Vital for the body lecithin: how is it used. The benefits and harms of soya lecithin for the health of children and adults


Lecithin plays an important role in the development of the human body.

Its optimal content in the body ensures uninterrupted performance of protective functions and the ability to regenerate.

When lecithin is deficient, the body begins to age rapidly, is more susceptible to disease and worse to treat.

Lecithin: composition and methods of application

The beneficial properties of lecithin for the body are due to the fact that thanks to it the cells receive a sufficient amount of nutrients that are involved in the cellular processes of absolutely all internal organs.

Lecithin, which is an active nutritional supplement, can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tablets, capsules or a fragrance gel that is intended for children. The composition of such a pharmaceutical preparation includes:

• Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D;

• Folic acid;

• Omega-3 and omega-6;

• Phosphatidylcholine;

• Phosphatidylethanolamine;

• Phosphatidylserine;

• Phosphoric acid;

• Inositol;

• Choline;

• Higher fatty acids;

• Carbohydrates.

It is fair to say that this is far from the complete composition of the drug. Soya lecithin, namely under this name, the drug is widely known, contains auxiliary fats and fatty acids, proteins and amino acids, sugars.

Without resorting to chemicals, healthy lecithin can be obtained with the use of products such as:

• Eggs (yolk);

• Fish roe;

• Meat offal;

• peas;

• Lentils;

• Soya beans;

• Nuts and seeds;

• Cabbage of various grades;

• Vegetable oil.

The human liver is half composed of lecithin. With its normal functioning, she herself is a good producer of it. But over the years, subject to poor ecology, the use of alcohol, unhealthy food and medications, the liver loses this ability. In addition, digestive problems and intestinal slagging minimize the absorption of lecithin from food. Then comes the need for the use of pharmacy soya lecithin.

Lecithin: what are the benefits for the body?

A sufficient level of lecithin is extremely important for the body of any age. Indeed, thanks to him, absolutely all organs and systems remain in a healthy state for as long as possible. In addition, the benefits of lecithin were noted during the treatment of ailments, in the prevention of a number of diseases, and even in getting rid of bad habits:

• Liver restoration - phospholipids restore liver cells, remove excess fat and protect, returning to it the ability to fulfill its natural purpose of purifying blood from harmful toxins;

• Prevention of gallstone disease - lecithin prevents thickening of bile, which reduces the risk of accumulation of solid fat deposits in the gallbladder and bile ducts. If cholelithiasis already takes place, lecithin, along with the main treatment, will accelerate the splitting of stones;

• Prevention of atherosclerosis - lecithin deficiency is a good reason for the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. Transforming into particles rather large for arteries and vessels, cholesterol adheres to their walls, causing obstruction and rupture, as a result. By increasing the level of beneficial lecithin in the body, a person reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Lecithin rapidly breaks down harmful cholesterol and removes it;

• Reducing the risk of heart attack - an essential amino acid for muscle tissue L-carnitine is produced in the body with the participation of lecithin phospholipids. It is endowed with muscle flexibility, strength and energy. This protects the heart muscle from premature weakness;

• Prevention of diabetes mellitus and alleviating the course of an existing disease - the pancreas produces natural insulin, which eliminates the risk of an increase in blood sugar in a healthy person even with excessive consumption of carbohydrates. If diabetes is already present, then lecithin optimizes pancreatic insulin production. This helps reduce the need for drugs that lower blood sugar;

• Protection of the nervous system - with the help of healthy lecithin, myelin is produced, which forms the sheath of nerve fibers. Under the myelin protection, nerves regularly send out impulses. With age, lecithin intake should increase in order to maintain optimal functioning of the nervous system;

• Ensuring good lung function - under the influence of lecithin, surfactants are synthesized, on the basis of which a protective film of pulmonary alveoli is formed. This protects the lungs from toxins, prevents premature aging and reduces the risk of cancer;

• Increased duration of the functioning of the reproductive system - choline and inositol, which are part of lecithin, actively dissolve cholesterol, which is the main component for the production of female and male sex hormones. This prolongs the reproductive age of a person and protects him from genital oncology.

