin color. Over time, it will be enough to visit the office once a year, the skin will become well-groomed, smooth.

Not always the problem can be solved only with the help of cosmetic procedures. The girls on the body are dominated by fluffy, thin hair. But 2-10% of women suffer from excess vegetation of the male type, when it is harsh, dark. Hair appears on the chin, shoulders, back, stomach, around the nipples, hips. This disease is called hirsutism and can be of varying degrees of complexity. It arises due to:

• genetic predisposition;

• racial features (among representatives of the Mediterranean and Central Asia);

• side effect of taking medications;

• disorders of the ovaries and adrenal glands.

In the latter case, before contacting the beauty parlor, you need to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist, undergo a course of treatment.

How to get rid of body hair forever: advances in cosmetology

Over the past decades, thanks to technological improvements, the removal of unwanted vegetation has become as efficient and safe as possible.

The following types of hair removal are distinguished:

• laser;

• a photo;

• combined;

• electric;

• bio.

Laser hair removal allows you to achieve excellent results, clean processing. The laser wavelength is focused on a certain concentration of pigment in the hair, so gray hair is not removed. Depending on the color of the skin and hair, the type of laser is individually selected. Until recently, only owners of dark hair and fair skin could use this cosmetic procedure. Today, this service is available for all skin types.

Principle of the procedure: a short-term pulse causes thermal destruction of the hair, while not damaging the surrounding tissue. Each follicle in the laser spectrum is processed pointwise. The wavelength is limited, does not penetrate deeper than the skin. In this case, unpleasant sensations, short-term burning, redness are possible.

Advantage photoepilation is a large surface area. The working head combines a radiation complex with a wide spectrum of waves. One flash destroys a large number of hairs. The disadvantage of this procedure is that not all follicles are affected. More procedures are required to achieve perfect skin smoothness.

ELOS Methodwhich combines energy: optical and electromagnetic waves. Infrared waves heat up melanin in the hair structure. The absorption of thermal energy, high temperature, electrical conductivity of the follicle support the process of heating by electromagnetic radiation. At the peak temperature, the follicle is destroyed. This procedure does a great job with very light, fluffy, barely noticeable vegetation. The method is characterized by minimal risks of burns, changes in pigmentation.

Electric hair removal considered one of the most effective. A thin needle is inserted directly into the follicle. An electric current is supplied to the electrode for a fraction of a second. It completely destroys hair and follicles.

Productivity and pain during electrolysis depend primarily on the skill of the cosmetologist. The method copes with any vegetation. But since the effect is point, it is applied in local small areas.

TO bioepilation include the removal of unwanted vegetation with wax or sugar (shugaring). Even after the advent of modern technology, methods remain very popular. Waxing is not recommended for people suffering from varicose veins and rosacea.

This method of fighting for super-smooth skin has been known for a long time. Even in Ancient Egypt, women were worried about the issue of how to get rid of body hair forever, and used hot wax for these purposes.

Today, the method is very popular, due to safety and low cost. The procedure is quite painful, the effect depends on the skill of the cosmetologist. The method does not allow to solve the problem for a long time. Hair grows back after 3-4 weeks.

This type of hair removal has a drawback: when removed against hair growth, a follicle is displaced. New hair makes its way and often meets an obstacle, for example, the duct of the sebaceous gland. Formed inflammation and ingrown hair.

This minus is deprived of shugaring - getting rid of vegetation with the help of sugar paste. It is considered a less painful and safer procedure. The temperature of the paste is comfortable for the body, 37 degrees. Removal occurs gently, according to hair growth without inflammation and complications.

How to get rid of body hair forever: folk remedies

There are many recipes to lighten and reduce hair growth. Milled burnt walnut shell, diluted with a small amount of water, hydrogen peroxide is rubbed several times a day for a month. Hair becomes thinner and brighter, grows more slowly. The same effect can be achieved using a mixture of: 1.5 ml of iodine, 35 ml of medical alcohol, 5 ml of ammonia, 5 ml of castor oil.

These methods do not solve the problem of how to get rid of body hair forever. The ideal result is achieved with bioepilation and trading at home. All methods require skill and patience.

Wax should be applied in the direction of hair growth, and removed with a paper towel in the opposite direction. Compliance with this rule is important, otherwise skin injuries and unremoved hairs are possible.

Sugar paste for shugaring is easy to make on your own. In a metal dish, 10 tablespoons of sugar and four tablespoons of lemon juice should be heated. Depending on the cooking time, a mixture of different consistency is obtained. Recommended for hair and leg hair removal.

Triding is great for removing unwanted vegetation on the body. The thread is tied to a knot and, even with fluffy hair, are captured with neat progressive movements.

How to get rid of body hair forever and not harm yourself

Decisive for solving the problem is the choice of a cosmetology center and a master, compliance with recommendations. The specialist is able to minimize pain and risks. Epilation can not be carried out with inflammation, infections, allergic reactions, rashes, abrasions and cuts. Very neat relationships require hairs on moles.

Pregnancy, serious illnesses, anti-aging laser procedures performed in recent months are serious contraindications for hair removal. Before removing hair in the armpits using the ELOS method, laser or photoepilation, it is advisable to consult a mammologist or endocrinologist.

If a woman is sensitive to pain, you must immediately warn the beautician. The anesthetic gel used before the procedure will help make the process more comfortable. You can not sunbathe for a month before and after laser hair removal. Medications that exacerbate skin sensitivity to solar radiation are prohibited. As well as a visit within a few days after the procedure, baths, saunas and pools.

When performing hair removal at home, injury must be avoided. The skin should be perfectly clean.


Watch the video: Permanent Hair Removal At Home: Hair Removal Tips. Gillette Venus (July 2024).