Keeping track of the level of lecithin entering the body is good for the health of someone who wants to get rid of tobacco dependence. The whole secret is that nicotine irritates the same receptors as acetylcholine found in lecithin. With the additional intake of soya lecithin, you can fool the body at the physiological level and defeat the bad habit.

Lecithin: what are the health risks?

Speaking about the dangers of lecithin, it should be remembered that soy is the raw material for its manufacture. And now it should be noted that it happens both as a high-quality natural product and as a genetically modified one. Lecithin from low-quality raw materials can cause unwanted changes in the human body, from allergies to dementia in old age.

Pregnant women should avoid consuming lecithin from genetically modified soy. It is able to disrupt the development of the fetal nervous system and the formation of its brain.

The list of international food additives includes soya lecithin code E322. He is admitted to the production of many food products. When purchasing a ready-made breakfast in a box or a packed cake for tea in the store, you should familiarize yourself with the composition and avoid buying goods with low-quality components.

The harm of high-quality soya lecithin has not been proven. In addition, it should be remembered that the liver is half of it, and the brain is 30%. All organs and systems need healthy lecithin.

Lecithin for children: useful or harmful?

An expectant mother should take care of a sufficient percentage of the lecithin consumed, which is good for her health and for the development of the unborn baby. Already in the womb, it is important for the child to receive all the components that make up lecithin, which will ensure the correct and timely development of all systems of his body and the formation of organs.

In the first year of life, the baby develops motor and motor functions, reaction rate and immunity. During this period of his life, he receives lecithin with breast milk and mixtures.

Further, at the age of three years, soya lecithin, as well as that supplied with food, plays an important role in the emotional stability of the child, in the development of speech and the ability to adequately respond to surrounding stimuli.

The older the child becomes, the more stress he feels on himself. He has to assimilate huge volumes of information every day, correctly perceive it and designate for himself the most important thing that in the future he immediately applies in practice.

Based on phosphatidylcholine found in lecithin and vitamin B5, the amino acid acetylcholine appears in the body. This is the most important neurotransmitter, which makes a person focus on specific tasks and find innovative solutions.

You can question the lack of lecithin, if the child:

• Inattentive;

• Scattered and forgetful;

• Annoying;

• Sleeps poorly;

• Often complains of headaches;

• Has a poor appetite.

In this case, it will not be amiss to visit a pediatrician in order to prescribe them a lecithin that is useful for a growing body with the correct dosage.

The benefits of lecithin in cosmetology

Being a powerful tool that awakens their ability to regenerate in cells, lecithin prevents the appearance of wrinkles, smoothes out existing small wrinkles, and relieves irritation. In combination with vitamins A and E, the use of lecithin for cosmetic purposes is especially useful.

A regenerating mask with lecithin is usually used for aging skin. It is not necessary to buy it in specialized stores. This lecithin mask is easy to make at home. This will require:

• Egg yolk - 2 pcs;

• Glycerin - 6 ml;

• Castor - 25 ml;

• Carbolic acid - 10 ml;

• ammonia alcohol - 5 ml;

• Lemon with zest - 1 pc;

• Pantocrine - 1 tsp;

• Folliculin 5000 units - 1 ampoule.

All ingredients should be gently mixed. In this case, the last four should be introduced into the mixture in the order given at the very end. It is necessary to keep such a mask on your face from 30 to 60 minutes. Then it is removed with a moist warm sponge along the massage lines. The general course of such daily procedures is up to 25 days. In this case, in two weeks the result will be obvious. All kinds of pigment spots bleached, the skin will acquire a fresh healthy look. Tissue cells will restore their natural ability to retain moisture. Excessive oily skin will also cease to be a problem. The mask will regulate the sebaceous glands. Thanks to this, the skin will become dull and clean. When preparing a regenerating face mask with useful lecithin at home, you can be completely sure of the quality of all components.


Watch the video: Is Soy Bad for You? (July 2024).